Thursday, April 29, 2010

Someone Hired Miley Cyrus For A New Movie?

Apparently the people who are doing the casting for LOL didn't watch The Last Song. Apparently they never read a review of it either. I say this because as she walked the red carpet for the premiere of Last Song, she kept reminding people that she would be co-starring with Demi Moore in the remake of the French movie with the same title.

I had heard about this a couple weeks ago, but that was before all the reviews had started to come in with this movie. I was hoping they would change their mind and cast someone who could actually act and would bring some kind of depth to the character. Make no mistake, although Demi Moore will be top billed, much like Sophie Marceau was in the French version, the movie's title and star is Lola which is shortened to LOL. Miley calls the role edgy, and I think in the French version, Lola had a sex scene with nudity. I somehow don't think Miley will be doing that as much as she wants to.


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