Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Tiger Cheated With The Girl Next Door - Literally

In case Tiger couldn't get down to Perkins to have sex with the local waitress, all he had to do was pick up the tin can in his window and talk to the girl on the other end who was his 21 year old neighbor. The Enquirer is reporting that when Tiger was home in the house he shared with Elin he had sex one night with his neighbor. Raychel Coudriet (above) recently had some words with Tiger because she thought she was the only one other than his wife who he was having sex with. Uh oh.

According to The Enquirer she feels "shaken and humiliated."


  1. seriously women, I think we as a whole are going downhill. This is what my generation has to offer? The days of strong women are over, and now we have resorted to fame-fucking and sending out press releases.

  2. Amazing how these skanks always think they're "the only one".

  3. If he's cheating on his wife to be with you, chances are you aren't the only one! Ugh!

  4. Note to all of those that Tiger slept with that obviously didn't get the memo yet:

    You weren't the only one.

    Take a deep breath, have a good scream, and chill.

    Now, get over it. Tiger Woods is so last year.

    BTW, Tiger must have been a hell of a good liar to make all of these gullible women think that they were "the only one". Or they just wanted desperately to hear that. Some people hear what they want to hear and filter out the rest.

  5. I'm sure Tiger made them all feel special.

    Or rather what they felt Tiger *might* give them made them feel special.

    But none of them were the only ones. If he only slept with one girl outswide his marriage - she still would not have been the only one, simply because he has a wife.

    I have no idea why and how a woman sleeping with a married man could gain such a sense of self-entitlement.

  6. I'm sorry...I left something out of my last comment.

    SHE feels shaken and humiliated????

    Take what SHE feels, multiply it by about a thousand, and you have Elin Woods.

    I notice she isn't all that concerned about Elin.

  7. "shaken and humiliated". How do you think his WIFE feels? What an idiot.

  8. I'd like to shake and humiliate her.

  9. I have a cure for the humiliation part she's dealing with -- don't tell the Enquirer you slept with a married man, cement head!

  10. God, I agree with the poster that decried how low women have sunk. I weep for a future where girls see success as being a slut for a reality show, or a purveyor of homemade porn - for the purposes of getting a reality show, or robbing drug-addict actors and actresses - and getting a reality show, or crashing a White House function - and guess what? getting a reality show. Or screwing or at least saying you screwed a famous man. God forbid any young girls ever be exposed to any respectable women. Although, I guess Gloria Aldred is a lawyer. Insert tepid cheers here.

  11. Does this girl live in a basement dungeon? She just found out that she wasn't the only one? She should be humiliated that she slept with a married man.

  12. Tiger is pretty disgusting! How many more are there?!

    These whoring about men could try being polygamous - would be refreshing after these monogamous pretences. Crazy that he even manages to hurt women he cheated with because they thought they were the only 'mistress'.

  13. Well if this is true, Tiger is an idiot. Don't they live in a fancy gated community? If she's 21, she's probably his neighbor's daughter. Pissing off the neighborhood could make life difficult for Tiger.

  14. Man...still no claim with an STD?

  15. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I wish all of Tiger's skanks would stop getting so much publicity. These women are not worth it.

  16. Oh how sad, she feels humiliated.

    You sucked on it. Now suck on it.

  17. Like the Easter Bunny says "keep yur paws off other peoples jelly beans" Tiger's jelly beans only belong to Elin. Everybody else stfu.

  18. @RJ~totally agree with you! girls as young as 5 and 6 are walking around with "juicy" on the butts of their sweatpants!! when did that become okay?? Where are the parents that allow this?? it is soo sad!I can't even find decent clothes to buy for my young nieces. It totally bums me out that young girls have no real public role models to aspire to.

  19. the only thing she needs to feel shaken and humiliated about was getting caught fucking on a married dude!

    you were NEVER the only one- he's MARRIED.

  20. in clear, Woods fucked with every idiot women except his wife(too clever?)

