Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Shocker!! Whitney Houston Postpones Concert

Apparently they must have some very high quality crack flu bugs in Paris. It has to be pretty strong to keep Whitney Houston from getting up on stage. Whitney felt so bad that she called in sick and had to postpone the start of her European tour. She didn't seem that sick last week when she was at a concert dancing away. To the people of Paris I say this. Keep making great french fries, and if you want to see Whitney at her best, go find some video from 20 years ago. If you go see Whitney now, it is kind of like watching Elvis in his later years. Minus the 100 pounds, 14 year old girls (Whitney likes them older) and peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. The sweat and the towels and really bad moves and voice are there though.


  1. Guess that takes care of last week's blind.....

  2. Yep, "at a concert dancing away"... and smoking crack too I guess. Sad.

  3. Someone call Candy Finnegan to sort this hot mess out! She needs help, not tour. Jesus.

  4. We really need a Whitney Houston Lindsay Blohan reality show.

  5. Holy shit. I can't believe that she's really the blind. I guess her, but then you guys had me thinking it really was Amy Winehouse.

    So tragic.

    I saw an old SNL on Comedy Central a year ago, and Whitney was performing "I Wanna Dance with Somebody." That song was never my cup of tea, even back in the 80s, but the performance was SO AMAZING. She was just great.

    Very tragic. I was rooting for her comeback.

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    What a shame. She was SUCH a talent, and such a pretty girl. She looks like some old used-up madam now. Damned drugs.

  7. Years ago I worked for Arista when she was the young up and coming thing. She was extremely shy and used to hide in the bathroom smoking cigarettes while the bigwigs discussed how to launch her. I think she was one of those people who just couldn't really handle fame well. She was gifted with an incredible instrument, and it is sad that she wasted it.

  8. ROFL Damnnn Enty I love how you blow up her spot as a lesbian, "she likes them older" lol. Not that we didn't know this already lol

  9. There's another reveal there 'girls (she likes them older)'

  10. So sad. I was hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

    To see/hear sing around the notes now is hard.

    Ent, the comparison to Elvis is right on. She's going to end up dead at a young age too at the rate she's going.

  11. I saw her Oprah interview, she looked good and seemed determined to not do drugs again.

    Does that parenthesis mean that she really is a lesbian, though?
    I once watched a documentary that said she was involved with a girl who was referred to as her best friend and personal assistant.

    I have a hard time believing it, though, she just doesn't strike me as homosexual.

  12. Oh this is so sad. She was SO beautiful and talented (tho never as talented as her mother), and now she has the face of a homeless woman. Poor thing.

  13. Being a cocaine addict and former crackhead, I can tell you that it's a very hard drug to quit. I would imagine that her lifestyle would make it even harder.

  14. Blind. Revealed.

    Thanks Enty!

  15. Shmooey, that's been the rumor for years - her uber-religious family was dead set against it, and she married BB to "show them all". Unfortunately she ended up a drug addict because of her bad choices. If her family had supported her back then instead of using her for a cash cow, she'd probably be a lot less fucked up.

  16. This does not officially confirm the smoking crackpipe in the audience blind, but I'll take the lesbian reveal.

    Someone on the crackpipe blind had a good point about how she was more likely to isolate and smoke in private than whip out a pipe in public. I'm not saying it wasn't Whitney, or that she's not back on drugs (looks like it to me), just that she's not necessarily the reveal to the crackpipe blind.

    She certainly looked cracky wacky in the Aussie clip a few weeks ago though.

    Happy Tuesday!

  17. Thanks Montana I didn't quite catch the second part about the lesbian thing but we already knew about that part of her past.

    Super thanks to Enty for keeping it honest and revealing your blinds.

  18. @Shmooey - In Bobbie Brown's book (I know this isnt the best of sources), he alleged that Whitney only married him to dispel the lesbian rumors. I always thought they W&B definitely were involved in 3somes which allow W to indulge in her lesbian fantasies b/c in B&W reality she did seem like she was in love with Bobby but that cud have also been the drugs talking.

  19. Then again... if you're a crackhead I guess you do whatever the hell you want, so who's to say?

  20. well, knock me over with a feather! NOW will people stop explaining away whitney's condition? come on.

  21. Also is this a recent picture of her? This looks like the old "crack is wack" picture. I don't think she's currently looking that bad.

  22. Thanks for the reveal, Ent!

  23. @ Moonmaid & Borg Queen:

    Sometimes rumours get repeated so many times that people think that they *must* be true, if they don't go away.

    I don't know, it just seems so unlikely to me.

    And yeah, she did seem OBSSESSED with Bobbie Brown.

  24. i think that IS a recent photo. i've seen some and she looks about like she did before. she's a crackhead and she looks like a crackhead.

  25. I am sad. I listened to her as a little girl growing up. I know it is the person's own decision to do drugs but I still totally blame Bobby for this. I feel like he saw someone much more talanted then he could ever be, someone more successful in the same industry he was in, and wanted to crush her and take her down with him into the drug infused hell where they both still are at.
    Its too bad My Perogative is still such an awesome song.

  26. I think Whitney is bi, so I'm not sure why "But she was totally obsessed with Bobby Brown!" disproves her relationships with women.

    But there are plenty of women who finally admit to themselves they are a lesbian AFTER they've married men and had kids. Meredith Baxter is one recent famous example, IIRC she had more than one husband too.

  27. Like on Roseanne when her and Jackie's mom accidentally outed herself at Thanksgiving?

  28. Dayum, Enty, double blind reveal! Can I hear a big "F-U" to all the people who complain Enty never reveals anything juicy?! :)

  29. At one time in her young life, Whitney was a treasure of beauty. Now all you want to do is when you see her is bury it.
