Friday, April 02, 2010

Your Turn

This week I have been inundated with e-mails from Pepsi. It seems they are having some type of project where they are giving away $20M in grants to people with ideas. Hey, I have lots of ideas. Apparently it is in partnership with which is a pretty cool organization. All the talk about Pepsi though got me to thinking about a question I can't believe I have never asked.

Coke or Pepsi?


Green Wave Gal said...

Diet Coke.

chopchop said...

Diet Coke

Unknown said...
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Carrie L. said...

Pepsi. But Diet Coke isn't a bad 2nd place choice.

Nosey Parker said...


MontanaMarriott said...

Dirt Cherry Coke

Now! said...

Coke 4-ever. The non-U.S. version, with real sugar instead of that gloppy high fructose corn syrup. Love it.

lilbitsolo said...

Pepsi for a regular soda, and Dt. Dr. Pepper for a diet soda.....tastes like the real thing!

audrey said...

I don't drink either of them, nor do I drink diet pop although I used to be a Cokeaholic. Gave it and all soda pop up a few years ago.

Theresa said...

Can't make a decent Cuban Libre with Pepsi, Coke is it!

Mango said...

If I drink a soda it's Diet Coke. Or Fresca. Looooove Fresca. But for the most part I try to stick to water. Or vodka. ;)

ItsAJ said...

Diet Coke FTW

HannahPalindrome said...

Coke Zero

annie cat said...

Fountain Coke. <3

.robert said...

Gave up flavored sugar water 6 years ago, but I was a diet pepsi or diet mountain dew fan.

Paisley said...

Diet Coke. I won't drink any other kind of soda. I also prefer it in a can to a bottle. Tastes different.

Unknown said...

Redbull FTW!


krista said...

coca cola pleeease!

Anonymous said...

Of those two, Coke. But I'd rather have Dr. Pepper or root beer.

warmislandsun said...

diet coke is my life

jess said...

The panic combo!! Diet Coke and some bread ;P

Angie said...

pepsi w/mexican food


coke w/chocolate

JustJenn said...

Coke - although I don't drink it anymore - if I was dying of thirst and my only choices were Coke or Pepsi - I'd choose Coke.

JustJenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kalabee said...

COKE! Real, sugary cake. All the way!

Anonymous said...

I had to give up sodas too. My two-or-three times a year treat to myself is a Pepsi.

sickle said...

Doesn't really matter to me, but I usually buy Coke.

I hate Diet Coke, but Coke Zero is pretty good.

nunaurbiz said...

Diet Coke! I'm on the Team Coke, but while I love Diet Coke, don't like Coca-Cola; I like Pepsi, but don't like Diet Pepsi LOL

IKnowTheSecret said...


IKnowTheSecret said...


MISCH said...


KellyLynn said...

Mt. Dew (I don't like colas.)

lmnop123 said...

Diet Pepsi is the only soda that I drink. I absolutely LOVE all the Diet Pepsi Flavors, Plain, Diet Cherry Pepsi, Diet Vanilla Pepsi etc.

slider1964 said...


jagerlilly said...

Depends on what I'm mixing it with. If it's rum - Coke. If it's milk - Pepsi. :)

looserdude said...

Gawd! Neither! I'd rather have a syphilitic yeti pee in my mouth.

Icecat said...

Well, I only drink soda if it has Jameson's in it,(which is every weekend), and that soda is usually Coke Zero!!

I used to be addicted to Diet Coke, but when I realized how horrible it is for you I quit. Now it tastes like ass to me. Ick.

Coke Zero - FTW :P

Happy Bunny Day Everyone!!

Cindy said...

Coke - Pepsi is too sweet and tastes like laxative when it gets warm..eww

Seachica said...

I live in Atlanta. I think we're legally required to drink only Coke products down here.

pdxbellarocks said...

Neither. If I drink soda which is rarely then its some sort of Sprite which is a Coke product if we're counting here..

PotPourri said...

Pepsi is too weird. Def Coke!

linoge1 said...

Coke is bad...mcay?
I don't drink soda's only mineral water.

Anonymous said...

Pepsi was my thing now it's Zero once in a while.

chihuahuense said...

used to be Coke, but I gave up carbs and sugar for Lent, so Diet Mountain Dew.

Keli Jackson said...


mooshki said...

I am so addicted to Pepsi it isn't even funny. I try to drink it only when I go out to eat or I end up bouncing off the walls. Ah, sugar and caffeine, a lethal combination!

Little Baby Jade said...

Pepsi but I love Cherry Coke.

Majik said...

Everyone who knows me knows with 100% certainty that I will sell myself for Pepsi. I've been hooked on it like crack since I was a teen.

Unknown said...

Diet Pepsi -- tastes sweeter to me than Diet Coke, but I won't turn down a DC if a restaurant only sells Coke products.

I'm OK with the Fred Meyer (store generic brand, 89 cents/2 ltr) diet cola too though, I'm not incredibly picky.

AnaT said...

