Friday, May 28, 2010

Gary Coleman On Life Support

After suffering a fall earlier this week at his home in Utah, Gary Coleman is now hooked to life support and is in critical condition. A statement from the hospital said,

"We are saddened to announce that since mid-afternoon, Mountain Time, on May 27, 2010, Mr. Coleman has been unconscious and on life support."

This guy has had such a hard life and I attribute much of it to his parents. It was not Gary's fault they took all his money from Different Strokes leaving him hardly anything to get by. The fact that despite his kidney issues and everything else that has gone against him the guy has never given up. Sure, he has been cranky at times and a pain in the butt at others, but for the most part the guy was always willing to smile, a very hard worker and always took time out for his fans.

I really hope he pulls through this and has a very long life.


  1. Poor Gary can't catch a break. I hope he pulls through.

  2. It is just so sad how bitter and angry he got. His parents raped him financially and how they cracked his trust fund that was protected under child labor laws is just criminal. He was left with about a million after he sued them. But having no education or sound financial advice. He blew it in his twenties partying (hello Lindsay) and hanger ons taking from him.

    To this day the only child star parents that I ever read about doing right by their kids was Rick Schroder he was multi multi millonaire at 18 and still is. And Ron Howard.

  3. Wasnt it because of what his parents did to him financially, that the laws became stricter, i.e. 75% of child's earning must be put in account until the child reaches of age.

  4. Does not sound good =(

  5. I hope so BQ i know Jackie Coogan was the reason it started. This is from imdb bio on Jackie Coogan on how the law started.

    In 1935, his father died and his mother married Arthur Bernstein, who was his business manager. When he wanted the money that he made as a child star in the 1920s, his mother and stepfather refused his request and Jackie filed suit for the approximately $4 million that he had made. Under California law at the time, he had no rights to the money he made as a child, and he was awarded only $126,000 in 1939. Because of the public uproar, the California Legislature passed the Child Actors Bill, also known as the Coogan Act, which would set up a trust fund for any child actor and protect his earnings.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Thoughts and prayers, Gary.

  7. Very sad to hear about this. He's always been a scrappy sort of person and you really can't blame him.

    With the Coogan ACT in place how were Gary's parents able to get their nasty greedy paws on his trust fund?

  8. Wow this is sad. Back when Todd and Dana were having there drug related issues it seemed as if Gary had the best chance at getting ahead in life.

    I hope that he pulls through successfully and has a speedy recovery.

  9. Damn. I can't imagine taking all my child's hard-earned money. But then I can't imagine a child being the sole money-earner either.

    He's been a fighter his entire life. Best wishes to him.

  10. sounds to me like gary's not going to make it. i feel so sorry for him---i always have.

    his whole life has sucked and now this. it's very, very sad.

  11. At least it was pretty fast for him. I don't think he will recover. None of the kids on that show really seemed to have a chance. Very sad indeed.

  12. If he passes and I hope he doesn't. I never would of thought that Mrs. Garrett would of survived past most of the main leads.

  13. I certainly don't wish ill on him, but even with his bad childhood, he's brought a lot of misery upon himself. I've met him and I know lots of people who have worked with him and for such a little guy, he's a BIG DICK.

  14. They're saying he's died.

  15. He has died.
    RIP Gary :*(

  16. this story is sad as hell. yeah he's not always sweet as sugar, but life hasn't been so sweet to him either. you get what you give what you get, sadly.

    i hope he's ok and if he is, he finds some real happiness

  17. Breaks my heart that he had such a troubled life. I hope is finds peace now.

  18. This is very sad. He may have been crabby at times but he had a rough life.

    He's finally found peace.
