Friday, April 30, 2010

Some Jail Time Would Be Good For Lindsay - But She Won't Go

Lindsay Lohan is set to appear in front of her judge on May 20. At the progress report, the judge will want to know if Lindsay has been going to alcohol school once every 7 days like the judge ordered. The answer is no. According to TMZ, Lindsay has been going once every 21 days. This is what I don't get. She is supposed to be going to an alcohol education thing once a week. I don't care if she has been going every day, it obviously isn't working. She goes out every night drinking.

Anyway, TMZ is convinced the judge will throw her in jail. I disagree. I think that faced with the choice of jail or rehab, Lindsay will choose rehab. She will go to rehab somewhere and drink and do her drugs there for a few weeks. Then she will come out and get another year worth of free passes until she has to do it again. The only way Lindsay is going to jail is if she commits another crime. Yes, the judge said Lindsay would go to jail if she didn't go to school, but I don't believe the threat.


  1. The justice system is the only thing that can save Lindsay at this point. Lock her up, dry her out and maybe she won't die.

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I don't believe it either. She has already gotten by with enough stuff to put a normal person behind bars for quite a long time. And even if she does go to jail, it'll be in a private cell for about 45 minutes and then she'll be released.


  4. Lindsay looks like she smells like skunk cabbage

  5. She will have to kill someone or kill herself before this all ends. If Judge has guts, he/she will immediately put her into custody, no rehab. Jail might sober her up fast but she would need a decent stint (more than a couple of days) for it to make an impact.

  6. I agree that if she's not locked up. she'll die.

    I wish they could get a 5150 on her, no Michael Lohan involved, strap her down and dry her out for as long as it takes.
    Then she needs to move to the Yukon, b/c I'm tired of her stank.

  7. On a related note: doesn't Nana give a crap that her grandaughter is an alcoholic drug fiend? My grandma would have slapped my mom in the face, and then taken her to court for guardianship. And that is the truth.

  8. Whenever I drive by big car smashes on the freeway (you generally have a lot of time to think because the traffic goes nowhere), I think of Nicole Richie, who was incredibly lucky not to have killed someone driving down the freeway the wrong way while under the influence. It appears she woke up and smelled the coffee because her life seems together these days and I wish more of these young party girls would take her lead. The only good thing I can see is that Lindsay doesn't seem to drive herself. She usually has a driver when she comes out of the clubs wasted. It even seems like Paris disappeared somewhat after her jail stint (although I've seen her creeping back into the tabloids again recently *shudder*).

    I remember how at 21, Lindsay was on top of the world with everyone looking to throw her a party (I think she had like 6 right?) and now, the most people want to throw her is a lifeline... what a confusing spiral.

  9. not to nitpick Enty, but we BOTH said the same thing about Paris Hilton.

    dear lord i would PAY to see this delusional crackhead go get some help.

  10. I'm repeating myself from yesterday, but since Lindsay won't go away it's worth repeating: I'm sick of her. I'm sick of this story. She doesn't want to change. She doesn't want to stop using. She doesn't have anything to offer, and I for one have let go of any positive emotion I had regarding the once-beautiful actress. She's over. Oh Vee Are. Over. Let's move on and not mourn. She did this to herself. Sad, yes, but not that sad. Thousands of other people are doing the same thing to themselves as we speak -- let's focus on addicts who want to get better.

  11. Numerous trips to rehab have not worked. Probation, community service, classes have not worked.

    How anyone can deny that Blohan needs to be locked up for a while is beyond my comprehension. What's it going to take, her death or the death of another person at her hands? She needs to be held accountable for her bullshit already. She's not a kid anymore- she's a twentysomething adult. There is no excuse for her childish, selfish, and destructive behavior.

  12. It seemed to work for Robert Downey, Jr., so maybe the justice system should incarcerate those who cannot and will not help themselves.

    I hope RDJ is still clean.

  13. The judge needs to be fair, a non hollywood person would go to jail.

  14. I don't know that she would be better being locked up. Wouldn't that just strengthen her persecution complex? Lock her up because she's committed a crime, but let's not dream she'll ever come out of this disease alive and intact. It's too late. (Goodness I'm tired of her.)

  15. Samantha Ronson should have had her charged with assault after she turfed a glass at her = violating probation - THEN she might've done jail time....and then been forced to rehab...a real one not a vacation one.


