Thursday, April 01, 2010

Today's Blind Items

This former A list singer. Oh, wait. Well, I guess she is still A list. Yeah, still A list, but more on reputation. Anyway, this singer was at a concert this week. Not actually performing, but just in the audience. Right there in the audience she pulled out a crack pipe and lit it up. No worries at all. Yes, it was dark and other people were smoking other things, but to actually pull out a crack pipe? Problems. She did look like she was enjoying he concert though.


AEB said...

Whitney Houston??

Cecilia00 said...

Just a feeling, but I am wondering if this happened at the Paul McCartney concert in L.A. recently.

RocketQueen said...

Shit. Houston's a good guess.
Liza will be my second guess.

Cheryl said...

Definitely Whitney.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree w/the Whitney guess! She's been a cracked out mess for years!!

MISCH said...


Chick_on_Speed said...

Could also be Amy Winehouse.

FrenchGirl said...

i think also Withney Houston

nunaurbiz said...

Hell to the yes on Whitney!

Susan said...


Crack is whack.

Barton Fink said...

Yikes. How does she control the paranoia? I don't think it's Whitney because her usage pattern involved locking the door to her bathroom and using sex toys. It's hard for an addict not to repeat the same ritual each time. (Sadly, I know this from experience, and from the druggy boyfriends I had when I was young.) I doubt Ms Whitney would want to get high anywhere except in a locked room, by herself.

nancer said...

whitney, fo sho.

chihuahuense said...

damn, sucks to be her.

Jim said...

I don't know why this one said Lauryn Hill to me, but it did. Maybe Erykah Badu.

La Pachuquita said...

I am going to go on a limb and say Mariah Carey...She looks high most of the time anyway...

Linnea said...

houson - who i also think might be the singer who doesnt actually sing...

IKnowTheSecret said...

I am going to trust that Barton Fink is correct and believe that is not Whitney Houston. I have no idea who it is then. It has to be someone who is A-List. Whoever it is... it's sad. Really sad.

chopchop said...


It's just me! said...

Whitney rebounded onto the A-List last year based on career, not reputation. Platinum album, much promo, #1 debut, well-timed interviews and appearances. This blind is about someone who used to be A-List. Plus she is well aware that the gossip rags are watching her every move. Not her.

This reeks of Winehouse. The only thing keeping her name in headlines is the reputation, not so much the career.

car;a said...

its christina aguilerra..
JAY Z concert

and she looks FUCKED up and thin

Barton Fink said... -- some photos of folks at the Jay-Z concert

Katie said...

winehouse only has one album. a successful album, but only one album.

this is someone who can rest on their laurels, a bit.
like whitney. i have not heard much commercial play for her last album, her live performances on award shows have not been great, and her concert reviews have not been great. did she even have a hit off the last album, or were people just happy to hear that whitney was "back"

It's just me! said...

Katie, Whitney didn't have a radio hit off her last album, but she did have something that few artists can claim these days which is a platinum-selling CD. As far as her performances, those can be chalked up to the obvious loss of her voice and not so much the behavior of a current user. Recovering user, yeah, but not current.

Winehouse is still cruising off the buzz of her last album, which is why she fits more in line with this blind. Enty says someone with an A-List reputation is the singer here.

Bella said...

Seems like the writing style changed...Anyone thinking the same thing?

mooshki said...

Once again, Michael K. is full of win:

"For serious though, whoever it was probably smoked up at a Justin Bieber show, because anybody over the age of 3 has to eat crack smoke to get through that mess."

Anonymous said...

How any "star" of any caliber would think they could get by with something like this in this day and age is beyond me.....

Shmooey said...

@La Pachuquita: I am watching Mariah Carey right this moment on a talk show (singing I Want To Know What Love Is!) - she was actually pretty funny during her interview, and she does usually seem a bit intoxicated, but on crack she ain't, for sure.

Anonymous poster said...


You're just imagining things.

Enty is a fraud blog --->>

Pinky said...

Katie said...
winehouse only has one album. a successful album, but only one album.

I can't believe I'm about to defend Amy Winehouse, but here goes. Amy's first album "Frank" from 2003 is actually quiet enjoyable -- I listen to it fairly often.

