Thursday, May 27, 2010

Brittany Murphy's Half Brother Calls Simon Monjack Insane

Brittany Murphy's half brother, Tony Bertolotti has been making the rounds telling anyone and everyone that Simon Monjack was insane and he wasn't surprised that he ended up dead. The latest outlet being The National Enquirer. What is very interesting is this conspiracy theory that is being advanced by Brittany's half brother and Brittany's father that Simon was basically acting as Brittany Murphy's pimp.

They say that Simon was taking her out of the country to, how shall I put this, entertain men at parties to pay off some of the massive debts he had accumulated prior to meeting Brittany.


  1. =(

    wasn't there a blind item about this?

  2. If I remember correctly there was a BI about the actress forced into marrying an unsavory character because he had some powerful blackmail material over her. We all thought it was BM and SM. So I can see if he was blackmailing her, him forcing her to work the oldest profession.

  3. Ai yi yi. Poor girl. But ya know, if it's true, her brother ought to shut his trap. No one needs to know that.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    And you know, if it's true, why didn't her brother do something about it? Whatever happened to male relatives defending the honor of their female relatives?

  5. Why would her mom go along with it? They all lived in the same house. If that guy was that big of a douche, I would think her mom would kick him out after Brittany died. I know he was a tool but what her ESTRANGED half-brother is saying to questionable tabloids sounds far-fetched. I'm known to be wrong frequently, though.

    Was an autopsy completed for Monjack?

  6. This does sound familiar. There must have been rumours about this before, or was it blind. It's terribly sad nevertheless if it is true.

  7. I don't believe it, but not because I don't see Simon Monjack doing it. If your sister is being pimped out, you'd think that you'd do something about it, regardless of whether or not she's being blackmailed. I bet he is just throwing accusations out there to get money. Who is going to refute him? They're both dead. Nice, making a buck off your half-sister's death.

  8. I don't know, if he has something over Britney, he may have told her to quiet her brother/family down or else! So we don't know if BM told her family a lie or a different story to quiet them down for fear of her blackmail being exposed

  9. Also, what was he supposed to do? Get a gun and shoot Simon Monjack? Go to the National Enquirer when both were still alive, so Brittany could be humiliated and Monjack could sue for libel? If Brittany went along willingly - which she might have done either because of her drug addictions or because she was convinced her pimp 'loved' her, not an uncommon scenario - was a crime even committed?

    Micahel Jackson's loving family wasn't able to save him, so I think it may be an over-estimation to think Brittany Murphy's estranged half-brother could have saved her.

  10. I remember hearing complaints from the Dad's side in the media that they had been completely cut off from Brit when Simon came on the scene. Who's feeding them this sleazy inside story?
    That's a good question.

  11. ...and what does the mom know? Was she a part of this or was she totally unaware?

  12. I don't think Britany had anything to do with her dad way before Simon entered the scene. It sounds like Britnay was raised by her mom alone.

    I'm no fan of Simon but they are dead now just let them rest in peace.

    And yes, I think the brother is just trying to cash in one last time with coming up with crazy stories that can't be proven or unproven.

    And like the others said above. If they cared sooooo much for Britney why didn't they lift a finger to save her before she died.

  13. Yeah....I don't know if I buy this. What I can say is that Brittany (for WHATEVER reason) seemed genuinely in love and adoring of Simon. I think it would be hard to cuddle and smooch someone who was pimping you out.

  14. FWIW, there is a regular poster on Brittany's IMDB board named class_alpha who claimed to have some personal connection to Brittany or her family, and has been telling this blackmail story for three years. I assumed he was crazy.

  15. Montana Marriott - I remember that BI too.

  16. @kk, that poster has frequented this board and I expect him to turn up any minute.

  17. has nobody ever had a relative who was making horrible life choices in their adult life? what did YOU do to stop them? you can voice your fear or disapproval all you want, but people are free to fuck up their lives as they see fit.

    i have no idea if this is true or not but i think brittany had some real bad hangers on---her husband and mother being the 2 worst ones. if her mother continued to live with this creep, that tells me all i need to know about her.

  18. @kk - yeah, he'll be by any moment. And he IS crazy.

  19. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I always kind of believed Class Alpha. I'm just sorry BM died. Does anyone know why she and Ashton broke up back in the day?

  20. Enty ususally reveals the BI when they are no longer a valid blind. Since both parties are dead and there is a similar blind out there, Enty, are they the answer?

  21. I thought she cheated on Ashton..

  22. It's too bad she is still being exploited by her family. Why would you disrespect your sister's memory like that? Assholes.

  23. I agree with you, RocketQueen.

    Let them both be dead in peace.

