Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random Photos Part Three

Courtney Love told Howard Stern yesterday that she slept with Gavin for 8 months while he was with Gwen. She also said he was sleeping with other people too.
Not the best picture ever for Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan.
But, a pretty good picture for Nick Zano.
On the way in no crutches for David Beckham.
On the way out he has some.
Don Cheadle looks even better when he is standing next to Kevin James.
Dane Cook and The Iron Man dancers. Is that like the Solid Gold dancers? Oh, and by the way, Dane Cook is still not funny.
Danni Minogue and her new line of clothes. Not maternity though.
Eric Dane getting ready for a scene.
"No, I have to go. We are about to start."

Entourage has started filming their next season.


  1. Courtney Love is a pig. Pure and simple.

    Although I think Channing is hot, I can't say the same about Jenna. There's something troll-like about her.

  2. Courtney Love is a pig but it does not surprise me to hear that about Gavin. I have heard rumors over the years.

  3. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan look high

    Yay Entourage!

  4. Kevin James is missing his left arm. New weight loss technique?

  5. Lots of hot men in this round of pics..I'll take Nick Zano

  6. What is shocking is that Gavin cheated on Gwen with a natural-born woman!

  7. Channing does not look good in that pic.
    Courtney is pathetic and trying to stay relevant. I mean why else would you bring up an affair that occurred over ten years ago that no one cares about. He and Gwen are happily married with two kids, that seems like info she should have kept to herself. That being said, it probably is true, but again who really who cares at this point.

  8. Enty I don't find Dane Cook funny either. The only thing I have ever seen with him in that I liked was that movie WAITING.

  9. Channing is not hot to me. He has the face of someone who doesn't have much going on between the ears.

  10. Gwen & Gavin dated on and off for seven years before they married, and the "off" was often caused by Gavin's indiscretions. This is no secret - even Courtney said in that same interview that Gwen knew it happened. The entire song "Underneath It All" is about this facet of their relationship. Courtney is pathetic. I wish the media would stop giving her an outlet to remain in the public eye.

  11. Hmm ... what would be ickier? That your husband slept with Michelle McGee? Or Courtney Love? I am truly undecided.

  12. Ent,

    I think Beckham is on crutches because he removed his cast (?) and is wearing shoes.

  13. Ent,

    I think Beckham is on crutches because he removed his cast (?) and is wearing shoes.

  14. Sunfille, that's what I was thinking too.

    Alan Rickman is possibly the coolest person on this earth. Love him

  15. I am totally disgusted by the Iron Man girls' six packs. They're obviously in shape but something about it looks so gross and unnatural to me

  16. I love Entourage!!!!!!!

  17. This is why I like Howard Stern.
    ALWAYS providing new material for the net.

  18. lol i was going to say someone stole kevin james' arm.

  19. If Gavin slept with Courtenay, he's an IDIOT.

    That dancer standing next to Dane Cook has absolutely no hips. And Enty is right about Cook not being funny.

  20. Liza, the abs are airbrushed on the Iron girls. You can tell from the side view of the girl on the right. She's got a little pooch yet still shows definition. impossible! The other one is more obvious because of the tilt of the hip. The abs wouldn't tilt like that...they would look straight since it's only her hip tilted...notice her head and neck are perfectly straight? her core would be too, with only a slight curve at the bottom.

    okay...sorry, i'm done rambling...carry on!

  21. @Caroline - I'm with you girl! I have always found Channing to be so unattractive, like his features are made out of Playdoh. I don't get it.

  22. thank you i thought i was the only one who does NOT find Channing attractive - he has beady eyes shudder

  23. Channing looks bloated and sweaty.
    Jenna looks like she's trying to get a role in TrueBlood.

    I thought the same thing about those terrible painted abs.

    Is that picture of Sloan and Lil' Gray ? The second shot looks like Meredith Monroe.

  24. I thought at first it was Jessica Capshaw (Arizona) but now that I look closer i think you might be right, Leah, it does look more like lil' Gray. I cannot get used to that blonde hair on her!

  25. Agree with ENTY yet again, Dane Cook has no appeal whatsoever and completely unfunny.
