Friday, April 16, 2010

More Sex Crime Allegations Against Ben Roethlisberger

I know that this week Ben Roethlisberger had no charges filed against him in a sexual assault complaint in Georgia. However, there is another allegation that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is looking into. In the latest incident, Ben was hosting a party at his house and I guess as host he wanted to show everyone what he was walking around with so to speak. He pulled his peen out in front of a woman and then told her to do whatever she wanted with it. Then, the next week he forced his hand up the woman's skirt.

Let's face it. There are lots of allegations being directed against Ben and at some point you have to start thinking that where there is smoke there is fire. How many women have not come forward? When are one of these charges going to stick?


tallulah b said...

I guess today is Douche Bag Parade Day here at CDAN! Well, keep 'em coming, Enty!

Ms Cool said...

I was just thinking "where there's smoke.." before I read it. Guy sounds like a smug, entitled, harassing jerk.

Anonymous said...

Even if he is totally innocent (which I doubt), he needs to learn that in his position in the public eye, he has to be more circumspect and avoid the appearance of wrongdoing.

Cindy said...

Seems to me, that if the girl had not enjoyed herself the first time, she wouldn't have come back next week. And no, I don't like Roethlisberger.

Barton Fink said...

omg, ESPN yesterday was on fire with this story, and I expected them to be all "Let's sweep this under the rug," but they were instead really harsh on him. I don't think he's going to get out of this without a few black eyes, metaphorically speaking.

jen said...

"Douchebag Parade" LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Terry Bradshaw was all over him too.

timebob said...

God he really is an ugly man. Sounds like he has deep self-esteem issues.

Nothing worse then a semi-rapist with money.

Cheryl said...

If ESPN and the NFL dudes are coming down on him, they probably have some inside info which makes me more inclined to believe it.

I think we need Celebrity Tool Academy for this guy, Tiger, Jesse James, Segal and many others.

RJ said...

Charges will stick when there is just one set of rules and laws that everyone has to follow, regardless of the offenders level of fame and/or money. So, charges will NEVER stick to a starting NFL quarterback. All that being said, I think his days in this privledged position may be in jeopardy unless he changes dramatically. Once he's a broke has been and assaults a woman, he'll go to jail just like the rest of us "nobodies" would.

Ice Angel said...

My prediction: This loser will go the way of Mike Tyson. A young, successful athlete with the world at his hands, who threw it all away on drinking, drugs and treating women like they are animals. We will be reading about his bankruptcy filings, his homelessness, see him on a reality show or two, and ultimately learn of his passing of an untimely, but loney death.

Jillian S. said...

I don't understand these douchers. There are plenty of *fckrs out there who would love the attention of hooking up with a spotlight athelete, yet they force themselves onto women who apparently don't?

Athena said...

Jillian S., It doesn't occur to these guys that someone *wouldn't* want to sleep with them.

nancer said...

since reading the deets of the last accusation, along with witness statements, i totally believe this guy is a serial sex offender. he will hurt someone someday---i mean worse than just the pain of being raped.

but hey, it's being dealt with. he has to sit out for A WHOLE GAME....MAYBE 2!!!! oh, the horror!!

Meg said...

That picture of him is awesome. Nice shirt too.

ardleighstreet said...

Can we hope someone; in the
'Burgh; Bobbitizes this waste of space?

Elle Kaye said...

I live in Pittsburgh and the fans here are so crazy that I was very surprised to see that people are pissed at "Rapelisberger." These are not the kind of fans to turn their back on the beloved Steelers so I am inclined to think he is a bit of a turd.

What scares me about him is he is a rich, famous athlete and instead of just banging willing, drunk skanks he needs to act like a predator. That is probably a tough personality trait to overcome.

selenakyle said...

Well, I was really hoping he was not "this way." But it is sounding like it, more and more.

Dang it. Wanted one of the big lugs to be a good guy.

selenakyle said...

...I mean, a gentleman ALWAYS get more p*ssy, and quality p*ssy, at that.

Idiotic, ham-handed doofus.

I swunny, this just pisses me off.

sprinkles said...

I have a very overweight friend who thinks that any and all guys would willingly sleep with her just because she's female. It has never occured to her that someone might not be attracted to her. I know this about her because she told me. I tried to explain that not all guys are like that but she wasn't interested in listening to what I had to say.

As a rich athelete, I'm sure guys like Ben think along the same lines as my friend. They just can't imagine that no one would want to sleep with them. They probably think the girls would be honored that he'd be with her.

sprinkles said...

Correction: It's not that no one wants to sleep with them but that not everyone wants to sleep with them.

MnGddess said...

He's suffers from O.J.-itis: everybody's been kissing his butt for so long, and he's let off the hook because he's particularly talented at something, that he starts to feel invincible.

Wil said...

Ya know your characteristic moron football player .. the poster child for him is "Big Ben." He has had so many head injuries .. I have no clue if that has turned off his common sense/"Gee .. jail would really be a place I would not like to go" switch or what.

But regardless, someone needs to train this mildly talented twit that this behavior is going to get him f*cked .. and really not in the way he might expect.

Just Another Blonde said...

@Cheryl- I think that they are giving us this little bit bc they know there is MUCH WORSE out there, and they're hoping by letting him get in a bit of trouble it'll cover up all the henious shit.

Just Another Blonde said...

sprinkles- I have a guy friend like that too. Never occurs to him that someone may NOT want him, seriously. He has little man syndrome (he's 5'5) tho, but still...give me a break!


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