  24. Class Alpha always was so, so vehement about his (her?) opinions about BM...

  25. I agree with nancer and if you try to intervene the consequences are really nasty.

  26. Wasn't he just on here the other day insinuating this very thing? Its all very, very interesting. And terribly sad, if true.

  27. Yeah, where is class_alpha? (Not that I'm looking for him to show up on this thread...)

    Terribly sad story. Also sad to say, and I know from dealing with my brother, that if people are really far gone into drugs or some crazy person or whatever, they're not going to listen to anyone. You can talk until you're out of breath, and they'll keep doing it until they want to stop and/or get help.

    She was too good for that dirtbag.

  28. That's what Janet and Tito said about Michael. When they tried to intervene he banned them from his house. After the failed intervention they only got a chance to see him when he came to the Mom's house to see her or for a family gathering.


    #2 This trashy B list actress with the marriage from hell has sunk even lower than Paris looking for coke on a floor. What was a bad marriage with a horrible husband has turned into our actress being loaned out by the husband to pay off some debts. The actress has agreed because of the skeletons in her own closet which would ruin her career if they came to light. Well ruin her career for serious films. Wouldn't ruin her career if all she wanted to be was the host of Wild On or something.

    There are reports that Brittany was flown to Moscow a few days before her death (or even the day before her death) to be a celebrity guest (no innuendo) to a party hosted by Mila Jovovich in honor of a Russian oligarch. There was plenty of coke there, she earned a few thousand dollars just to appear and the day after, she was back in LA and it was the end.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. ... Thanks "Em"ty...

    Angela, I sent a handful of those stories to "Em"ty the night before *SKUM* "kicked it". As far as Tony being "late" to respond - guess what- I was the one who TOLD TONY ABOUT THE "RUSSIAN ANGLE". Britt's father is also well-aware of *all this* - we are running an "Em"vestigation of our own at this point - the LAPD and the DA's office will be taking note(s)- Hopefully they are finally getting the *picture* that this is not over 'JUST' bcuz *SKUM* will be *"Em"terred* TOMORROW @ 3PM and (unfortunately) RIGHT NEXT TO Britt's *Grave*...


    ALSO... Britt DID HAVE A RELATIONSHIP w/ Her father Angelo... that is UP UNTIL 2001, after that a "Hollywood Wall" 'WAS" put up between Britt and the Bertolottis... likely "Em"stigated by Sharon. But alas... the Berts still found a way to communicate back AND forth between them and Britt... so they managed to circumvent Her "Mommy DREARest". Oh, Google "Brittany Murphy Dad Mobster" w/o quotes and click the UK Sun link- there on the page is pic which 'WAS' taken "Em" 1999 of Britt and Her father having dinner.

    BTW... Britt DID HAVE numerous and TOTALLY UNNECESSARY *plastic surgeries*... also prompted by Sharon... done to make Britt look less like Her father and half-siblings - talk about "Em"strangem"Em"nt... and those painful surgeries got Britt hooked on painkillers- notably Rx's such as Vicodin and Vicoprofen.

    Note: we DO NOT WANT ANY harm to come to Sharon Kathleen Murphy... we 'JUST' want ANSWERS. We will ALL BE BETTER SERVED if Sharon would 'JUST' COME OUT PUBLICLY and ACKNOWLEDGE *what 'WAS' going on w/ Britt and Her *SKUMmy FAKE "husband"* YES... FAKE "husband"... *it* 'WAS' ALL a RUSE to serve a certain *purpose* which will be "revealed" *soon*...

    ... SO 'NUFF SED.

  33. ... some corrections for you "Em"ty...

    As well as Tony Bertollotti NOT GETTING PAID FOR ANYTHING he's said... he also has NOT BEEN 'TELL'ing everyone and anyone" who'll listen" about this. If anything... I AM the PERSON who is "Em"forming people about this... and whereever I CAN.. and I am doing so FOR NOTHING.

    Also, your Strawman fallacy *usage* of the 'WORD' "conspiracy" in your story line has connotations of all this being a contrived falsehood, but take heed - that notion is in itself false - for "conspiracy" is a LEGAL TERM, of which many people are tried and convicted of different types of "conpiracy". There is enough solid evidence published (as shown previously by Angela) to prove this is a very serious, very real matter... and the sensationalist spin you've given to Tony's quotes do not serve him, myself or the cause to Bring 'JUST'ice for Brittany... in the least...

    ... so 'NUFF SED.

  34. I've always believed Class Alpha.

    I'm guessing the marriage was for Simon's citizenship...?

  35. ... to Brenda Love and ChasingHeaven - Thank you both for having Faith in what I 'WAS' trying to communicate about Britt for years now...

