Depending on which math you choose to believe, Suri Cruise is probably about 4 years old. The picture above was taken on Friday. I honestly thought babies were supposed to stop using a bottle at about like 9 months, not 48 months. I know that she is extremely spoiled but at some point isn't it bad for your health or your development to be using a bottle at age 4? I thought it did funny things to your teeth if you kept using a bottle for that long. Plus, if she gets to do what she wants in regards to the bottle, you know that she must be able to do whatever she wants with everything else too.
I'm sure it's full of that freaky sugar water, too. Kid doesn't stand a chance.
ReplyDeleteUnreal! My babies were off the bottle by their first birthday. Not only is it unhealthy, it looks rediculous for a pre-school aged child to be walking around in public with a baby bottle! I'm done with these people. They are as stupid as they are rich and famous!
ReplyDeleteAll kids have their own 'security blanket' and I am not about to judge this. My son was off of the bottle before he even turned one but he stills like to fall asleep in our bed and then we take him to his own. That may not teach him independance just yet but it is what it is. She is all over the world with hundreds of cameras and people shouting in her direction. This is probably her own form of comfort.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that it is time for her to be off the bottle, BUT some parents choose to allow their child to use it sort of like a security blanket. Its not hurting anyone that she is still using the bottle. I am sure she uses a cup as well. I have a friend who's son is in kindegarten and he will suck on a bottle when he gets sleepy at night. To each his own.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't always effect the child's health. I know people who stopped drinking a bottle after they started school (kindergarten and up) and now they are as healthy as the rest of the adults in their environment.
ReplyDeleteIt looks bad and chances are the child is spoiled rotten but physically it doesn't effect their health.
On the other hand a spoiled child becomes a pain in the ass to their loved ones when they're grown and still behaving like a brat.
I am going to talk to Tom tonight and let him know the negative things that are being said. You are all in for a world of hurt.
ReplyDeleteScientology children are allowed to make their own rules. They generally don't have bedtimes and are supposed to make their own choices according to interviews I've heard about child rearing from COS celebs.
ReplyDeleteAre there other photos that show this as an actual baby bottle? This looks like it might be a tall sippy cup.
ReplyDeleteIt is very detrimental to dental health. I don't know how the COS feels about orthodonture, but she's damn sure going to need it. Plus, like kathryn said, it also promotes tooth decay, if there's sugary drinks in the bottle. And, Enty, you are so right. This is absolutely indictative of a larger problem of an absolute lack of parental responsibility and discipline. I pity this kid's future teachers. Or maybe they'll follow the Brangelina route of "homeschooling" or as I like to call it - parent approved illiteracy. And that is no criticism of the thousands of people who homeschool their children. I just don't think the Jolie-Pitt children are being schooled at all.
ReplyDeleteI know several people with small children and several still use the bottle up to about 2 years of age. Not sure about 4 years old but maybe a sippy cup wasn't available.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was in the first grade, a couple of girls would bring their bottles in their lunch bag. the bottles were filled with chocolate milk or pepsi or something, it was ridiculous. I think it's bad for you teeth and later on the child would need braces.
ReplyDeleteMiss: It's a Playtex holder with nipple and drop in system. Definitely a bottle. It's the kind I used. Sippy cups are made differently.
ReplyDeletemy cousins usually used bottle until 6 years when they were tired and now they have great teeths
ReplyDeletethat's not a sippy cup. it's a bottle. enough already. she already HAS a security blanket---she always has that blanket with her. she should've been off the bottle long ago.
ReplyDeleteclearly, suri calls the shots at home.
you want to get rid of the bottle? it disappears one night, never to be seen again. miraculously, she lives!
I thought it looked like a tall sippy cup, but you can see what looks like one of those bottle liners inside, so it's a bottle. I recently got reamed by my doctor for still letting my one year old have a bottle before bedtime. It's supposed to be horrible for their teeth.
ReplyDeleteI'm really sick of this whole family of weird-o's. Can we have a ban?
ReplyDeleteI had both my daughters weaned well before a year of age, but my baby boy got to keep his bottle at bedtime for a l-o-n-g time and I can tell you that it is HORRIBLE for the teeth when they go to sleep sucking a bottle. If you can talk them into just having water in it, okay, but he had milk, and ended up with cavities at the gum line of every tooth, and was making regular dentist visits by the time he was 3.
