Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Michelle McGee Apologizes To Sandra Bullock

Michelle McGee was on the Australian television show Today Tonight and took the time to apologize to Sandra Bullock. "Sandra, I'm sorry for your embarrassment. I'm sorry all this is public. I'm sorry for everything. I feel bad for Sandra. I want to give her a heartfelt apology."

She then says it ultimately is all Jesse James' fault because he told Michelle that he was separated and that she was lied to and duped and that she is really just a victim. Uh huh. She then threw out a Heil Hitler and goose stepped out of the interview. Not really, but if you want to watch the video of her interview, you can click here. You know, if she really was sorry, there are better ways to apologize then making an announcement on television. All this is was just an attempt at some more fame and another paycheck.