Monday, April 26, 2010

Vincent Kartheiser Has No Toilet

I don't know about you, but I generally need to use the bathroom a few times a day. Sure, the people on Hoarders generally make use of whatever part of their house is available at the moment, but the rest of us probably like using a proper bathroom. Well, unless of course you are Vincent Kartheiser. Vincent, who is on Mad Men, recently gave an interview to the UK Observer where he claimed he lived in basically what amounts to a wooden box that has no bathroom.

"I don't have a toilet at the moment. My house is just a wooden box. I mean I am planning to get a toilet at some point. But for now I have to go to the neighbours. I threw it all out."

The reporter obviously wanted to see this for himself so Vincent took him over to his house and sure enough he has no bathroom. How can you go over to your neighbor's house everytime you have to go? What if they aren't there? What if you have company? How do you shower? What are you doing with those Mad Men paychecks? They must not be very much or he spends them on something else because he sometimes sells the free things he gets from companies for being an actor.

"One day, I looked around and thought 'I don't want this stuff, I didn't ask for it'. So I started giving it to friends or charity stores, or if it is still in its box I might sell it for a hundred bucks. I liked it so I didn't stop."


  1. Huh? I don't know this dude but that is one of more bizarre things I've read.

  2. Who knew Pete Campbell was such a freak?

    (Dude is a terrific actor, for what it's worth.)

  3. Some people do get that Ted Kazynski thang where they eschew conveniences. I'm not saying this guy is a schizophrenic like Ted, but some people have enough money and won't part with a dime.
    Sometimes it's caused by former experiences with extreme poverty, like people who lived through the depression.

  4. I know some people who were born dirt poor and are extreme tightwads even after making a name for themselves (Streisand) but not having a bathroom?!?! Not sure about that one!

  5. Well, as long as his neighbors are okay with it, I guess more power to him. I hope he's not pissing away the money he's making (no pun intended) on something nefarious...

  6. Yeah, Montana, that's where it starts verging into the mental illness category. He seemingly doesn't care to shower or wash unless he's working.
    Well, he probably DOES have a sink, so maybe I'm wrong. But there is no way a mentally stable person with enough money would choose not to have a toilet.

  7. Btw, I am ALL for him not being materialistic and giving away the crap he gets. That's my kinda guy.

  8. Every young actor has to go through this right of passage. Act like they are purists.

    Few more years he will be doing lines off Lindsay's ass at Le Deux.

  9. Mental illness.

    Maybe he and Joaquin can be roomies!

  10. are these wooden box-houses in LA? where?
    it may be a joke? even Sean Penn when he lived in a caravan had toilet and bathroom!

  11. either he's doing a great job at bringing on negative attn, or he's mentally unstable. sad either way.

  12. At least get an outhouse for pete's sake!

  13. I kinda like this.

    Getting rid of all your shit (no pun intended) can be VERY liberating. I know, I have done it twice in my life (45 y.o. now).

    We become shackled to our material stuff.

    Getting ready to do another overhaul soon (just not divorce-driven). Just give it all away and say fuck it.

    I also love tent camping, too, so I'm a freak like that...

  14. What Vera Wang said. He does sound like a free-cycler type though.

    Meh ... he's great on the show. I commend him but I don't know how long this will last.

  15. I loved Vince since Angel. Funny he didn't mention it in the article.

  16. Good one, Mooshki.

  17. I've met Vincent at conventions, and he IS quite eccentric.
    He admitted at one Q&A that he just can't relate to others, and gets in trouble with people because of that. Which is a bit sad. He's probably not kidding, either. This is the guy who did an entire autograph session with headphones on, singing along to his music while he signed, so he didn't need to talk to the fans. I've seen many auto session quirks, but that was a first for me.

  18. I didn't think it was even possible in L.A. to have a house with no toilet. And in any case can the guy get any cheaper? Literally forcing your shit on your neighbors? Sicko
