Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Don't Understand What I Am Watching

I have been looking at this live feed for about 30 minutes of BP trying to cover the oil leak in the Gulf Of Mexico but I don't really understand what I am seeing. I will say that it is interesting to stare at something with no sound for a very long time. There is another feed which makes you a little queasy because the water is pushing the camera back and forth.

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  1. I think what you're watching is a company desperate to save their reputation and money.

  2. I think they were going to to a "top kill" or something like that, but don't know what that means. They needed government permission to do it.

  3. per CNN BP has begun the "top kill" procedure of pumping drilling mud into the Gulf oil leak.

    Basically corking the hole like Jack did in Lost.

  4. I kept watching the CNN feed waiting for something to happen. I was hoping Jaws would pop up.

  5. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Have you all seen the t-shirts with the BP logo that say "BP, bringing oil to America's shores"? There are also some with the BP logo gushing black oil out of it.

  6. What the hell is it we're watching? It looks like BP just put a camera out near a train track with a flashing sign with the ocean in the background and said "just let 'em try to say we're not airing the operation, who's to know what the hell they're watching"

  7. I'm just wondering why the hell didn't they do this weeks ago??

  8. Jindal is speaking now. And God knows that man loves to hear himself talk.

  9. What you're watching is a massive pr stunt as BP attempts to salvage their reputation by showing that they're doing something - anything - to try to fix this. Of course, the other oil companies are just as bad if not worse than BP, but no one gives a shit until a disaster happens. (Except Al Gore, who whispers "I told you so" as he cries into his soup.)

  10. Al Gore ain't crying in his soup. He's quite happy & comfortable in his new $9 million mansion that has nine bathrooms & six fireplaces but no solar panels. That is one hell of a carbon footprint, Al.

  11. Why don't they just stuff the CEOs of BP and TransOcean in that hole?

  12. this is actually footage of the oil gushing into the gulf from the leak.
    they are unable to "cork it" because of the depth. any humans would be crushed under the pressure.
    i guess the disney boss (bob iger? i don't know) sent back pictures of the contraptions they're trying to use to clean up the mess, but without being able to cap those pipes, it's going to be a long, long haul.

    i'd put money on it that i know somebody involved in the clean-up on the rig), but i have no way to find out.

  13. That's funny, chopchop. As I'm very fond of saying, 'hypocrisy is the new black.'

  14. Engineers are pumping 50 barrels a minute of heavy drilling 'mud' into valve openings on the damaged, five-story blowout preventer (BOP).

    If the specially produced kill mud "outruns" the pressure of the well and reduces the well pressure to zero, Engineers will begin pumping cement into the hole to entomb the well. They are also pumping debris into the blowout preventer at the top of the well.

    If you see black coming out of the pipe, that's oil. If you see a greyish, brownish color coming out of the pipe, that's drilling mud.

  15. Thank goodness all the safety procedures were followed correctly in Venezuela and their rig collapse didn't kill anyone!
