Monday, April 05, 2010

The Saddest Rick Roll Ever

I really miss the days when everyone was into the whole Rick Rolled thing. Hell, Rick Astley misses them too. He actually got to work the casino circuit again after the thing took off. Now though, no one really cares. Unfortunately for them this Oregon acappella group didn't get the message. They tried to Rick Roll a subway car in New York. Fail. When you watch it you feel so sorry for them. Absolutely no one is into it. It is like a comedian who just listens to dead air while they are performing stand up.

Here is one of my favorites from back when people actually did get into it.


  1. Two words... epic fail.

    Maybe if it hadn't been NYC?

  2. FAILED! I live in NYC and for the most part people want to be left alone when they are riding on the subway. No one wants to see/hear anyone singing or dancing on the train, especially if you are heading home after a long day at work.

  3. If commuting to/from work by public transport is as ghastly as in London, I can sympathise, although it wouldn't have hurt them to muster a smile for the effort.

  4. i have tremendous respect for all things acappella, so i can forgive them being 2 yrs late to the party.

  5. flash mobs were so 2005. And being a NYER all we want to do on the subway is get from point a to point b. Don't dance or sing EVER.

    Do that shit for tourists on 42nd & 7th. They will eat it up like starving biafra babies.

  6. GAWD I LOVE MY CITY, lol NY'ers were NOT having them at all, lol

  7. lol so hard! Although I do like acapella and the dude in the orange is a cutie.

  8. As an a cappella singer I have to say, those guys are really good. But, there's a time and place for everything, and that was not the right one...*L*

  9. Next year they can "trololo" for everyone's entertainment.

  10. Hey she's one of us! At :53 seconds into the video, the black chick is Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern show. No fooling it's her.
