Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jesse James On Good Morning America

Good Morning America teased the Nightline appearance of Jesse James tonight with this segment. In the clip, he talks about the Nazi photo. He called it "funny" at the time. Huh? How can that ever be funny? Also, I don't believe him because it seems like a really big coincidence that whats her face is a Nazi lover too. He also talks about Louis and answers the question, "why a black baby?" His answer was that it didn't matter to him what color the baby was. Oh, and they said that tonight he will blame his affairs on his childhood.

Definitely worth 4 minutes of your time.


  1. Tired of this melodrama. Who the f@#& cares anymore. You cheated she left you deal with it.

  2. Cry me a fucking river, Jesse James.

  3. Sorry, but it is all an act to me with his mea culpa routine. Plus this is the Jesse Sandra fell for. Sweet, lovable humble etc.. it is just his act. He isn't a good man, he has demons.

  4. @timebob

    EVERYONE has demons. He's just a DICK!

  5. What happened to Vicky's face. Was it always a little crooked?

  6. I'm so glad you posted this, Enty! I saw it on GMA this morning and couldn't believe the whitewash job he was pulling. Puh-leez, it's his childhood. If you're over the age of 18, you need to start blaming *yourself* for your problems, not how you were raised. Once you're an adult, you are responsible for your own life and how you act. Period. I'm so sick of people pulling the "my poor childhood" routine.

  7. what do you mean, he was just rehearsing for his stage debut: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K08akOt2kuo#t=0m27s

  8. He's a waste of time. I'm not interested.

  9. Meh. Don't care. Won't watch.

  10. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The guy just has no balls to be man enough to face up what he did.

  11. @ Lady J, yes that is true my Demon's name is CHOCOLATE!

  12. Wonder who he will hook up with once he gets a clue. Dude, it's over!!!

  13. He has a whiny little bitch voice.

    Hmmm....and his accent sounds like he's from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Or Minnesota. I wonder?

  14. I hope they are not setting the PR stage for a reconciliation.

  15. My secret fear is that she will forgive him, already is forgiving him, or even knew about it all. That the separation and divorce will all turn out to be for show, to save HER spotless image, because it would ruin her if she stood by him and said "hey I love this nazi fool." Why else would he embark on this ridiculous PR campaign (to pave the road for the ultimate reconciliation of their relationship, if the public forgives him) and why else would he be (allegedly) following her to Austin, where I hear he recently purchased a house near hers.

  16. oh god cheryl, i hope that doesnt happen! i never even though about the possibility until you mentioned it!

  17. Tatum - I was wondering the same thing. It looks as if her one eye doesn't move or blink. It is very distracting. Maybe she had a stroke? Poor thing.

  18. I'm with Cheryl. I think they are laying the groundwork for the future.

    That said, OMFG, HIS VOICE! I guess I never saw his show or saw him on Celebrity Apprentice. If I were him, I'd blame the bad behavior on the stigma of having a such a pussy-ass voice, I might actually have a little sympathy for him.

  19. At this point his image is soo in the crapper some PR person must have told him to start chirping.
    More to bolster his image for that custody case he will sure to be battling with the 2nd ex now that he doesn't look 'so perfect'.

  20. Cheryl, the thing most of my friends keep bringing up is her Nazi grandfather, and the whole persona of her hating that fact, the new baby, as PR. I hear about this at least once a day, LOL. Oh one of them I met in the military, they're German and want her movies pulled from the base shop until she makes a "believable statement". I do think you make a good point.

  21. @Tatum and kimmypie1, Vicky has Bell's palsy.

  22. I don't think I've ever heard his voice before either! Definitely doesn't match the face/bod

    @Cheryl - I really, really, really hope not. Don't do it Sandy!
