Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This married, almost became an A list actress and who is now a very, very pretty B-/C+ who only does movies, was out eating dinner earlier this week prior to going to an event. As is her custom she made use of the facilities after eating to throw it all up. The problem is that she ended up making a mess all over her multi thousand dollar dress. So, she paid her waitress $500 for the clothes she was wearing and our actress wore a polo and jeans to a black tie event.


  1. Jennifer Connelly, since Enty made a remark about her gaining weight?

  2. Searching for an actress who recently wore this to an event...

  3. who has been photographed wearing a polo and jeans at an event along with a naked waitress in the background?

  4. Weird, but Elizabeth Hurley was my first thought. Probably wrong, but I'll throw it into the mix anyway.

  5. I think Jaime got it right.

    Jennifer Connelly FTW!

  6. what does 'almost became an A list actress' mean?

  7. Not to be mean or anything, but is Jennifer Connelly "very, very pretty'?

  8. Bogus. If this is her 'customary practice', she'd be a neat puker.

  9. Oh Harrier Hellfire, your courage makes it unnecessary for me to ask that pertinent question myself. But I can answer it. No, not by any stretch of the imagination!

  10. I agree with you mygeorgie.

  11. Sometimes barf can have a mind of its own, mygeorgie.

    Maybe the mess was just a small, yet smelly, spot?

    Personally, I would have taken my bulimic ass home before I'd wear jeans and a polo shirt to a red carpet event.

  12. @Harriet Hellfire

    I agree to me she's not "very,very pretty". I also go with Kate Beckinsale and the remark about almost A list could mean a franchise that didn't go as expected "Underworld" but that could also go with "Hulk" (Connelly)

  13. I was thinking Kate Beckinsale or Malin Akerman. They were both doing A LOT of movies there for awhile - now - both not doing so much. Both are beautiful. They are both thin!

  14. Ooh, this blind reminds me I need to tell you all: GO SEE 'DEATH AT A FUNERAL!!!' It's pee-in-your-pants funny!!!

  15. This is why you tuck your napkin at the top of your outfit - to prevent such messes (I kid.)

    Although for a guess I am gonna go with Kristen Bell (being married based off of Enty's previous remarks a few weeks back).

  16. That's on my must see list Mooshki, but it wasn't showing here last yet as of last weekend.

  17. I think J.Connelly is beautiful.
    Check her out in the Roy Orbinson videoclip she did. Gorgeous.

    Kate Beckinsale - meh.

    Anyway, why wear the waitress's clothes? Couldn't she pay someone $500 to drive her quickly home so she could change?

  18. Molly Ringwald? Only because she's married, was in Pretty in Pink and Pretty Horses or something (two prettys, or very very pretty lol). And I'm thinking she might qualify as someone who almost became A list once. Not sure she ever was A list exactly, everything she did was as a Brat Packer instead of solo opening. But really I don't think it's her.

  19. I take that back -- Molly was in only one movie with "pretty" in the title. :)

  20. This is definitely Jessica Alba. None of her recent movies have been hits, and she only does films. She's obviously unhealthy with her eating habits, and she definitely almost became an a-list actress. It says nothing about how much name recognition she has, because she's definitely a-list recognition, b to c-list actress.

  21. @ mygeorgie and becki

    was signing on to post the same thing. A bulimic quickly learns how to neatly puke as well as do it quietly, etc. Take it from someone who's got 10+ years experience with this crap.

    Love enty, blah blah - but something is off with this blind or there's more to the story.

  22. @Em Cue Em: Alba got her start in the popular but unsuccessful TV Series "Dark Angel", so she's got a decent TV pedigree as well.

  23. Jennifer Connelly is very, very pretty and very, very thin. She won an Oscar though and while that might not make her A list now, I would think that she would have been A list at one time and not an "almost became an A list".

    I also agree that it seems strange that someone who routinely throws up their food (presumably due to body image issues) wouldn't make a mess. Unless you are so sick with the flu that you can hardly walk or wasted I think getting it all in the toilet would be pretty easy.

  24. JC used to be a very striking and and healthy girl in the 80's, all natural teeth and nose but eyes could not help but navigate to the chest which was VERY healthy.
    Now with all the excessive weight loss and plastic surgery I don't see the appeal at all.

  25. I know that she used to do tv, but she's done films exclusively since Dark Angel went off the air, which, if you'll remember, was a looooong time ago.

  26. Califblondy, it doesn't open until Friday. I lucked into some tickets for a preview screening. I will definitely pay to see it again - I missed a bunch of it because I was laughing too hard to hear.

  27. @Mooshki

    thanks for the info. definitely on my must see list.

    I don't think its Jennifer Connoly because she won the oscar. she would be a/b list for sure because of it.

  28. i think jennifer connelly is beautiful. really, really beautiful.

    and i don't believe this is her.


