Friday, April 02, 2010

Lindsay Falls Down - Goes Boom

Another night, another nightclub, another fall to the ground. I really have no idea what world Dina Lohan is living in or if she is so messed up herself that she can't comprehend that Lindsay Lohan also has a problem. Last night, Lindsay stayed out all night drinking and smoking at clubs. First she went to Les Deux which is the smelliest nightclub in town. Just saying. Anyway, as she was leaving she fell to the ground. She managed to get up. She then went to Voyeur where she was barred from admittance but instead of being humiliated said it was an April Fool's Joke. Uh huh. After being denied there she went to another club where she stayed until almost 4am. Oh, and she just got caught up on her rent after being two months behind. In case you were wondering she pays about $12K a month. That is a whole lot of stuff to steal every month.


  1. Um, hello? I didn't see any fall there. Just a bunch of body guards and a hella lotta obnoxious flashbulbs.

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  4. It is sad to see what a bright, smart little girl she was and the terrible mess she has become.

    This morning I watched "Lindsay Lohan's Indian Journey" on BBC, and she was as good as any other celebrity on a celebrity led documentary. She did the narration and was filmed visiting and interviewing people affected by illegal child trafficking.

    She did her job adequately, showed empathy, and I particularly liked her interview of an ex-child trafficker.

    She also looked a physical and emotional wreck. Her beautiful face is noticeably gaunt and weirdly, her forehead looks 50 years old.

    I have said this before in this very blog, but I do wish she climbs out of the abyss she's in and goes on to live a healthy, productive life.

  5. Moosefan - I noticed that also. How she claimed her "friends" at the club set her up.

    Excuses, lies, spinning, blaming others. That's all she has.

    She's running on empty and running out of time.

  6. I just can't with her anymore. Ugg. I used to like her a lot and was really rooting for her, but she just keeps doing the same thing day after day, night after night.. Come on Linds. Pull it together..

    @Gretchen - She went down right as she was stepping out of the club.

  7. You really didn't see the fall and hear the WHOMP of it at the very beginning? (And why would anyone make that up, or have to, even if they didn't have video and audio of it?)

    What a mess that girl is. I really get the feeling she won't make it to next month.

  8. She can suck my diva cup.

  9. Where does she get the money to party?!

  10. omg devildana I just ordered one of those. And now that I know what you are talking about...ew! lol

  11. i just can't with lindsay anymore. it's too sad. she was so talented as a little girl and look at her now. hollywood just ate her up and spit her out. she didn't have a chance with those idiots as parents.

    perhaps if she had a better support system and people that said NO to her she would be okay.

    sadly, i dont see this ending in her cleaning up like rdj. that would take humility and accepting responsibility for her behavior. she blames everyone and everything for her problems. a real shame.

    she ruined any chance she once had at being a genuine actress and now she is ruining her looks. she looks like she needs a good month's worth of sleep and a milkshake.

  12. She loves it. Look how she's smiling when she gets in the car. She's addicted to the fame just as much as the pills and alcohol.

  13. When Robert Downey Jr. was on drugs he was very open and honest about his addiction. I'm sure that helped him when he decided to finally get clean.
