Friday, May 28, 2010

Gene Simmons Out Of Trouble To In Trouble

Earlier this week, prosecutors decided not to charge Gene Simmons with assault for an alleged attack against a couple at The Grove shopping mall because there was not enough evidence. However just when Gene thought he could relax, a make up artist is suing the KISS bassist for $500K saying that Gene sexually assaulted her at ESPN Zone when she was doing makeup for the event.

She states in her filing that Gene said he liked her. He then grabbed her and began dry humping her. She told him to stop and that he was hurting her especially since he was wearing his stage outfit. He told her he was not ready to stop yet. Once he was finished dry humping her he said “Aw, That’s better! Now you can go.”

The woman says there were numerous witnesses to the action. She says she has suffered humiliation, shame, embarrassment, anger, anxiety, loss of sleep and depression. I could see Gene doing this for sure.


Anonymous said...

I loathe Gene Simmons. There are very few people in this world I will ever say that about, but he makes the list.

blondegossip said...

He makes my skin crawl.

ThoughtElf said...

He countered with a suit of his own stating that the assault did not happen and that the woman just wanted money.

I always wonder about the timing in cases like this. She alleges this took place last November, so why wait six months to file suit?

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

Story time!!

This lady I used to work with (super old cougar, tanned and leathery, huge mane of hair, the works) ran into him at a bar a few summers ago while he was here for TIFF. She said he totally hit on her, telling her that he liked her, rubbing up against her, and was in the process of trying to meet up with her later when he got pulled away by his keeper. By keeper I mean publicist or something along those lines. She and the other coog that went with her had pics and everything.

I believe it.

/story time

chopchop said...

I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV. But I'm pretty sure filing a lawsuit is not something one does overnight.

And, yes, I can totally see Gene doing this. However, I suspect her feelings of shame & embarrassment stems from simply doing Gene Simmons' makeup AT ESPN ZONE.

ThoughtElf said...

I was never a KISS fan, so I know nothing at all about Gene Simmons other than from tuning in to Family Jewels now & then. Is he really a skeeze?

His whole family seems to comical on their show. I'm admit they make me LOL.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Gene Simmons is an entitled pig. I hope she gets every penny she asks for.

Maharesred said...

I can't believe that anyone would willingly let this beast near them, he is beyond ick nast. This poor woman is going to be scarred for life.

Adventurous Kate said...

I've heard he's the front-runner to replace Simon on American Idol. Maybe not...

jess said...

I agree, he's nasty and just creeps me out and he would totally do that.

__-__=__ said...

Damn you Enty for making me think about his sex tape. Just gross!! He should be banned.

nunaurbiz said...

If somebody "sexually assaults" you, the thing to do is GO TO THE POLICE. It's a criminal act.

You only sue when the cops don't find enough evidence for a criminal case and/or you're just a money-grubbing publicity ho.

Was she being prevented from leaving? If he grabbed her with any force, it would have left bruises. Otherwise, she could have walked away. No, I don't blame victims of sexual assault. But this sounds very flimsy to me and more like she wants attention and money.

lollydarling said...

He's revolting. I was at his book launch in NYC and he was beyond creepy. I completely believe this,

sunnyside1213 said...

I am on the Hate Gene train too.

Amy in MI said...


Gene is all about the money - whatever will make him a buck he is on too. Also he wrote in his autobiography and it's well known that he brags about sleeping with thousands of women, and thats his vice, he never has and never will smoke, or do drugs.

Unknown said...

He is super ick nast, you only have to read his song lyrics, especially the ones written by him, to know he has no regard for women. One that was burned into my brain goes, I'm gonna dance all over your face, meaning his gf? Or any other woman who crosses him.
I used to like his show, his family seems so happy and normal. After the sex tape, I quit watching, he turns my stomach.

Jillian S. said...

I'm sure if you get violated by any kind of public figure there are other things to consider when reporting it/suing- fear of your name going public so everyone who knows you/your family finds out, crazed fans threatening you, random posters on gossip sites accusing you of ulterior motives, it being a celeb you actually like so you think twice about potentially hurting them(see the movie Big Fan), etc..

If a celeb dry humped my leg, I am pretty sure I would not report it to police (I would just report it to Enty), but I may sue if I really needed the money.


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