That said, I still think this blind is about her.

Stacey said...

Not Whitney. She was spotted at the Alicia Keys concert in Atlanta a few nights ago, but she was backstage not in the audience.

Hello it's me... said...

Britney. Bitch.

Anonymous said...

Lauren Hill

Wil said...

Whitney ...

Oh .. and here is perhaps an additional hint about our A list TV star who can't be bothered to work their show any longer for the love of internet porn and cocaine .. Charlie Sheen wants out of "Two and a Half Men"

BlahFrickinBlah said...

The writing on this one does seem off. How did someone not manage to get a pic of this?

Unknown said...

Whitnaaay - Bobbaay - Whitnaay - Bobbaay! Like Kathy Griffiths says it. Whitney for sure.

sunnyside1213 said...


lutefisk said...

I was beaten to it, but I was going to say Christina--she looks like crap. And she is very, very gaunt.

Anonymous said...

Avril was the first one I thought of, but Xtina does look pretty whacked.

Unknown said...

Regarding Whitney, I am just wondering what is wrong with someone locking themselves in the bathroom with their sex toys... just sayin.

Unknown said...

Regarding Whitney, I am just wondering what is wrong with someone locking themselves in the bathroom with their sex toys... just sayin.

Unknown said...

Regarding Whitney, I am just wondering what is wrong with someone locking themselves in the bathroom with their sex toys... just sayin.

flwrgurl said...

paris hilton she was at the Black Eyed peas concert

Jess[ie] said...

just because i strongly dislike her i'll throw this out: asslee simpson, she saw jayz with pete the other night but she is FAR from a-list

Mango said...

Not Mariah. I can't imagine her slumming it in the audience with the common riff raff.

Merlin D. Bear said...

First thought, Whitney.
Then realized that there's absolutely no way she could have pulled a stunt like this off without someone taking a cell phone pic and selling it to the tabs...lets face it, they'd be peeing all over themselves to get ahold of it.
Gotta be Winehouse, unfortunately.
Known crackhead who notoriously doesn't give a shit for what she's seen doing, who she's seen doing, or where she is when she does it.
And if this were in England, she knows that all that'll happen is that she'll get a slap on the wrist because she's a "celebrity".

Anonymous said...

this screams Amy Winehouse. didn't she pull a crackpipe from that octopus weave of hers last year... in the middle of doing a show?

Icecat said...

I'm on the Winehouse train. She did win 5 Grammy's right? She would still be considered A list because of that alone. She hasn't done much since, but she is practically a household name because of her cracked out antics. And, unlike Whitney, she would not care if someone took a picture of her with a crack pipe..

Winehouse FTW!

Serena said...

How 'bout Courtney Love?

Unknown said...

Gotta be Rosemary Clooney.

RJ said...

I like the Xtina guess. She looks horrible lately and hasn't done anything new in years. She fits the clues, and she's usually surrounded by enough giantic goon bodygaurds that she might be out in the crownd. No way Whitney would be out in the crowd with the commoners. Having said all that, I really kind of doubt this story. Everybody has cameras now, where's the picture?

lmnop123 said...

I don't think it's Amy Winehouse because she's already been outed as a drug abuser therefore this would not be a blind anymore than if it were Lindsay, Pete Dougherty, etc.

slider1964 said...

Whitney, pretty stupid thing to do.

telesma said...

Ashlee Simpson is not and never was an A list singer. I can't stand her either, but she doesn't fit this. Xtina does, unfortunately.

David said...

def not whitney..too easy and unfortunately seems like people r just waiting for her to fall off the wagon

winehouse get your shit together!

Wynter said...

I don't think Christina Aguilera has ever fallen off the A list. She's the type of singer to put out quality albums years apart, but her songs are always hits and she always gets press. Also, Christina is known for being extremely vain about her voice and she stays away from throat irritants, cigarettes, ect. I doubt she'd smoke a crack pipe just for that reason.

This screams Winehouse. She's A list by name only now and I'm not sure anyone would be surprised enough by her smoking a crack pipe to bother wasting any film on a picture of her smoking.


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