Coke Zero > Diet Coke > Regular Coke > Cherry Coke > ... > Pepsi.

RJ said...

Diet Pepsi. I love it!! I use to be quite the addict, but I've cut wayyyy back. My husband however, goes through almost a two-liter per day. I buy 6 two-liters a week.

amazonblue said...

I usually drink Diet Pepsi caffeine free and if I'm dying for regular soda it's Coke. Diet Coke isn't sweet enough and too bubbly and regular Pepsi is too sweet.

Go figure.

But nothing in the world fixes an upset tummy like 7UP. Sprite/Slice or anything other knockoffs don't cut it. I always keep that on hand.

Fara_546 said...

Coke if it absolutely has to be between these two... but my heart really belongs to Dr. Pepper...

Meg said...

Trying to cut out soda in my life but definitely COKE (or Diet Coke rather). If a restaurant doesn't offer Coke products I will just drink water, as I think Pepsi tastes like the bottom of a shoe.

KMG852 said...


cheesegrater15 said...

Pepsi. It saved my life when I was in Venezuela. I got really sick and the only thing I could keep down was Pepsi.

skeeball said...

Tab!! it is the best stuff Moxie~there is a soda in Maine called Moxie, it is like drinking cough syrup but enough caffeine to keep you up for 3 days!! got me through college LOL

skeeball said...

Tab!! it is the best stuff Moxie~there is a soda in Maine called Moxie, it is like drinking cough syrup but enough caffeine to keep you up for 3 days!! got me through college LOL

Selock said...

COKE, Forever and always!

ardleighstreet said...

Pepsi. I like the Throwback Pepsi best.

shakey said...

Coke is it!

Melody the First said...

Pepsi Throwback (sugar not hfcs) or Coke.

palealebrew10 said...

diet coke, but i will fondly remember growing up with regular pepsis and playing hide and seek.

but usually i go for diet dr. pepper.

J-Mo said...

coke in a can. one day i should quit. my mum used to be addicted to diet pepsi and when i made her give it up she lost 10 lbs with no other changes in her lifestyle or diet.

.mesh said...


Goodgrief said...

regular coke.

Kim said...

Love Coke Classic. Usually drink diet Coke at home though. Recently bought a bottle of "throwback Pepsi" (the 70s label caught my eye) that had real sugar in it instead of HFCS. Reminded me of my mom and dad and made me smile, so it was worth being a traitor to Coke.

TV said...

diet coke.

Merlin D. Bear said...

I'm from Atlanta.
What do you think?
Coke, of course.
I rarely drink Pepsi, and had a shocking experience going to see the grandbaby last year - when we hit the midwest, Coke wasn't king anymore and I couldn't have my fix because practically noone sold it.

Jerry said...

Since I was born and raised in NYC, there can be only one answer: Dr. Brown's Cream. It's like a genetic compulsion.

Kim said...


Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

DC. Love, love, love, love it. I was going to give it up for Lent, but I knew I couldn't do it, so I didn't. Hate Pepsi, especially DP. Blargh.

Shiny said...

Cherry Coke.

Unknown said...

i prefer diet pepsi or diet dr. pepper

Faith_No_More said...

Pepsi all the way--bottled with a side of funyuns! love the throwback style pepsi that just came out as well

Tia C said...

I am a die hard Coke woman. The original Coca-Cola is the best, there is no substitute. (Oddly, though, I prefer diet Pepsi over diet Coke.)

GladysKravitz said...

Zero coke. It tastes best when it has some Southern Comfort in it.

Wil said...

THE ONE .. THE ONLY .. COCA COLA!! Then .. Now and Forever!!!

Well ... EXCEPT for that brief summer in .. what was it .. 1985?? 1986?? I am getting too old to remember .. I boycotted both Coke - it was the height of the "NEW COKE" nightmare! - and Pepsi and had Mom send me RC 100 from Chicago to me here in Minneapolis. (I was pissed off at Coke for deciding to make a faux Pepsi product instead of the yummy sainted goodness that is Coca Cola and I damn sure wasn't gonna kowtow to drinking the product that ruined my beloved Coke!)

But .. if I am honest with you all .. and you know I always am .. if I am at a place that only serves Pepsi .. I will order Pepsi. ; ) Now I simply must run off to the Fridge and grab me a Coke!!

Melody the First said...

@Wil, remember Coca Cola Classic? lol Now there's only one Coke, as it should be in a just and moral universe.

Anyone know if they're bringing Pepsi Throwback back? It was the Pepsi I grew up with instead of the Pepsi I grew out with (the kind with high fructose corn syrup).

Elle Kaye said...

Coke is it.

Unknown said...

Between the 2 Pepsi
but my soda of choice is Sprite

Maja With a J said...

Coke all the way. I have taken the Pepsi challenge several times and never failed.

caydian said...

"Less Filling!" ...oh wait

"Pepsi, please!"

Anonymous said...

Diet Coke for sure, but if they still made Tab Energy, it would be a close 2nd.


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