Thursday, April 29, 2010

Post Number 10,000

A few months ago I noticed I was approaching this milestone. At one point I thought about trying to do something special for the post, but since I didn't know where it would end up or when exactly I figured I would just post something normal. But, then I said to myself that 10,000 posts is a whole lot of posts and that I wanted to at least have a post titled 10,000 posts so I would have some way to look back at where and when it happened.

I know lots of you think that I have a staff running around helping me with all the writing, or that it is a different person or a series of people who have been doing the writing in these 10,000 posts. If you want to keep thinking that, then please go ahead. I think it is fun.

The reality is that about 3.5 years ago I was bored at my desk one day and had just read a blog. It was quick and simple to post something so I did. I thought I would maybe have the time to do it for just a week and then I would give it up or move on to something else. At the beginning it was much tougher to find the time to post everyday because I hadn't learned how to fit the blog into my life. When someone writes a post other than myself, I give them credit and tell all of you. Every other post has been written by me. The same guy who wrote post #1 is writing post #10,000 and wrote all of them in between. It is the same crappy grammar, questionable proofreading, and all the other attributes of a guy who is trying to type as quickly as he can before someone walks in and notices.

Back when I started, Blogger didn't allow you to set a timer on the posts so if you wanted to post ahead, you had to either save everything as a draft and have someone go in and publish or publish everything all at once really early in the morning. If you go back and look you can sometimes see my 5am posts.

The end of the second month I was doing it, around Christmas, the place I was staying for Christmas had this storm and all the power went out for four days. I remember thinking to myself, well, this would be a good time to stop. But, I didn't.

Everyday I try and find the time because I love coming back here each day to see all of you. I know I don't actually see all of you, but I feel like I do. I love the community and people. I like the discussions. I like the skepticism. Without all of you coming back everyday and being here everyday, I would have given up a very long time ago.

I appreciate each of you coming here everyday. I appreciate it when you send me an e-mail or drop me a line or add me as your Facebook friend. Although I suck at always replying to all the e-mails, I do read them all and love the tips and videos and everything else you find that seems like it would interest me.

Over the years there have been days where I didn't think I could manage them both. Despite what many of you think, I am a lawyer and I work full-time. I also have billable hour requirements and hearings and trials and client meetings. Oh, and I have to find time to eat at least one buffet a day. But hey, that is a quirk.

Anyway, despite the juggling and stress, this is the place I love coming every morning. This is the place I like to be, and I thank you for the opportunity to share my rants whether they be right or wrong or misguided. Thank you for reading what I write and I know there are funny days and not so funny days. I know there are days that are more filled with news than others. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. None of this would be possible without all of you.


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