ReplyDeleteI don't imagine it's really good for Suri's feet to be strolling around in high heels either, though.
great teeths? cool grammar.
ReplyDeleteshe still uses a bottle, draps around blankets AND wears diapers. This kids is seriously fucked up.
ReplyDelete@RJ - there are several articles (one very recent) about the education of the JOlie-Pitt children - they're being educated at a very high level. I think Maddox speaks like four languages and prefers to speak only in French.
ReplyDeleteI'm not normally a fan of these posts, because it brings out the "I'm a better mother than you" types, but in this case, it does seem like Suri's every whim is indulged (remember the ice cream counter crawling?) and I was horrified by the high heels.
ReplyDeleteSuri wears diapers? Are you serious?
Oh and about the bottle I agree if milk or other sugary liquids are in there then her teeth will be f'd up.
does she still REALLY wear diapers? OMFG! THAT is ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteWhat? Diapers? You've GOT to be kidding me!!
ReplyDeleteI do remember the ice cream crawling episode, the kid's face looked like a demon.
ReplyDeleteI was not only horrified by the high heels, but also the makeup. Remember all those little rites of passage as you were growing up? When I was 14 and got my first lipstick and 16 and had my first pair of hose and high heels, those were very exciting occasions. Suri's done them already. I don't feel like a superior mother, I just feel sad for what the kid will be missing out on.
Meanwhile, while she's walking around town in her heels, trying not to smudge her lipstick, Mom is standing by with a blanket and nursing bottle. That's fukced.
who cares......
ReplyDeleteif she wants to drink out of a bottle...so be it.
Her family is rich enough to afford the best dentists.
Seriously, why is it any of our business on how celebrities raise their children.
I thought this was a gossip site.....or is this mommies bitching time.
get real people.
it's called 'gossip', vanessa. it's what we do here. we talk about people we don't know every fucking day. lighten up, for cryin' out loud.
ReplyDeleteHey, what's the big deal? I'm middle-aged and I'm STILL on the bottle!
ReplyDelete@ Lauren...I don't believe "pomme" is a native English speaker--lighten up on the grammar police.
ReplyDeleteYou guys crack me up.
ReplyDeleteAgreed - Pomme is not a native English speaker.
Agreed - some people need to chill - this is a gossip site.
Happy Monday!!!
Robert, you made me smile. We use to have a sippy cup at all of our parties that the first one drunk had to drink out the rest of the night. Kept me from cleaning up a lot of spills. :)
ReplyDeleteVanessa, I don't even have kids, and I think I'm a better mom than most celebrities. Of course, those of us who have chosen to not have children always think we know all about parenting and how to do it correctly. I've told all my friends with kids to tell me to STFU if I ever start tellling them what they should or shouldn't do with their kids. Although a few of them have told me that sometimes it's nice to hear a non-mom point of view. However, they reserve the right to totally ignore me.
However, you don't have to have kids to know that a bottle at 4 is a bad thing.
nancer-you rock!
ReplyDeleteSuri has gone completely feral. Does whatever she wants, dinner in a nightgown, not having her hair brushed, heels, bottles at 4-which is insane. She is really too old for sippy cups at this point. It must suck to be her nanny.
By the look of her dress-up outfits and the ice cream counter climb incident, I just bet little Missy does whatever she damn well pleases.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't imagine having a kid out in public all the time with so many paps taking pictures 24/7. Are Tom and Katie so desperate to stay relevant that they have to pimp out their own kid?
Whether she still shits in her pants 'til she's 20 years old while sucking on a bottle, Tom and Katie should have kept her out of the public eye.
Tom and Nicole certainly didn't have Connor and Bella on display like Suri has been.
It's a Sci thing. If she's using a drop in style bottle, then it's probably filled with that weird Sci formula. What is it? Honey, barley, and water? I can't remember. Leah Remini's kid was also on the bottle until she was at least five. Kids get to make the decisions in a Sci family.
ReplyDeleteoh man, there are a million places i could go with this one. but i won't because she's a child and it's not her fault.