    Obviously I'm not getting any joy or satisfaction from knowing I was right about Britt's *dealings* off-screen... this is beyond distressing - it's like my soul died along w/ Britt's Body. I can't believe Britt had allowed HerSelf to get "Em"volved w/ all *this*... and "all this" had been going on before *SKUM-jack* crawled "Em"to Britt's Life too... possibly as early as 2000/01 when She got "Em"volved w/ *that cRapper CRETIN* and the so-'CALL'ed Hollywood Wall that Her half-brother Jeff Bertolotti mentioned 'JUST' after Britt's SENSELESS Death. lots of *people* "Em" Hollywood were taking advantage of Britt and "Em" *every which way* "Em"aginable... ?:[-----------...

    ... and yes... *SKUM-jack's* "Em"volvement w/ Britt 'WAS definitely *one of* convenience and "opportunity" for *him* ...

  36. ClassAlpha - I respect your loyalty to Brittany and dedication to sharing your message despite the difficulties (understatement, I'm sure) you're up against to do so. It would be very easy to stay quiet and allow her story to never be told and allow the ugliness that has happened to her continue to happen to others. It's admirable you're not satisfied with taking an easy path, I hope you continue your fight and never give up for her. I wish I could have met Brittany and been a friend to her, it sounds like she may have needed another.

  37. Anonymous2:33 AM

    What's with the whole "Em" thing?

  38. thank you, Soph. I would have a much easier time believing this stuff if I didn't feel like I was reading some twisted Ted C blind. Plain English, people!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. OK, I just read the blind (Oct. '07) that Angela linked to. What's all this about fake engagements and Britt being a lesbian? Never heard those before. The rest of it (the drugs) is fact. Where is this stuff coming from? (Claims made by clASS_alpha on that same blind.)

  41. ... it's "classalpha"... no "quotes"...

    ... *this* all started w/ *"Em"*... not that *he* has any "Em"volvement "Em" *all this* ... 'JUST' that Her *DOOMsday clock* began "ticking" ONCE She became "Em"volved with" *him*...

    ... She 'WAS' Bi...

    ... FAKE "Em"GAGEMENTS... YES. Are you kidding me? ASShton & Britt were NOT "Em"gaged - She 'WAS" NOT "Em"gaged to *J.KWATinetz* OR *Joe Macaluso* EITHER... those "pairings" were done strictly for PR PURPOSES "Em" to hide Her *orientation*...

    ... thanks ChasingHeaven...

    ... BTW... here's an'OTHER' *blind item* from "Em"ty that needs to be "revealed"...

  42. classalpha is insane.
    Her half brothers have drunk his cool-aid. They just want to take her mother down too.

    Brittnay had two older half brothers
    (by father) and a half sister
    (by father) who is two years younger. But her mother and father divorced when Brittnay was two.

    Reveal that one classalpha

  43. ... STFU *SKAMp*$$y... ya TROLLING TW@T*...

    ...*U_R 'JUST'_A_MORON WHO* can't even spell Her 'NAME'... *U ILLITERATE "Em"becile". BTW... no one cares WTF *you* "think" about me either... *U 'LOSE'r*...

    ... So Tony, Jeff "Em" Pia are Her Bertolotti half-siblings... AND? POINT? Oh YA... *U HAVE NONE... because *U R "Em" IDIOT* "too"...

    ... so STFU "Em" GTFO... *SKAMTW@T*... So 'NUFF SED.

  44. so in a nutshell you are saying that monjack was blackmailing Brit with a sextape?

  45. ... *that's* what *the Blind It"Em"
    "Em" 'SIN'uates... BTW Katja... read Cyrillic by any "chance"?

  46. The blind says girlfriend. It was posted in early '08. They were married by then.

    I thought her prime blackmail material was her drug use.

    Anyway, I really hope this poor girl is at peace, wherever she is now. Hollywood isn't the place where people like her belonged.

  47. Oh, and here's something I found...sorry, but despite clASSalpha's seemingly new credibility, I can't forget this:

    I have Forgiven You for Your *'S!N's* and Will Always Love You Eternally. I Will See You again when We Meet Our Father YHWH In His Kingdom... and We Will Be Together There Forever...

    Creepy, no?

  48. People write over emotional things when they are.. well over emotional!

    And CA no, I don't read Cyrillic. I can figure out alot of languages but the Baltic ones are uncomprehensible for me.

  49. ... @ *LYING NUTZ TROLL ... U R* obviously NOT a Christian... *ya* God-less *MORONIC KREEP*...

    ... @ chocoholic/Katja... I 'JUST' thought it 'WAS' rather ironic you replied to my post w/ a Russian/Eastern-European 'NAME'... I don't trust th"Em" RUSSKIES.. especially knowing *who* Britt 'WAS" "Em"volved with" when She Passed so I had to point *that* "out" ...