    JAIL. she needs to go to jail. but since she's on the celebrity track in california, which is totally different from the track for regular folks, she won't.

    like chris rock says, if OJ had been orenthal, the bus driver, does anyone really believe he would've gotten away with double homicide?

  17. @Barton Fink - I couldn't agree with you more. She's had WAY too many chances. What is she on 3 rehab stints? A *non-celeb* trying to get clean would probably be very grateful to have 1 in the nice luxury places she's been.

    Fuck Her!

    Nobody can help her but herself. She is in complete denial, just like White Oprah..She has to *want* to get clean...

    Although, I would love to see her do some time in the chokey :)

  18. @Icecat, in the words of Smokey Robinson, I second that emotion.

  19. I don't understand how these judges who give celebrities a free pass all the time instead of throwing them into a prison cell right from the beginning are going to justify their actions to other people who do the same thing or even misdemeanors that aren't as bad and have to go to jail for it?
    If I would live in that city and would be caught DUI and had to go to jail I certainly would ask them 'And why the f*ck isn't Lindsay Lohan in the clink yet?'

    Isn't there a way to sue these judges themselves for making biased decisions? This can't be legal, can it?

  20. This judge better feel like shit when Lindsay dies. Seriously. Piss tests once a week. Fail? Jail.
    We're all in agreement here. This girl needs time SOMEWHERE. I still doubt that will fix her. I think at this point she's self-medicating the loss of her career and friends.
    Stories about her still interest/entertain me, but the girl is a lost cause.

  21. This is reason #5582 that I hate LA. There is a totally different system of justice for the rich and the poor and no pretense of justice if you are a celebrity.
    At this point, I won't mourn when Lindsey dies. She's had a million chances and she's blown them all. Hopefully, she'll have blown through all of her money so her shitty parents can't cash in on her death.

  22. How old is this creature? She looks like a 40 something.

  23. TMZ has updated with the actual court papers. Seems pretty clear to me that she is in violation.

    Maybe the judge will pull a Courtney Love or Jessice Sierra on her and demand a lengthy lockdown rehab. Might work.

  24. History proves incarceration doesn't help addicts. Her "rehab" attempts are just that. She's not going to real rehabs with any real intention of recovering. Jailing her may stop her drugging for as long as she's locked up, but she will get released and continue her self-destructive behavior until she either decides to fight her addiction(s) or dies.

    Them's the facts.

    Personally, I say don't waste taxpayers' dollars on her. Do you guys paying taxes in California really want to pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars each day to lock her up when it isn't going to change anything? I wouldn't.

  25. nunaurbiz, i don't live in CA, but YES, i want her locked up for one simple reason:

    she violated the terms of her probation.

    she was warned and she still didn't comply. that's what the jail is for---punishing people who disobey the law. end of fucking story!

  26. it makes me feel better seeing her ass locked up and you can't put a price tag on happiness! :)

  27. nancer, if you haven't heard about it, California is expelling thousands of violent offenders out of the prisons because there isn't enough room. Frankly, I'd rather have rapists, armed robbers and killers behind bars than addicts. Yeah, addiction is behind many crimes, but locking up the addict without providing treatment (which doesn't happen in jail or prison) is not the solution.

  28. I don't see a stint in jail being a waste of money at all- that's time that she won't get to spend throwing glasses at people or getting in high-speed chases. Her actions have put people at risk of harm or death in the past, and she shows no sign of changing that. So I agree- lock her ass in jail for a while. Again, several stints in rehabs, her probation... it means fuck-all to her. Add to that the fact that her mother is still making excuses for her every time she fucks up. Without something beyond her control, like being incarcerated, she will never stop.

    It really is a shame that she doesn't have anyone seemingly stable in her life to take over and set her straight, a la Britney's dad. I'm not by any means sympathizing with Lohan, but the girl has never had any kind of steady, loving familial support. I can't imagine how alone she truly must feel.

  29. i can understand what you mean nunaurbitz, if the prisons are that full i would rather that real offenders got to spend time behind bars.

    however, her being out just proves to other girls and boys that it is completely ok to do drugs and that court orders can be ignored without anything happening to you. it wouldnt surprise me if they decided to make an example out of her, and they wouldnt be in the wrong for doing it.

  30. Lindsay will not die. She has built up too much tolerance for everything she ingests. Ali will die. And then Lindsay will get clean. Only then.
