Random Photos Part One
Three parts today.
Nathan Fillion looks pretty good here, but I can tell you would like him to get a little more comfortable. Maybe lose the jacket or something.And he obliges.
Want Neil Patrick Harris to show up at your event? Tell him there will be magic. This is at the Magic Awards.
Christina Hendricks was there too.
Food and the Princess. That would be a pretty good day. Now, if you want to make it perfect then bring me about 5 of those new double down sandwiches from KFC.
Robert Downey Jr thumb wrestling with a fan. Or maybe a pinkie swear.
A mini Everybody Loves Raymond reunion. Now we just need Robert and his 21 year old girlfriend.
Hmmm. Judging by how horrible Rumer's top is I'm guessing she bought those pillows to make herself a dress. I think she may have made her boyfriend's hat too.
Thank goodness Renee bought Gain. I am so tired of seeing her in the same thing everyday. Now she can wash.
That is Simon's mother 2nd from left.
The celebrity plastic surgery awards were held over the weekend. They disguised themselves as a tribute to Kenny Rogers. Smokey Robinson and Wynona Judd are definite contenders for top honors but they have a long, long way to go to beat
Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.