Thursday, May 13, 2010

13 Year Old Who Performed Lady GaGa On Ellen

Greyson Michael Chance, the 13 year old who covered Lady GaGa was on Ellen and while he was there got a call from Miss GaGa herself. She loved his version and warned him to stay away from girls.


  1. cute kid, he sounds like if Tori Amos & Justin Bieber had a kid.

  2. He's better than that Beaver turd. (Didja see his People cover? Jeebus.)

  3. If American Idol lasts another 3 years he would be a good fit.

  4. What a great story. Did you see how happy this kid was to be on. Cute! I prefer this kid to Bieber any day... or lady Gaga for that matter.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    This is a cute story.

  6. The kid is good.

    I've watched his other videos, and his original songs are quite good, too. You'd never guess they were written by a pre-teen.

    He doesn't control his voice well yet, but the vocal ability is there.
    If he trains his voice (which should be about to change any time now since he is already 13 years old) he might become a really good singer songwriter.

  7. Shmooey, can you explain to me why Bieber's voice hasn't changed since he's 16 now? Ugh, I hate him so much.

  8. "Let's just say I got a few numbers"...*LOL*

    Mooshki, I was wondering the same thing about Bieber. Although I think he's cute.

  9. Mooshki, some boys (and girls) do develop later than average.

    When boys hit puberty, the androgens cause the larynx, the vocal chords and the facial bones to grow larger and consequently the voice to become deeper.

    The voice usually begins to deepen shortly after the penis has finished a phase of rapid growth, between ages of 12-15.
    Usually by 15 the voice has stabilised.

    Not being familiar with this Bieber person, never having heard him sing or speak and just having a couple of photos of him to go by, I would say he does look younger than 16 (I thought he was about 14), so he might be a late bloomer.

  10. How freaken cute is this kid!!

    I love Ellen...

    Proud to say; I've NEVER heard a Beiber song. Couldn't even tell you what he sounds like :)

  11. This kid is the real deal and soooo adorable! I love how Ellen teased the girls who broke his heart and boy are they kicking themselves now. Hope this kid stays sweet.

  12. He's cute but he's doing than damned hair flicking that Beiber does. Annoying!

  13. I love that Gaga gave him a shout out. It really is quite a good song (which he showed), and that boy can PLAY the piana!

    And timebob - your effing avatar never gets old. Seriously. I randomly thought about it last night and laughed.

  14. Schmooey, that makes sense, especially since TMZ pointed out that he showed no interest in his female fans until very recently, and now he's all over them. :) Enjoy puberty, Great Annoying One!
