Monday, April 19, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Has 600K In Credit Card Debt

Apparently Lindsay Lohan isn't just stealing things and maybe her drug dealers take credit cards because according to Radar Online, Lindsay has amassed about $600,000 in credit card debt. I understand how she can rack up that much debt, I just don't understand why she doesn't actually do some work. The article says she gets paid bout $5000 to $10000 for each club appearance. While that seems like a lot of money to us, for her it is a huge drop off. Still though, if she would actually stay sober long enough she could make some money at clubs or take a movie role for $50,000. If she really does have $600K in just credit card debt, she will be declaring bankruptcy in the next few weeks.


  1. She's still offered movie roles?

  2. That's a lot of money. I don't even have a cc, so I don't get how you can rack up that much debt. Geeze


  4. Wow great picture of her - she's like what 55 now ?

  5. Wouldn't she have to have assets to be given so much credit? I'm sure she's still piss poor, but I think the credit companies are stupid for giving her so much leeway. They should have called in their loans 5 years ago.

  6. I guess she figures if she lives fast she'll die young and someone else will have to worry about this.

  7. Sick, sad, tired, haggard and strung-out.

    Pathetic, the whole family.

    I feel sorry for the two brothers, but the rest of them can, should and do suck balls.

  8. Cocaine is a helluva drug.

  9. especially when you dump it all over your feet.


  10. She is a waste of skin

  11. Sing with me gang!

    "Mammas don't let your babies grow up to be your meal ticket...
    Mammas, don't pimp them out and such, the will only turn out to be washed up mush with only you to blame..."

  12. 'god, i hate this bitch'----part 3,258.

  13. She'll die before she can declare bankruptcy.

  14. its probably an AMEX. most american express cards don't have a credit limit.

  15. Daveb said...
    I guess she figures if she lives fast she'll die young and someone else will have to worry about this.

    That made me LOL (and you're probably right...)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Man, and here I was freaking out about my taxes, which I haven't filed for three years. I owe some money, but not LINDSAY money.
    I think she just thinks that any day now, it's gonna turn around and she'll be making those big paycheques again. She really is delusional. She has no idea how much work she needs to do to regain credibility.

  18. Good. I hope she's destitute within weeks.

  19. and she still goes out and shops around?

  20. That entire family is delusional and in denial.

  21. 14:35....Her clock is ticking...
    She is gross and I am sure that her Mom will blame everyone else and say that the check is in the mail and her dad will blame other people and say he is trying to help. Yall know she is not getting and gameboy money either with her face missing off that game. Grossness. How long yall think before she will pose for Larry or Hugh or be the next big (non intentinal pun, but I am keeping it in) thing in porn?

  22. I remember partying it up when I was her age, yet somehow I still managed to get to work.

    Spoiled brat who has totally thrown away all her chances. I want to feel bad for her, and I did a year ago, but she still hasn't cleaned up her act.

  23. Oh what a pathetic creature she has become! So very sad to think she looks so very much older than her real age. I blame her parents and handlers who fed her the pablum about how aweseome she is/was

    She can't help herself for being stupid enough to believe it. I've never been a fan of hers but I keep hoping she will disappear and then in 5-10 years make this amazing clean and sober comeback like RDJ...or whomever.

  24. At 20 percent interest -- and she might be paying closer to 30 percent -- she's racking up $120K a year in interest alone.

  25. Someone needs to pop that delusional bubble her whole family lives in.

    600K in credit card debt?
    Holy guacamole. I'm nervous to purchase a lap top on mine. Why didn't they cut her off about
    500K ago?

  26. Boy, that sure puts MY debts into perspective...sure, I owe a lot more than I wish I did/want to admit to, but a good chunk of it was due to being sporadically employed for several years, not shopping in ritzy stores and getting cash advances for coke. *sigh*

  27. @Robin the Mad Photog - Yeah that puts things in perspective for me too.

    I heard on the radio the other day that she might be set to play Linda Lovelace. Wonder if that would even make a dent in the $600k?

  28. I find it hard to sympathize with self-inflicted wounds....

  29. Even at 5-10k per club appearance, how can she be so broke? All she fucking does is go to clubs. Several clubs every single night. She gets paid more for one week of clubbing than most people make in one year, yet manages to be that piss poor?

    She perpetually fails to earn my sympathy.

  30. Even if she uses multiple credit cards, I would think they would have some kind of limit that she is exceeding. I can't imagine her cards not cutting her off now that it is public knowledge how much she has racked up in debt.

  31. Just because she's going to clubs nightly doesn't mean she's getting paid nightly. She probably only gets paid when it's a "special appearance", and she'll probably have to be somewhat sober for most of it.

  32. Just because she's going to clubs nightly doesn't mean she's getting paid nightly. She probably only gets paid when it's a "special appearance", and she'll probably have to be somewhat sober for most of it.
