Out of all the split stories today, Mel Gibson and Oksana announcing they had split was the one that surprised me the least. They are rarely spotted together and he showed no interest in his child. Her singing career sucks and she probably blames Mel. Meanwhile she is probably tired of him calling her sugar tits instead of her name and there have also been all those rumors that Mel wasn't too keen on parting with the cash he adores and is thinking about staying with his wife. Put it all together and they weren't going to make it.
She gave him a kid so she still in the money!
ReplyDeleteThis lasted longer than I thought it would.
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ReplyDeleteHe's thinking about staying with his wife? Does she even want him back?
ReplyDeleteThey're Catholic, divorce is a big no-no, so she might take him back. Might not matter though cause he cheated.
How's he going to explain this to his church?
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ReplyDeleteNot surprising.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize he was still technically married.
ReplyDeleteI don't really understand why the divorce thing is such a big deal in the Catholic Church. My grandmother was excommunicated by the Catholic church after her divorce from her first husband at like 18 who was a drunk and abusive. She still continued to practice as Catholic though all those years later. I never got that.
She'll find another baby daddy soon enough. She already has a kid with Timothy Dalton.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Valerie, I thought that it would be a short (few weeks) affair.
ReplyDeleteCheryl, it's HIS church, his own offshoot of Catholicism. He will find a way to explain.
ReplyDeleteHis colossal ego just astounds me. After he cheated on his wife, showed no respect for the years and many children they had together, had a child with another woman, and he is "thinking about staying with his wife"? It's all about what HE wants. Ugh, he just nauseates me. And to think I used to think he was so good looking and a nice guy.
That's the bad thing about hanging out on these gossip sites, you get to know all the sordid details about everyone, and there is barely a movie you can stomach seeing because of who's in it.
I imagine Robin is feeling pretty smug right now. As she should. Take a hike, Oksana - you were just a piece of ass for an ass.
ReplyDeleteLOL @Syko. I know. My partner asks me all the time, "What's the scoop on so-and-so? What does your lawyer guy say?" and then I have to tell her. Nope, can't see that movie because the GMD is in it and I won't support the COS. Got to turn off the tv, K. Heigl is on it.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I think Modern Family might be ruined because of that blind a few weeks ago. I keep watching Ed O'Neill and then his teenage granddaughter in the show and my stomach heaves. I haven't felt heartless enough to tell my partner yet. I'll wait until July 4 reveals, when I know for sure.
Gladys, we rented "Pursuit of Happyness" and my son kept wanting me to watch it with him and I just could not, and we finally returned it to Netflix after about six weeks without seeing it. Pitiful. It's supposedly a decent movie and he'd been wanting to see it forever, but I can't stand Will Smith or his nepotism.
ReplyDeleteHe was a really good looking guy. But the booze, ciggys, and hate ruined his looks. Now his outside resembles his inside.
when you start your OWN church and make your own rules, you have nothing to explain.
ReplyDeletei wonder who's next on oksana's sperm hit list? she's doing pretty well so far.
Does anyone else think Oksana resembles Octomom?
ReplyDeleteok, I won't go into depth again, but it is not HIS church. He follows the Traditional Latin Mass. It is not something he invented. I was brought up in the Traditional Mass, and they are very strict. I now attend the English mass (Novus Ordo as they call it). However, the same as with any Catholic regarding divorce. No one is ex-communicated simply for getting divorced, but a legal divorce is not recognized by the church. With any Catholic, you are required to go through the church and get your marriage annulled by the church. Most of the time, the marriage is annulled if one party did not enter the marriage expecting to follow the vows (i.e. they cheated, they lied (took birth control when they told the spouse they were willing to have kids), they abused the other person, etc.) Also, it is kind of a process, with witnesses and so forth, so some people don't do it. That's fine, but in the eyes of the church they are still married, so if they LEGALLY get married again, then they are committing adultery.
ReplyDeleteBottom line, is that it is not a cult, it is not Mel Gibson's church (the building is, but not the Church) and they are Catholics who prefer the Church as it was before the Second Vatican Council. That is the short story, but if you want to know more, then look it up.
By the way, that wasn't meant to be rude, I just don't like it when people assume that it is some freakish clan or something.
oh, and not all SSPX Catholics are anti-Semitic. I absolutely am not. However, the priest that confirmed me was that crazy priest that Fr. Williamson that was in the media saying the Holocaust never happened. How embarrassing, to bad him and Mel make the whole group look bad. Oh, the only problem that I have with the church is that they, like many extremists, are very judgmental (IMO) and non-welcoming. I love their reverence for the Church and Communion, but I think that they have lost the meaning and are just saying they are right just to be right anymore. I don't like being told that I am going to hell by my grandmother because I go to English Mass, and personally I don't think that is a holy thing to say to someone. But whatever, that is some church-people for you.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see Oksana I think of her meowing songs she does hahahaha. She is hilarious thinking she is a singer lol. I am very disappointed in Mel. He was always talking how much he is into the church and blah blah blah. He is a hypocrite. Hopefully the wife wouldn't take this asshole back.
ReplyDeleteoh, and now that I am down from my soapbox, I will say "really?? they didn't stay together? Because I really thought they would last!" lol, whatever, he is scum and she is nasty for wanting him, so they really deserve each other. I don't think the she looks like Octo-mom, but her lips have that same "duck billed" look. Maybe that is the unofficial uniform for fame whores.
ReplyDelete@chihuahuense - thank you! I was under the impression that he had started his own offshoot of an established religion. I'm glad you explained it.
