Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Oprah Stuff

I am really enjoying the Oprah gossip. I don't believe much of it, but it is always nice to read an unauthorized biography that has some juice. In the latest news making it from the book, Kitty Kelley says she knows who Oprah's real father is, but won't reveal it. I saw an interview with Kitty and someone asked if she was able to talk to Oprah's mom, and she said, "Oprah has got her mom locked down." Oprah doesn't talk to her mother but makes sure she doesn't do anything unless Oprah approves it.

Kitty says that Oprah is lying about growing up really poor and being sexually abused. She also says that Oprah was pretty much a teen hooker. Now, because she has alleged all these things bout Oprah, no one will have her on a show to plug her book. Well, no big shows anyway. She might get some public access guy who also wants to talk about his bowling scores.


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