Friday, April 09, 2010

Ted C Blind Item

Looks like Mr. Perfect has flaws, after-all.

Meet Buck Me-Good, one of the hottest studs in Hollywood right now, looks and career-wise.

'Tho he may not be a typical Tinseltown type (Buck prefers downing a few with the buds rather than anything remotely red carpet), this boy has made getting famous look easy over time with hit flicks and a hit personality, to boot.

He's got the arm candy, fab reputation, and a slew of powerful friends.

So what's the problem?

His king of the world ego certainly is getting him into some trouble.

While on a flight quite recently, Buck pulled some Naomi Campbell style 'tude and essentially blurred the lines of sexual harassment with those onboard.

Says a sweetie caught in Buck-Me's crude crossfire:

"He was really drunk and apart from throwing around phrases like 'Do you know who I am?' he hit on all the flight attendants and a passenger, even inviting her to his hotel room."

Hey, at least he's got manners and didn't ask her into the lavatory, right?

We know it's oh-so-wrong of him to ask so brutally, but, let's get real: the propositioned honey was a fool not to say yes to Buck! Yes, folks, he's that dreamy.

But...we quickly lost our horny appetites when our friendly-flyin' source swears Buck was not the guy he once was, pre-success.

"It got so bad, he got kicked off the flight. Fame has gone to this hot guy's head," we're told.

We doubt BD's current girlfriend, who most definitely was still together with Buck at the time of his mile-high club attempt, would be too thrilled about this info. But, then, she's gotta have a little Sandy Bullock in her and at least suspect something's goin' on. Let's hope.

Thing is, Buck's star hasn't even ultimately peaked, if you think about it. We see Oscar for this dude one day. This stud-muffin's career is only going to continue getting hotter, trust.

Oh, and consider this a warning, Bucky. There's still time for a major attitude adjustment or else next time we won't be so kind as to wrap this bad-boy behavior up in a Blind Vice, promise.

We have our eye on you. So feel free to go shirtless more often.

And it Ain't: Chris Pine, Zac Efron, Liam Hemsworth


  1. I thought Sam too. I also thought Gerard Butler for a hot second, but I don't find him that attractive nor do I see an Oscar in his future.

    I'm buyin a ticket for the Sam Worthington train.

  2. that's what i was thinking!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The Avatar actor? The "king of the world ego" might be a connection to James Cameron.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    First thought from the clues was Sam. That said, I don't believe Ted.

  6. Anonymous9:31 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Leonardo Dicaprio?

  8. I don't care whether it's true or not, I'm just glad I guessed someone that other people were thinking. That's a WIN for me. :)

  9. Interesting comment about having a little Sandy Bullock in her and suspecting that something is going on. So I guess Ted knows that SB was at least suspecting/aware of JJ's crap.

    My first thought was Gerard Butler, but he's not "that dreamy".

  10. But Worthington isn't that attractive, certainly not a future Oscar winner, and is shorter than the average man. I don't get it :/

  11. i'm with angie.....LEO -king of the world made me think Titanic...he's always photographed with his "boys" , he only dates models- he has very powerful friends and he will get an oscar soon.

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Except Leo is not hot.

  13. i thought it was dicaprio immediately. and i do think he's hot.

  14. Gotta be Leo. It's screaming Leo and all the clues fit - I can't believe he hasn't won an Oscar yet, but I do believe it'll happen.

  15. this screams hasslehoff

  16. I don;t see Leo in here, because Ted implies this person is relatively newly-successful. Leo's been around for AGES.

  17. @sandman - The Hoff? Will you please share what you're smoking?
    Gotta be Leo.
    "King of the World" & shirtless?
    Future Oscar? Arm candy?
    Too clearly Leo.

  18. hotty mcbeouf...unless he's on the wagon

  19. @Kristin - I disagree. It says "he has made getting famous look easy over time with hit flicks" and then says his "star hasn't even ultimately peaked, if you think about it." Leo's only 34 or 35 (I forget). He's got lots of time to get that Oscar.

  20. My first thought was the guy from Dear John, and then when it said Girlfriend I thought of Sam W. too

  21. Robert Pattinson?

    Taylor Lautner for the shirtless comment (although BI rumors seem to imply he's in the closet).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. West End Girl - I didn't see anywhere that it referred to his height. But honestly, few men in Hollywood are that tall.

    Worthington seems like a great choice- I do remember that the only positive thing people had to say about Terminator Salvation was his acting.

    And so not Shia, whomever guessed it- this makes it seem like they're new to the biz. Shia's grown up in Hollywood. While he's just graduated to the big time, he's bee in it for awhile.

  24. I thought of RPatz but not sure if that really fits...

  25. How about Bradley Cooper?

  26. I'm sad that I don't have any idea who Sam Worthington is.

  27. Leo's had kind of a gut in pictuers lately, so I'm with Lautner. The guy lives to take off his shirt.

    Only other worthy-shirtless guy I can think of is McConoughey (sp).

  28. I don't think it can be Leo. It says that fame has gone to this guy's head, as if that's a new thing. If fame has gone to Leo's head, it would've happened right around Titanic. Nothing has happened recently to make Leo morph into an asshole that he wasn't before. It's gotta be someone newly famous / newly douchebag.

  29. it's Gerard Butler

  30. My first thought was Chris Pine, but I see he's in the "and it's not" group. So, I'm on the Sam Worthington bus. I think Leo is too established for this blind.

  31. Ted published a picture of Leo without his shirt within the last two months saying he looked hot again. I'm just saying. This is so clearly Leo.

  32. I thought at first this might be a relatively new star, but then I re-read it and saw this line:

    "[T]his boy has made getting famous look easy over time with hit flicks and a hit personality, to boot..."

    I'm now agreeing with those who think it's Leo. Yeah, I don't think he's super-hot, but what's to say that Ted doesn't?

  33. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Kellan Lutz.

    Has the Twilight movies and Calvin Klein underwear contract and is always jogging shirtless.

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    oki dont know who this is but i thought i would mention that i too think sam worthington is hot (with or without glasses) and i also think leo dicaprio is hot (but i have thought that since i was a young lass watching growing pains!!) so it could be either! but i just can't imagine SW being that much of an ass (while LD you just know is an asshole!)

  35. Worthington or Dicaprio? James Cameron relation,girlfriend,hot dude,no red carpet guy!
    and as i don't see Sam W win an Oscar soon,i'll say Leo (for Shutter or Inception)

  36. Syko said...
    Except Leo is not hot.

    Thank you. IMO, Leo is overrated in the looks AND talent department.

    I agree with Kellan Lutz, that was my very first thought.

  37. Sam Worthington FTW
