Friday, April 30, 2010

Michelle McGee Says She Was Shocked Sandra Bullock Had Adopted A Child

Michelle McGee was on Johnjay & Rich this morning and she was asked about about her relationship with Jesse James and also asked about Sandra Bullock's announcement that she had adopted a baby. McGee said she was shocked and that she had no idea that Sandra and Jesse were trying to adopt a baby. This is interesting considering that Michelle was with Jesse the entire time this process was occurring. Now, not that Jesse would tell the truth about anything to one of his mistresses. I mean Michelle also said she was shocked when she saw the two cuddling during the Academy Awards.

It is a mindless 15 minutes of radio, but if you don't want to listen to it, I will give you the best quote from the entire interview.

"I think the reason he wanted me was because he wanted someone intellectual."

Seriously. She said it.


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