Friday, April 23, 2010

Taylor Momsen Has No Friends Or Pants

Taylor Momsen is in the new issue of Entertainment Weekly. I will say this for Taylor. She knows how to speak bluntly when she wants to and also knows how to spin like the best PR person around. In the interview she basically admits that she doesn't hang out with any of her Gossip Girl cast mates and they probably don't like her and vice versa, but she does it very smoothly.

"I'm not really close with my cast. We're all cordial and nice to each other, but we're not really friends outside of the set."

She also explains why you never see her in pants or very much clothing.

"I don't really like pants, man. I like tights. I'm not really a pants person... I choose not to wear pants."

I choose not to wear pants to, but unfortunately my mother requires that I do so only in the basement and never in front of her house guests. Long story.


  1. Just another skinny blond, one of a million of them in Hollywood. What makes her any different than the 999,999 of the rest of them? She might swallow more, who knows! Can anyone get excited by sticks with hair because I can't.

  2. Really?

    Does this line of reasoning apply to other areas of life?

    "I'm don't really like work, man. I like to steal. I'm not really a work person... I choose not to work."

    "I don't really like reality, man. I like to be off my head. I'm not really a sober person... I choose not to be sober."

    "I don't really like fidelity, man. I like tattooed nazi sluts. I'm not really a faithful person... I choose not to be faithful."

  3. Its just pants,sheesh.

    oh, and Enty, it's too, not to.

  4. At least she's honest. Weird about the pants but whatever floats her boat.

  5. LOL, I want to hear that story, Enty!

    If she survives to adulthood, someday she's going to look back and be horribly embarrassed at what a cliched rebellious teen she is while thinking that she's such a special snowflake.

  6. Oooooh, what a badass. Stick it to the Big Pants establishment, man.

  7. This is stupid.
    She doesn't say she doesn't have any friends.'
    Its just that she isn't bff w/ her co-workers but she does talk to them cordially.
    I see no problem w/ that.
    You don't have to be friends w/ everyone you have contact w/ on a daily basis.
    So she doesn't wear jeans....not the end of the world.

  8. I just have a quick off-topic question: I was reading some older posts from way back, and Enty talked about going out with friends and living in a loft. All I have heard from the year and a half or so since I have been reading, though, is about the basement. When did this change?

  9. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Isn't she the one that made a very similar comment about smoking?

    As for no friends - I have friends, but don't work with them. Just like Taylor, I'm cordial at work, but we don't really socialize outside, other than the annual summer party thing.

    I don't much like this little girl, and I think that pants are probably a requirement outside of the home, but at least she is honest.

  10. chihuahuense, he had to move in with his parents because of his huge alimony payments to his 5 ex-wives. (Or are we on 6 now? I don't remember.)

    But seriously, it's just another part of the Enty Legend. It's all in good fun!

  11. no, I know, and that's why I was apprehensive even saying it, but I was just wondering if it was ever explained. Thanks, Mooshki!

  12. She will surely fad away once the show is cancelled.

  13. The headline made me laugh out loud.

    I get it though, I am no fan of pants either, but I do wear tightr or leggings. Picture my delight when I found tights that look like jeans!!! No jeans fit me. I have strange hips.

  14. Remember when she was sweet Cindy Lou Who in The Grinch movei w/Jim Carrey?

    I thought she waas such a doll then and really enjoyed her. Now not so much. Well not at all really.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sorry, but I just had to ask: Who is that guy in the picture with her, her pimp?

  17. I think it's all an act and she'll outlive us all.

  18. I can see not wanting to wear pants, but can't she put on shorts or a skirt? I don't really want to have to view her garters.

  19. she thinks she's so cool...when you're a teen you think you're a badaas, but in reality your not. I don't find strange that she's doesn't have a real friend on the set, it's a job and sometimes you don't get along.

  20. LOL @ the headline. I cannot fathom someone preferring tights to pants??
    Does she have to wear THOSE tights? She is always so angry. Maybe if she'd wear pants...

  21. I laughed at the headline too -- quite funny. My question is, when did everyone start naming their kids Taylor?

  22. I'm with Mooshki's first comment. It's painful to read how painfully cool and different this girl thinks she is.
    And it doesn't surprise me at all that she doesn't associate with her fellow cast-members - part of that whole too-cool-for-school thing. Apparently the show's going to write her off soon - not sure for how long - but it will be welcomed. Even her character is annoying.
    Good luck getting future jobs with the non-team--player attitude, little J.
