Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lindsay & Ali Make Milkshakes While Their Parents Fight

In the continuing saga that is the Lohan family, there were several developments yesterday. Michael Lohan hired Gloria Allred's daughter to try and get a Conservatorship over Lindsay. Not only would that make Michael orgasm with the thoughts of weekly paychecks from Radar, but it would also allow him to get plenty of Conservatorship fees if he can get Lindsay acting and working again. Although Jamie Spears made money off Britney, he took a very, very small percentage of what she earned. Somehow I don't think Michael would be quite so shy about taking whatever he can get.

Meanwhile, Dina Lohan blathered on to someone that Lindsay and Ali were going to get restraining orders against their father. If this sounds familiar it is because it is about the third or fourth time she has made the same threat without ever following through.

While all this was going on, Lindsay picked up enough club and drug money to last a couple of days as she made an appearance at Millions Of Milkshakes. This is the second time, the store has let Lindsay near their food products. Of course they also let Jon Gosselin touch them and let Aubrey O'Day and her dogs in the kitchen also, so if you get hammered in West Hollywood one night, you might want to skip that particular spot for your late night munchies.

Oh, and Michael or Dina. How about spending a few bucks on Ali and buying her some clothes that don't have holes and look two years old. I know she doesn't generate the income that Lindsay still does with those residual checks, but at least you could run her through a Wal-Mart or something. Oh, or let Lindsay teach her how to steal. Either way, get her some clothes.


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