When Kirstie Alley was on Ellen yesterday she announced that her 17 year old son is engaged to be married. She didn't make it sound like this was going to be some 5 year engagement kind of thing but that the two teenagers were getting ready to get married very soon. 17 years old? They have been dating a year. I know way back in the day people got married much younger, but what do you think? 17 years old seems way too young to be even talking about getting married, let alone be engaged and getting married.
I don't think people should get married before the age of 30. At 42, I feel like I'm still too young for that! But they're in Hollywood, how seriously do they really take marriage there?
ReplyDeleteSomeone's knocked up!
ReplyDeleteI bet it's a Scientology thing. They need to breed lots of drones.
ReplyDeleteIs the girl pregnant? (Everyone's going to ask that.) I know people who have gotten married early, but few did so without a baby involved.
ReplyDeletedifferent strokes for different folks.
ReplyDeleteGuess we'll be calling her Grandma Kirstie soon. Why else would you allow your 17 year old to get married? And even then, c'mon, what do you figure, a year, tops, and it's over?
ReplyDelete@SueEllen That was my first thought too! -I'm 20 and I think you don't really know what you want out of your life (in terms of living,how to support yourself, etc..) until your 25 or so; Even then people change their expectations a lot!
ReplyDeletecrazy as his mum!
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's too young to marry in anyone's book. I know people used to marry that young - but they also used to marry, hop in a covered wagon and go west and live in a sod house on 160 acres and have nobody else around, and either it worked or you were miserable forever. It doesn't work like that now. I'm old as the hills but still too young to marry (or maybe I'm too old to want to expend all the effort marriage takes). I married at 20 and in no way was I ready for that.
ReplyDeleteI agree the girl is probably pregnant. And why must Kirstie ALWAYS have that smirk going on? I really cannot stand her.
ReplyDeleteI'm in my late 20's and sometimes I'm still not sure what I'm going to be when I grow up. I'm just going to stay in school FOREVER!, so I never have to.
(j/k, sort-of)
It's just the get-out-of-the-house marriage. No worries.
ReplyDelete@ Sue Ellen - hell, I'm pushing 70 and still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I probably should make a decision soon.
ReplyDeleteAre you really almost 70? God, you are so cool cause you read the gossips. My mom has no idea gossips even exist on the internet, she gets her gossip from yahoo:( Needless to say, she has no real clue about the celebs she reads about and has to ask me for the dish.
I hope that didn't come out wrong, I mean it sincerely.
Although I am not married, my boyfriend are everything but the legal papers. We met when I was 19 and I knew he was the 'one'. We are going on 14 years and honestly avoid people that bring up the when are you going to get married question all the time, my partner and I don't need that piece of paper but alot of people do. So I think if He wants to get married it's his decision and Kirstie must be ok with it.
ReplyDeletePregnant or was pregnant, one of the two. Actually, given it's the Scientoloons, maybe he's gay and this is how they're "treating" him. See also; Girl, Tommy & Travolta, John.
ReplyDeleteMy first thought was the Scientology thing also...
ReplyDeleteDitto above, it's gotta be a get me the hell out of here marriage.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching 10 minutes of her show on A&E, Kirstie Alley is a certifable whack job. That kid is running for the hills.
all gonads should be placed in a big freezer and turned over to you when you're about 30 and they've cooled down a little.
ReplyDeleteIt's probably a Scientology money merger. I would be surprised if the bride to be isn't a celeb daughter or from a COS family that's loaded.
ReplyDeleteSue Ellen, I'm in the same boat with my Mum. It drives her crazy if anybody knows something before she does so I bought her a laptop (which she's too nervous to use) just so she could keep up with all the good trashy news. If she makes it to Page Six, she's thrilled.
ReplyDeleteAs far as True's marriage, the first thing I thought of was he's just doing this to get out of the house and/or away from his crazy Mom.
Yup get away from that crazy lady.
ReplyDeleteWonder if Parker is even in the picture anymore.
The kid is probably desperate.
I guess he figures it is the only way he can get out of the house.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he had to give up his room to more of his moms kinkajous. So he just decided to get married and move the hell out.
ReplyDeleteI have an 18 year old daughter who's been dating the same guy for over 2 years. She could have a ring on her finger right now without question. She says only freaks get married in high school and she feels sincerely sorry for them. It's not cool.
ReplyDeleteI'm not knocking the longevity of some young romances. I began dating my husband when I was 18 and he 16, and we are happily married with two kids.
ReplyDeleteBut, we waited 6 years before we got married. Why rush? Unless, they are just trying to get away from their parents and have a lot of sanctioned sex. Those are not good enough reasons to get married, especially when they could just go to the same community college and be roommates-with-benefits on their parents' dime.
Wait? Kirstie has a tv show on now? I smell a bid for ratings.
ReplyDeleteWell, when you're as certifiable as Kirstie, the pie-eating COS poster child, sure your 17 year old getting married is just A-OKAY. It will prolly be a COS wedding with Denny's catering the do.
ReplyDeleteI was such a different person at 17 than I am today (at 50). I can't imagine that a marriage today would last very long for people so young. Too much emotional territory between 17 and even 30.
ReplyDeleteI think its weird, yes, and I'm from the south where the majority of my HS friends got married around this age too. And most of them are divorced and re-married now. Everyone is different....I only know one or two couples that were HS sweethearts and are still together. I am a completely different person now than i was then so I just cannot imagine getting hitched so young.
ReplyDeleteA few comments...
ReplyDeleteThat is one strange family for any of a number of reasons.
I started dating my husband at the end of high school and during the summer he suggested we elope (uh, what?). Well after 5 years and a college degree later, we had a big family wedding. That was nearly 20 years ago and we are still going strong! Age 23 may still be young, but you need to set your adult life in order if you plan to commit to someone. For us, that was finishing school first (while still living with parents), otherwise starting off would have been much harder.
Some people have commented that marriage is just a piece of paper, which is their opinion and that is fine. In my case, it is much more than that. We view it as starting a new family, a deep commitment both spiritual and emotional (not just legal arrangement). You need to marry for the right reasons in the first place, othewise the marriage will be a struggle.
I agree with you, Patty. My husband and I began dating at age 18, got married at age 22 and had our first child in 09. I believe in marriage. I don't know if I believe in it at age 17.
ReplyDeleteAgree with the above that say she's pregnant, or he's gay. Scientology is weird.
ReplyDeleteHe'll get married. He'll be divorced by 22 and life will go on.