Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CBS Is Insane

Yesterday when I talked about how Ghost Whisperer was being canceled despite being number one in its time slot, I figured CBS must have had a good reason. Production costs or Jay Mohr requesting everyone call him Mr. Mohr Cox. Now though, I am fairly certain that CBS has a monkey or possibly a pot bellied pig that is making all of their decisions.

Today at their upfront, CBS announced they were moving Big Bang Theory from its nice safe Monday night home where it can give me great comfort after a first day back at work each week to Thursday where I will have to decide if Big Bang or Community gets relegated to the DVR. Why would they do that? Why would they do this to me? Is it because I think they are disgusting for giving Charlie Sheen $2M a week? Is it because I don't see the point in Big Brother?


  1. That sucks, I totally LOVE Big Bang, Jim Parsons is GENIUS in my mind!

  2. Lol @ Mr. Mohr Cox. Yes, I have the mind of a 12 year old boy.

  3. They ARE disgusting for wasting share holder's money on a drug addicted man whore. They should all be held accountable.

  4. It it ain't broke, then there's plenty of opportunity to tinker with it til it's busted.

  5. Like BBT, but as I said yesterday, I hate the laugh track. It is so loud.

  6. Team Abed! Community is 100x funnier than The Big Bang Theory, and CBS should NOT be rewarded for paying Charlie Sheen more money a week than most of us will see in a couple decades.

  7. Of course CBS is run by a monkey! Why else would they have canceled The Unit, the best TV ever?!

  8. don't feel bad for these guys,they just signed a syndication deal worth squillions. better than friends or seinfeld got.

  9. Melanie, you got that right. The Unit was awesome.

    I really hope 2.5 Men goes down the shitter next season.

  10. SunnySide, have you seen a clip of BBT with the laugh track removed?

  11. I'm still pissed at CBS for canceling Jericho >:P Add that to their being the network that enables Charlie Sheen--and they can kiss my tuckus.

  12. No Syd...I hadn't seen that. Thanks.

  13. I HATE when networks do this! If a show is doing well for you, leave it where it is! If you fuck with the schedule, you're just going to lose your loyal viewers!

  14. Goddamnit! Monday night is my TV night, I could give a shit what happens any other night. Moving BBT is going to mess that up, I'll end up forgetting it's on. Shit.

    I have to differ with Little Miss, while I love Joel McHale, I hate Community and think BBT is 100x better than they are. JMHO.

  15. CBS is quickly becoming the new ABC...say goodbye to the Big Bang Theory after this season.

  16. If you had asked me to choose between Season 2's TBBT and Community, I would have had to say TBBT. But the show is quickly becoming a shadow of its former self. Even though I get NBC free on my OnDemand, I will be watching Community live. I give TBBT two years, tops.

  17. No. BBT and How I Met Your Mother need to be on the same night. 2 1/2 not-that-funny Men does not fit in there. Ugh! I hate life over this even though I watch Community on Hulu anyway. Both shows are really funny and different. I don't want either to get cancelled over this.

  18. 2 1/2 Men is a crappy show and the only funny moments I've caught are Jon Cryer. Charlie Sheen is disgusting and CBS is ridiculous! Big Bang is one of the best shows on TV and I totally agree that Jim Parsons is genius. He's a real actor, not a whore mongering drug-addict who happens to have a famous father.

  19. I don't watch any of these shows. All I know is that David from Roseanne is in it.

  20. While I love BBT, I would definitely choose Community over it.

  21. What is it with networks always thinking they need to fix something that ain't broke?? Whenever a show moves to another night it's almost always a death sentence. Hell, if they believe in Charlie so much, move his ass to another night!

    This is why the majority of my preferred programming comes from cable and pay channels.

  22. Usually moving a show around is the kiss of death. Look what happened to Ugly Betty? I hate when networks do this and they wonder why ratings are down?

  23. I am stunned that CBS would screw with their successful Monday night comedies.

    Big Bang got crazy ratings following 2 1/2 Men. Which is suppose to translate to crazy advertising dollars.

    I never even watched BBT till they moved it following Men. But I can promise I won't be watching it on Thursdays at all.

    That night is already packed full with hour drama's I like. And not worth screwing that up for one 1/2 hour show.

  24. Hold on a sec. That means they are moving their Thursday night block of Survivor/CSI/Mentalist lineup. Hmmm.

  25. OH, audieh_1! I didn't think of that! I don't care about Big Bang Theory or Community, but screwing up the Survivor/CSI/Mentalist lineup? That's a perfect night for me. But, to those who actually like Big Bang Theory, Thursday night after CSI, or before it, is not a bad place for it to be. Guess CBS is trying to get Community off the air?

  26. They're moving Survivor to Wednesdays!!! WTF? CBS Thursdays were perfect just as it was.

  27. I'm not happy about it, but I haven't been happy with this seasons line up, having separated BBT and HIMYM. Having said that, I'll follow my nerds anywhere. See you on Thursday, boys!

  28. New Christine is canceled too?
    What idiots!

  29. I guess if they want to keep their ratings up, BBT is going to have to do a lot more Wil Wheaton stunt casting.

  30. This infuriates me!!!! I hate when networks fuck with a winning night! I love the Monday night line-up - good, mindless comedies. I know Charlie Sheen is a douche, but the rest of the cast is very good. Like Enty says, it's a great way to wind down at the end of a Monday. Even better when I follow it with a Late, Late Show that I DVR'd from Friday. TBBT is good and Community is, too, but I'll be DVRing Community. It sucks and viewership for both shows will decline. CBS executives are idiots.

  31. This is what online viewing was invented for.