  30. If she's an experienced bulimic wearing a big fancy gown and some painful or super-high designer shoes, she could have lost her balance in the stall, or a piece of the dress (like a hanging sleeve) got in the way or something while she was in mid-barf.

    That said, I have no clue who this could be.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Kate Hudson? "Almost A list" = "Almost Famous"?

  33. Kate's not married.

  34. Maybe her inexperience at bulimia shows that she hasn't been doing it too long. Maybe she used to be thin and isn't now (according to Hweird standards) so she's delved into it? Or maybe she's trying to lose baby weight the real wrong way!

  35. I would guess she couldn't go home to change because this must have been in LA where everything is 20-45 minutes away, unlike NYC.

  36. Still thinking that Alba seems like a good choice- note that Enty said that she's NOW only doing movies, not that she didn't come from doing tv. Once Jessica Alba got away from Dark Angel into movies, she never looked back.

    (Enty, one of the ads here's being labeled a Trojan by my antivirus. Obviously, I don't know which one, I just know that this was the only page I had open when I got the warning)

  37. I think I like Jessica Alba for this.

    BTW, has anyone seen her husband recently?

  38. oh, and bulimics are not always skinny. Weird but true.

  39. Jennife Connelly looks like a man now. She was very pretty. I would love this to be Demi Moore. Enty just remarked the other day that she looks really good, & she has been all over the place.

  40. Alba hasn't appeared at any events in jeans and a polo shirt or jeans at all - she's actually been getting more press for her outfits lately from the fashion blogs, so basically, however much you argue she fits the description, she doesn't fit the facts. Search Getty or any of the wires, she hasn't worn jeans to any event she would have worn a dress for.

    If there's any truth to this BI, it should be pretty easy to solve by looking at pictures instead of picking the skinniest actress you think has an eating disorder.

  41. I think the "almost A-list" detail points to Jennifer Connelly. She co-starred with Russell Crowe in Beautiful Mind and has been in other highbrow stuff but it seems like the drive has gone out of her career. Because of her family or whatever, she's still a brilliant, hot-but-way-too-skinny actress who can get good parts but is not an "Above The Title" star in terms of opening a movie like Angie or (still?) Nicole Kidman...

  42. Out of all the guesses, I think Kate Beckinsale fits the best. Very thin and in my opinion prettier then JC or JA...I do find this BI very strange though. Like anyone in HWood would go to an event in a polo & jeans. I think it would be more likely they would cancel, celebrities do it all of the time..

  43. I thought Jennifer Connelly looked quite homely in 'He's Just Not That Into You' but then a day or so later I saw her in 'Little Children' and I thought she was breathtaking. I think like Jennifer Garner, she needs very flattering lighting or it does weird angular stuff to her face. Her eyes are insane. Sometimes they are green and sometimes blue and those big thick black lashes and brows. Very, very pretty... that being said, I don't think this is her. She just seems too smart for this.

  44. thats why you take your clothes off before vomiting. anyone who has done this twice knows that.

    speaking from experience.

  45. chihuahaunese, you are correct. As a recovering Bulimic (have not puked in 12 years), I was never super skinny unless I was restricting calories as well. when I binged/purged, I stayed my weight- just didn't gain any.

    I think Jennifer Connelly is beautiful.

  46. Well she wore jeans to a premier but does she fit the very very pretty????

    Ashley Tisdale

  47. Also in the "Jennifer Connelly is beautiful" club. Even though she married my pretend boyfriend, Paul Bettany.

    Dunno who the puker is, but you'd think there would be pics out there!

  48. What a shame she didn't get to wear the damn dress.

    Mooshki - Was Death at a Funeral as good as the Brit version???

  49. Ashley's not wearing a polo.

    Is Hilary Swank still married? Cos I'd love this to be her - she scares me.

  50. Jennifer Connelly won the Oscar for A Beautiful Mind.

  51. what the hell is up with this site? something is not working right...

  52. Easy one....Betty White due to her upcoming appearance on SNL. She needs to thin down a little. You know all those Snickers bars!

  53. Katherine Heigel? Shes only doing movies now...

  54. how on earth could there not be pictures oif this, if it was a multi thousand dollar dress event?

  55. Heigl only recently left Grey's Anatomy, and her body type looks too curvy and fleshy for someone with an eating disorder.

    I hope it isn't Connelly, but I'm leaning towards her anyway.

  56. Marisa Tomei popped into my head today for some reason, and I thought, wow she kind of fits for this blind. I think everyone, me included, thought she was going to be bigger then she is...

  57. Jennifer Connelly is beautiful. Kate Beckinsale is extremely pretty. There's a big difference people. I think it has to do with accessibility and wide appeal, don't y'all watch Top Model? Kate is beauty ad and Jennifer is interesting.

  58. Z, I think Zoe Saldana is on a train to the A-list right now.