  21. I'm also with RJ and chihuahuaense. I want to have children, but am terrified of their role models these days.

    As for THIS bitch, Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I am so SICK of these women acting like THEY were wronged in here somewhere. They shouldn't even be allowed to SPEAK. Instead, they should all have to do a month in an institution re-learning Morals 101 and facts for kindergartners and then MAYBE be released back into society. FUCK!

  22. She wouldn't be so shaken and humiliated if she kept her big mouth shut! Nobody has to know she slept with Tiger except she and Tiger (if he evens remembers since he's slept with so many women). Why go blab it in the Enquirer? How can she face her neighbors anymore? Hopefully the houses are spaced wide apart in her neighborhood.

  23. But, you guys, his wife didn't understaaaaand him! Raychel was the only one he could be himself with! Puke.

  24. Poor Elin...does she get to see her coming and going everyday?

  25. DUMB BITCH! YOU were having sex with a man who was MARRIED to SOMEONE ELSE. Shut the fuck up and move on with your life because NO ONE feels sorry for you. Your ONLY PURPOSE with Tiger was to get him off and then be on your way. He never did nor will he ever GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. I am so tired of HOES not knowing their role.
    I need to write a book on the rules of having an affair. None of these hoes are doing it right.

  26. I read a book once about cheating. A line I will never forget, "Your wife is the one washing your skid marked underwear. Your mistress is the one giving you blow jobs. Don't mix them up."

  27. Lady J said "I need to write a book on the rules of having an affair. None of these hoes are doing it right."

    The woman the chef Gordon Ramsay and a few other celebs cheated with wrote a book like that. It was called "Having An Affair? A Handbook For The Other Woman" She was basically a 'professional mistress'.

  28. She is a joke...shaken and humiliated.
    She knowing slept with a married man..who happens to be her neighbor and shocked she isn't the only on.

    It's like she doesn't even realize she wasn't supposed to be one in the first place.

    If she is a neighbor means she isn't hurting for why did she decide to become a hoe and why now does she decide to open up about the whole affair.

  29. if you're fucking a married man, you give up your right to be indignant about anything, pretty much.

    sorry your little bubble burst, bitch. now grow up and get over it.

  30. "I am so tired of HOES not knowing their role."


  31. All of the above !!

  32. What else is there to say? It really is disgusting.

  33. How did he ever find time to golf. He didn't even have time to keep it in his pants.

  34. Oh honestly, darling, if you feel shaken and humiliated, you shouldn't come out and talk about what's going on.

    Do you feel better now?


    Do you?

    Or did your shaking and your humiliation just increase tenfold?

    Ah. As I thought.

  35. Come on you guys!

    She is simply describing how having sex with Tiger makes you feel!

    If we all think back at those texts (i will beat your ass up, rip it up because i own it, you whore), how can we think its possible NOT to feel shaken and humiliated?


  36. when will these whores shut the fuck up? at this point who cares anymore?

  37. LOL@None of these hoes are doing it right!

  38. ok, if she was THAT shaken & humiliated, she would have kept quiet. I guess she figure she needs to grapb her 15 minutes also.

  39. She may be shaken and humiliated but the nice check she got from blabbing about her affair with a married man should help repair her dignity.

  40. I agree with the posters about these sad, sad women. I can't imagine what kind of future they will have trying to live off the fumes of their one night stands. It isn't something to be proud of, that's for sure.

  41. These women are really sick. Shaken and humiliated, apologize to me on national TV, claim me as your only one. I can't get over that none of these women were ashamed of the fact that they were having an affair with A MARRIED MAN!!! That makes them adulterers too. In some countries they would get stoned to death for being one. So they should be glad that they got out of it without an STD and STFU!!!

    The only person who has a right AT ALL to be shaken and humiliated is Tiger's WIFE! Not some two-bit whore who knew he was married and had sex with him anyway.

  42. She lives next door. She would have known his wife, his kids.

    She should be humiliated... humiliated that she's obviously a complete piece of garbage who's taking space and oxygen that should be reserved for people with an actual soul.
