Thursday, May 27, 2010

Good Luck Tonight - Lets Break Up

So, imagine you are Crystal Bowersox. Well, only imagine you are her if you like really bad hair. I call her hairstyle the hipstermullet. Its all business in the front and an ounce of pot in the back. Anyway, Crystal decided she needed a little sympathy this morning after losing out to Lee DeWyze for the American Idol crown so she got some on Ryan Seacrest. She told the audience that she and her boyfriend broke up on Tuesday morning which was of course the night she had her last performance.

"Big Tony went home. He wasn't cool with the lifestyle. I didn't break up with him.It was a mutual thing. It's cool though, we're both logical, grown adults. He's a small town guy and that's fine, I'm a small town girl, but I want this. I want this more than anything, this career, this lifestyle. I didn't think he was up for it.He didn't think he was up for it. I was a little sad that he did it on performance day, but then again it set that fire to my belly."

I had a fire in my belly last night, but it was totally not love related. It was more of a reaction to Wednesday night leftover night at my house. Every Wednesday my mom empties out the refrigerator and cooks it all up. Sometimes though she misses something the first Wednesday so you don't get it until the second Wednesday. Hence the fire in the belly.


  1. Aw, that's sad for Crystal! She was totally robbed, but recent years have proven that it's better to be runner-up than to actually win the Idol crown.

  2. Bad timing, but right choice. I give the guy a lot of credit. Hollywood isn't for everyone. I, for one, do not understand why anyone would ever want to be famous. Creeps me out. I couldn't handle cameras following me around, everyone wanting to touch me and act like they know me and want to stalk my house and know everything about me. Money's nice and all, but fame? Takes a special kind of person.

  3. I stopped watching when it got to the final 12 guys and girls and she was my favourite but to be honest, I was surprised to see her in the final.

    Good luck to her. Adam Lambert's proven you don't have to win to do well from AI.

  4. Anonymous10:24 AM

    There are actually people in Hwood who have talent and do not seek the fame. They are smart enough to lie low when they can. People should pursue a career in entertainment and not to become famous.

    But I'm glad that he is honest with her.

  5. I don't think anyone in this season is going to have a Carrie or Kelly caliber career. And if I was Crystal I would be brushing my teeth a whole lot more.

    And I think Enty called it the my boyfreind dumped me was just a sympathy play. She seemed like she could care less this whole season and was mortified to have to "perform" on a reality show. And is just trying to curry public favor.

  6. You mean that whole Put The Boyfriend On The Spot On Live National Television To Get Him To Propose thing about a month ago backfired? Wow.

  7. Crystal is a good singer, but I just got tired of her schictk (Janis Joplin wannabe, hippie look, etc). And the face piercings are so 2005. She had the opportunity to get dental work (I hear) and turned it down. That is not a Hollywood makeover, that's called fixing your teeth. Oh, and a shampoo and comb out is not a makeover either. I'm glad Lee won. However, as history shows, not winning does not impede having a musical career. The exposure she and the other got will help open doors and those with the talen and drive will do well.

  8. She looks like she could use a good Karen Silkwood shower scrubbing.
    Followed by a Costo-sized tub of conditioner for her hair.

  9. Follow the timeline: She pushed hard and unabashedly for a wedding proposal one night on the program about a month ago. Then a few weeks later said Lee is her musical crush. And then last night, by which time boyfriend and her have split, Lee said he loves Crystal. I think I see the next headline here.

  10. My heart and former home is in Chicago, so I was glad Lee won. Crystal lives in my current home state of Ohio, and while people here get all depressed when their teams/contestants lose once again, I'm sure she'll do fine. Neither Lee or Crystal will have mega success, but they will hopefully be able to pay the bills and enjoy a life of making music.

    In regards to the announcement she's going to do a press tour now that things are said & done, and maybe she wanted to avoid the questions about her now ex-boyfriend. Maybe. I'm having a horrible day/week/month/year, so I'm trying to be optimistic. :-)

  11. she was by far the most talented contestant this season. lee winning just proves that 13 year old girls with cellphones are the ones who decide who wins this show. they did it last year and they did it again this year.
    she will have a bigger career than lee dewyze.

    and she is NOT a 'wannabe' anyone. she is herself. did people accuse bonnie raitt of imitating janis joplin? no. they were just both women who sang rock/blues.

    i'm done with AI. i've always thought the judges should get a percentage of the final vote. otherwise, it's just one vanilla white boy after another. and don't even get me started on daughtry getting 4th while taylor hicks went on to win.

  12. I agree that the winner doesn't matter. All of the upper contestants got the best exposure they could ever hope for to start a music career. I'm glad Lee won, even if Crystal showed more talent. I can't imagine either of them being as popular five years from now as they are today.

  13. @Tenley. I thought she said Casey was her crush.

  14. Siobhan Magnus was the only participant with any creativity or star power and the little teeny boppers voted her off in sixth place! American Idol is about like your high school's "Most Likely to Succeed" year book selection, and how did that turn out?

  15. Sorry I think 50 y/o Mormons decided who won last year. No way was the Christian Right going to let Adam Lambert win.

    And the real winner is who sells and can tour. Most of the "winners" are barely hanging on to their careers or resigned to shilling themselves on VH1 reality shows.

  16. Am I the only one who didn't like Lee's singing voice? I found him very difficult to understand, like he couldn't pronounce his words. Wasn't crazy about Crystal either. Is the ex-boyfriend the father of her son? I could not figure that out.

  17. @Tenley - you beat me to it. I only saw about four episodes of this season, but one of the ones I DID see had her standing on stage saying she was sure her boyfriend would eventually "do the right thing" by putting a ring on it. He looked terribly uncomfortable, and I don't blame him.

    I gave up on having faith in their voting system when Adam Lambert lost last season. I'm guessing it was the dreadlocks that did Crystal in.

    Side note - anyone else think Paula was wasted off her ass last night? I wasn't even watching - listening from the other room - and she SOUNDED wasted.

  18. I don't usually watch the show, because I don't like to give up that much of my life to one program, but in March we went to TN and my parents watch it. I sat through a couple of shows, and although I wasn't blown over by Crystal, she was my favorite. The rest, I thought SUCKED! Not, "they were aight". THEY SUCKED! HORRIBLE! like bad singers, goofy schticks, weird dancing, weird songs, just nobody that I would ever pay anything to listen to. I was like "If these are the good ones, what the hell did the auditions sound like?" Honestly, I think they need to do NO age limit, and let musical ACTS in. But I guess that is that other show with the Hoff, right? Oh well. Just sad that these people get fame when they clearly suck and so many effin' awesome musicians/singers never make it. Whatev, though. Oh, and I thought that big black guy was Flaming Gay (not that there is anything wrong with that, lol) and then he started talking about his wife. I was like "WHAAAA??" Oh, and he kept licking his lips like LL Cool J.
