Oprah & John Tesh?
Can you imagine Oprah and John Tesh together? I can't. Apparently though they were quite the item way way back in the day. In her new book, Kitty Kelley says that back in the 1970's when Oprah was just barely out of her teens, she and John Tesh not only were a couple but they lived together in Nashville. Lived together? Really? Yep. Kitty says the couple didn't exactly break up. Instead she has a source who also had sex with John Tesh and what John told her happened was, one night he looked down and saw his white body next to her black body and couldn't take it anymore. He walked out in the middle of the night. ... He told me he later felt very guilty about it."
The source goes on to say that John just could not handle the social pressures of being an interracial couple. In the past Oprah says they had gone on one dinner date as friends. There is a big difference between living together and just having dinner. John Tesh huh?