ReplyDeletebut her parents????
i just wish the pics would stop with suri. i don't need to know that much about her - in fact i don't need to know anything at all.
Hey man, the little terror just stopped being carried,what, a year ago? DON'T RUSH HER. SHE IS A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.
ReplyDeleteI'm 50 and I still use a sports bottle. I mean, it's still a bottle ... still the same concept.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm worried.
Laura D., you made me laugh!
ReplyDeleteThe great thing about having kids is they come with instructions now. There are hundreds of books to choose from and I'm sure Katie has never picked up one of them.
ReplyDeleteI am a horrible parent, by the way, but at least I read the books and then chose to ignore everything they taught me.
RJ - RE: Or maybe they'll follow the Brangelina route of "homeschooling" or as I like to call it - parent approved illiteracy.
ReplyDeleteI am laughing loudly. Thank you!
When is Katie going to learn some common sense: put warm clothes and a jacket on your child when it's cold, don't let your child wear high heels all day, and take the bottle away from a 4 year old. I wonder in what other ways they indulge this child? When she's a tween, will they let her do drugs in front of them if she wants? Sleep around with every guy? The kid has zero boundaries. All things taken together, Katie looks like the worst mother on the planet, and this kid (who barely seems to smile, so she can't be having that great a time) looks spoiled rotten to the core.
ReplyDeleteUnless this is Katiebot's way of acting out? Surely the contract's up soon?
ReplyDeleteI'm so fed of them all, even as a devoted Dawson's fan, there's just no need and to be perfectly frank, neither of the "parents" are good enough actors to warrant this much attention.
Can we get a ban please, Enty? At least until TommyGirl finally breaks with reality fully or Katiebot gets a clue and leaves, money or no money.
Well there are probably a million things that are wrong with the whole Katie/Tom/Suri parenting scenario, LOL. No one is perfect of course, but they seem to be setting a record for eye brow raising parenting.
ReplyDeleteWhat I notice the most is the contrast between her not being off the bottle and how she is decked out like a little adult fashionista right down to miniature heels. This kid is going to think she's a nobody unless she is making a fashion statement. Makes my head hurt to even think about how messed up she probably is, poor thing!
Aren't they friends with Leah Remini? She went on Oprah when her little girl was about that age. The little girl was already overweight, still got a bottle, and wet the bed every single night. Another member of CO$.
ReplyDeletei got to say though - she is a really pretty girl - i just can't get over those eyes - josh hartnett all the way
ReplyDeletebut imagine those looks and the attitude - we thought paris hilton was bad - i am looking forward to suri's teenage years! (especially when she goes really off the rails after the dna test!)
She still wears a diaper?!? With those designer outfits and high heels?!? Insanity.
ReplyDeleteThere's a fine line between making the kid comfortable and giving into the kid. But here's crazy: My husband's sister's kid is still allowed to suck on a pacifier. This wouldn't be a big deal IF the kid wasn't in 3rd grade.
I made my oldest and youngest give up the pacis by the time they were 3 and in preschool. They still creep into my bed, which people cluck-cluck about, but it's nowhere near as bad as allowing pacis and bottles past preschool age.
I'm sure by the time she's 20 she'll be out of diapers and sucking on beer bottles.
ReplyDeleteHowever, what about kindergarten? It's coming. Teachers teach, they don't change diapers. Oh, that's right, she'll go to $ci school and learn absolutely nothing, and of course she won't do the whole child slave labour thing because she's special.
The only time I can think of that I let one of my kiddos use a bottle after 2... I think one had a really high fever and we were just trying to push the liquids.
ReplyDeleteIMO Suri looks like she could be a smart child, but sadly I think Katiebot and the GMD have ruined this child.
It's so weird that the $cientos control every aspect of the adults' lives but the kids can do whatever they want.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I AM a better mom than Katie. It'd be pretty hard not to.
Are you sure that's really a baby bottle and not like a Camelback type water bottle?
ReplyDeleteIt's def. a bottle. Very weird but at least she is not breast feeding (we hope) as I have heard some weirdo-whack mothers let their children do to a very unreasonable age. ICK NAST.