Monday, May 24, 2010

Joe Francis Allegedly Assaults Pregnant Woman

I would like to think out loud for a second and wonder why, if you are a woman you would ever go to work for an a-hole like Joe Francis. That being said, I do know jobs can be tough to find, but working for that guy, you just know something like this would happen. On Thursday afternoon, Joe Francis is accused of assaulting one of his employees who was using her phone to send an article about Joe's company to the media. Should she have been doing this on company time? Umm, no. Should she have been doing this from work? Umm, hell no.

Joe found out about it, and allegedly took the phone, saw what was written, and came back and physically attacked that female employee and another employee in the accounting department who was visibly pregnant.”

“Other employees came to their aid, including a top company official. Joe then fired all involved employees even if they only viewed the attack. The Santa Monica police were called and took statements.”

If this is true, and judging from the history of Joe towards any woman, why wouldn't it be true, then I would say that lawsuits will be filed and if anything happened to the pregnant woman this weekend like a miscarriage or something, then things would even be worse for the a-hole. God I hate him.


  1. He's a dick! I hope the pregnant woman is okay, and EVERYONE should press charges against his dumb ass.

  2. I hate him too, Enty. He is a VILE human being. I hope the pregnant woman sues his pants off.

  3. What a dumbshit for firing everyone who witnessed it. Now he's really screwed. Waste of oxygen.

  4. Close Kardashian friend.

  5. I am not sure who he is, but I smell a giant lawsuit here. What a creep.

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I liked him better in his prison uniform.

  7. Joe fired everyone who witnessed the attack? Like that's gonna fly. Joe should learn to pull a Hearst, and PAY witnesses.
    I hope he goes to jail and stays. Douchebag.

  8. I guess being bestowed with the title of "Douchebag of the Decade" (via Gawker) isn't enough for Francis. Or he's just ensuring that he keeps said title.

    Also, if I was pregnant and someone assaulted me, my husband would likely ensure that Mr. Francis would be leaving the building on a gurney, if not in a body bag. He truly is repulsive in every way.

  9. Wasn't he on parole as well? So an assault charge would send him right back to prison?

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I wonder what happened to him as a child to make him so awful?

  11. He is a thug. Plain and simple.

  12. Not uncommon. Why do you think Thalia isn't wearing her wedding ring from Tommy Mottola anymore?

  13. @sunnyside he's the creator?/ceo of the girls gone wild franchise and a horrendous excuse for a human being.

    i can't believe how rich he's gotten from abusing and humiliating women. i hope every witness sues the crap out of him and i hope the pregnant woman and her baby are in perfect condition.

  14. Didn't Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox used to stay at his place in Mexico?

  15. You know, if one of these women he's used and abused suddenly had a mental break and went and set his ass on fire, I would just fall down laughing. Seriously, I would.