ReplyDeleteI understand about the difficulty in obtaining annulments. For years I worked as a facilitator with a weekend self-encounter group for widowed and divorced people which was affiliated with some of the more forward-thinking Catholic churches in the area and, in fact, my best friend was going through the annulment process at that time too. So I hung out with a lot of Catholics and, yes, even some priests, who often would "make the weekend" disguised as divorcees, so that they could experience the emotional aspects of the weekend and know what they were recommending to their parishioners. There are many many steps to the annulment, and none seem really easy.
Looks like his midlife crisis has calmed down.
ReplyDeletelol, now that I re-read my statement I said they aren't a cult in one breath and that they are judgmental and non-welcoming in another. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I meant to say I don't think that their reverence is bad, I just prefer my English Mass. The End. I will let someone else speak and sorry for the hijack.
@chihuahense - thanks for explaining that. My family always went to the Latin Mass and while I never warmed to it and much prefer the English Mass, I've always been interested in the tradition of it. I can, however, attest to the fundamentalism, especially regarding women in the Church. I think my mother's the only woman in her parish who doesn't wear a veil.
ReplyDeleteIn my area there's either the Latin Mass or the super-new, way-too-touchy-feely Catholic Mass. My parents harp on me all the time for not going to Mass anymore but I can't find a happy medium. Le sigh.
no prob Syko. My mom went through the process after my dad WAS DEAD (they had divorced before he died and she was "within the rules" for divorce) and it was hard. Lol@the rules sometimes.
ReplyDeletemargarita, find an OLD catholic church with an OLD priest. That's what I did. Even though it is English Mass, it is not too out there for me.
ReplyDeleteInteresting thread this one's turned into. I'm also Catholic, a cradle one, and attends the Novus Ordo Mass. I love my religion, I just have no love for the current scandal or the fundies. What does any of it have to do with Jesus and His teachings? Not a thing.
ReplyDeleteI've read some real crazy stuff that comes out of these Catholic fundies, and a lot of it is focused on women and "putting them in their place". Wearing pants is the gravest sin, jeans offend purity, headcoverings are a blessing, etc. etc. etc. Again, to me, none of this has anything to do with Jesus, Mary, or the Gospels. It's just blind rule-following that has no love, compassion, or spiritual comfort behind it.
Sorry for getting off track. Fundies of any kind bother me.
@chihuahense - that sounds like the way to go. I'm not much for organized religion lately and hate the current scandals but I do appreciate and respect the tradition of the Church.
ReplyDelete@Lioness70 - one time I wore a very tasteful sleeveless dress to Mass. It was about 80 degrees inside and the middle of summer, I wasn't showing any cleavage, minimal shoulders, etc. You would think I was in a thong and stripper heels. I don't like any kinds of fundamentalism from any religion so it's very off-putting.
yeah, I agree, that type of thing was some of what turned me off. I mean, they say women should wear a veil, because their "hair is their pride and you are going to church for God, not to put on a fashion show" yet I know many many men that are more into their hair then me. When I asked why don't they were a veil, I was told well, if they catch themselves worrying about in church then they should just remind themselves not to worry about it. Hello? and I can't? and if a guy can't control his LUST for a bare shoulder then that is his problem.
ReplyDeletechihuahense, i consider the catholic church a cult, so whatever.
ReplyDeletehe DID build the own church---the church of the holy family---- and it's supposedly the super conservative catholic kind that doesn't even recognize the pope. i don't think it's under any control of the archdiocese either.
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ReplyDelete@nancer, that's fine, different strokes, I don't worry about it because I know religion is something many get hung up on...
ReplyDeleteTHIS IS WHAT I POSTED BEFORE I DID MORE RESEARCH ON MEL'S CHURCH--but I promise you, Mel did not create his own sect, and they are not and never have been ex-communicated. That was a myth and the Pope himself even commented on it. He said that they weren't and that he encourages the Latin Mass to be said.
I see now where you are getting that. I was under the assumption that Mel's church was SSPX because my grandmother sends me all these SSPX books and one of them was written by Fr. Procopio, the priest at Mel's church. Well I guess he is actually not an SSPX priest, he is a different type of traditionalist (I didn't even know there were different types) and they do not recognize the Pope. I was just speaking from my own experience being raised in SSPX, and a big "my bad" :)
BUT I still stand by the fact that Mel did not create that sect. It and/or some other ones like it have been around for decades. He is not that novel.
Mel's wife is not Catholic (Episcopalian, I believe) and his marriage to her was NOT in the Catholic Church.
ReplyDeleteI have to say I don't care which of them ties him down to the railroad track and drives the 4:15 to Alberta up his sorry ass - as long as someone finally does.
ReplyDeleteHe honestly deserves everything he's got coming, and it's my hope that his wife refuses to take him back and takes him to the cleaners, and Oksana gets the rest for child support.
I never appreciated how she set him up (and anyone who believes she didn't plan it out meticulously needs to look around and tell me if they see the pyramids, because they're neck deep in De Nile), however if the end result is that the misogynistic prick gets served up, all the better.
He belonged to Mel-thoicism. Everything's a sin EXCEPT if Mel does it. it's a religion of ONE. If she takes him back his wife is an ASS. In fact, I bet if God Himself could come down from Heaven, HE'D ask her what she was thinking. Oy. Never thought he was attractive.
ReplyDeletethe episcopal church DOES recognize divorce, although i still had to get the bishop's permission to re-marry in the church. robin williams calls us "catholic lite" but i think we are much more separate than that since the seventies.
ReplyDeletei don't go anymore, either, but then, we don't believe god exists in special little houses at special times.
and IIRC, there are several early sects of the catholic church (think of the different monasteries and types of monks. some were kind and loving, others were severe and bizarre). mel was not happy with what was available and went to one of the more severe sects, but i don't know what one, and i don't know the church's history.
i always wondered WHY, if robin wasn't catholic, she followed catholic family traditions?
oh. and color me surprised.