For the sake of research, I watched the preview of Kendra Wilkinson's sex tape. I will have you know I suffered through the 47 seconds several times just so I could check for one very important detail. Whether the guy in the tape leaves his socks on. The answer is yes. And because Vivid has combined several sessions into one tape you get to see that her guy must have had very cold feet because he has socks on more than once. In one scene he is wearing black socks and in another he is wearing white socks. I promise I didn't even notice that Kendra would be a really bad dancer at a strip club, that she is very flexible and much more enthusiastic than Kim Kardashian. To see the guy and his socks you can click here. Very, very NSFW but if you are a person who sells socks for a living I guess you could call it market research.
thanks, but i think i will pass.
ReplyDeleteYou know, she's not a very attractive lady. That pic of her makes me think heee haawww. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteMeh. She's making a killing. It'll probably come in handy with the marriage and baby!
ReplyDeleteEnty, I bet you're a "leaves his socks on" kinda guy yourself. But it's not really your fault since it's so hard to reach over your enormous gut to pull them off.
ReplyDeleteWow it's pre-boobjob.
ReplyDeleteShould have left them alone.
But that wouldn't be Playboy mansion
friendly would it?
"What the hell, Dad! It's Shark Week!!"
ReplyDelete@Sue Ellen Mishkey I never found her pretty too but i guess "because she has big boobs she's hot".
ReplyDeleteShe was a playboy bunny and well I would be more shoked and disgusted if there was a tape with Heffner.
Ugh, I can't even look at a photo of her without hearing that idiotic voice or that horrid laugh.
Pass. Do. not. like. Kendra.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know what? I say FUCK Playboy and all the smut media making women think they need big jugs to be attractive.
ReplyDeleteAnd fuck all the men who think women need big, hard jugs to BE attractive.
Her breasts were absolutely perfect before the boob job.
Dumb cunt.
Is it just me? Am I just a prude? But is anyone else disgusted by the fact that making a sex tape and it being featured on relatively mainstream news is now considered a legit way to become a celebrity and to make money from that? I get that there has always been a more seedy side to the porn industry but it had it's own niche - it wasn't part of daily news like it is now. Okay, maybe I'm just conservative (which I really don't think I am) but HOW is any of this teaching young girls to have self respect?? The fact that Kardashian or now Kendra has teenage 'fans' actually skeeves me the f*ck out. Really.
ReplyDeleteSex + Sox = No Way Buddy.
ReplyDeleteNo John, it's not just you. I've been wondering for some time now what the hell is happening to our society.
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the socks...
ReplyDeleteI too will pass.
ReplyDeleteBTW Jess: I don't believe any of Hef's 3 girlfriends (Kendra, Holly & Bridget) were ever bunnies. Bridget did try out twice and didn't make it. Heff did, however, allow them to pose for the covers a time or two, but not in spreads. I got this from the reality show.
John, you're not alone. I miss the days when it took actual talent and hard work to become famous, and that stars kept at it. Now any bimbo can have a sex tape, slap her name on a few products, and get on a bunch of horrible "reality" shows just to get famous. There is no skill involved, no craft, no talent. Like your example: the Kardashians. What do they do that anyone should give a crap about? They don't sing, act, write, aren't athletes, models... the only reason they are famous is because one made a sex tape with a D-List rapper. And I agree, it's disgusting that people, especially impressionable teens, look up to them. The world would be a lot better without the Kardashians and Hiltons and the like in it.
ReplyDeleteAs for Kendra, I can't even look at her without hearing her horrible laugh.
@0, John, and MommaBear: Like me, you remember actual TALENT being involved in becoming famous. Kids today just don't know any better. What scares me is the people they look up to; have standards really sunk so low? I decried my high school/community college education in my younger days, but compared to youngsters today I'm Ivy League. I've gone on about this too many times in this blog to remember how many--if kids graduate high school and can't even find their own country on a map, God help us! As somebody put it here, this is Generation WTF!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, John. I'm tired of people saying things like sex tapes and stripping empower women. IT would be nice to get a count of how many women resort to drugs to get through a day at their "work".
ReplyDeleteI'm with john, Mommabear and Robert.
ReplyDeleteNow, get off my lawn!!
I never found her attractive, but in the video she's almost cute. I think her original teeth don't make her look so much like a donkey.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys. I really am not offended easily and have a fairly bawdy sense of humor (wow, I said bawdy - channeling the 60's here) but this has gotten out of hand. I remember the days when there were actual scandals... now it's "been there, done that, seen it, read it, heard it" and nothing really seems to have a moral impact and people don't seem to be afraid to lose anything anymore because they always get a second (and third and fourth) chance in showbusiness as long as their reality show is pulling ratings. I work in entertainment and the non-actors who get auditions for TV and big budget films is staggering. It really isn't about talent - it's about media recognition and branding. I guess I'm just sick of seeing so many talented people get overlooked for these no talent, dimestore hookers (okay, now I'm REALLY channeling the 60's).
ReplyDeleteSopabox out.
Umm, soapbox even. My indignant fingers slipped on the keys ;-)
ReplyDeletei always thought she was the most attractive of the three, but what is she like 19?
ReplyDelete@Jess - at the same time, maybe I've been reading Jezebel too much, but let's not body-snark. I have big boobs, but i'm not as skinny as her. give us chicks with boobs somethin' to feel good about.