Thursday, April 08, 2010

Kneepads Compares Kate Gosselin To Lucille Ball

I understand that Kneepads has a job to do. Their job is to suck up to as many celebrities and publicists as possible. Their plan is that if they suck up enough then they will get cover stories from those same people and sell lots of magazines. Of course they pay for those cover stories anyway so I don't really see the point. Anyway, it is one thing to give yourself the brownest nose possible as they did in another story about Shania Twain (First came heartbreak, then a second chance at love. Next up for country superstar Shania Twain? Her own TV series.) That is typical People Magazine kiss ass.

However, when you compare someone who is having her 15 minutes because she has 8 children and compare that person to Lucille Ball you have gone way too far. This is what People said. "Not since the heyday of Lucille Ball has one woman been so visible on TV – and now it's Kate Gosselin's turn."

Lucille Ball was one of the funniest, most talented people to ever walk the earth. Any generation from any country in the world can watch an episode of I Love Lucy and laugh and be entertained. Tell me how Kate Gosselin does that. You are comparing one of the worlds greatest performers to a woman who was artificially inseminated. Just because someone is on television doesn't make them talented or a star. I have no idea what People is getting out of this, but it better sell them millions of issues because Lucille is probably rolling over in her grave right now.


  1. ...if Lucille Ball is a crazy fame whore.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This offends me nearly as much as Lindsay Lohan thinking she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.

    Lucille Ball was a comic genius. Kate Gosselin is a shrewish woman whose claim to fame is that she gave birth to eight children in two deliveries. She has no talent of any kind.

    We have sunk so low in our expectations for entertainment.

  3. i grew up with 'i love lucy.' lucille ball was a comic genius. there's never been anyone like her and may never be again.
    kate gosselin is the most humorless person on the planet and has no talent---comic or otherwise.

    just another reason not to buy this rag.

  4. syko, i didn't see your comment but it looks like i channeled you!

  5. i am totally offended by this. i grew up watching i love lucy and to this day still get a kick out of her antics.

    kate gosselin is a humorless pig that got famous by having 8 kids. big effing deal. my dog could do that.

    i really can't wait for this woman's 15 minutes to be up.

  6. Just remember that no matter who they unfairly compare Lucille Ball to in the long run we will have forgotten Kate G.'s name in another few yrs but Lucy's will always be revered and remembered. Time will take care of this dumb weave wearer and child army maker

  7. but in the mean time i'm going to do my part by having a one woman protest against kneepads by not buying any of their mags for awhile

  8. They didn't say Kate was talented, just that she was highly visible. Backhanded compliment perhaps?

  9. no one under 50 finds lucy funny

  10. @sandman

    Do you ever have anything good/interesting to say? Ever?

  11. Sue Ellen, sandman is one of our pet trolls. If you ignore him he'll go back under his bridge.

  12. You can safely use the name "Lucille Ball" and "Carol Burnett" in the same sentence. Comparing either of the two to anyone, let alone Katezilla, is ridiculous. She's the biggest ass in TV today, Jersey Shore notwithstanding.

  13. @ sandman - And no one OVER 50 finds you entertaining. So there.

  14. I thought the headline meant that People had turned on Kate, and were comparing her to Lucy like MK does: Her dancing is so bad, it looks like a 'Lucy sneaks into the show' episode of ILLucy.

  15. Syko- ditto! This is low even for Kneepads. The comparison is absolutely fudgin' ridiculous.


  17. Oh! Carol Burnett! Thank you for reminding me of her...I haven't thought of her for a long time. Damn she was great.

    And as for this, I'll just echo what Enty said, as he's right on:

    "You are comparing one of the worlds greatest performers to a woman who was artificially inseminated."


  18. Technically, Kneepads is comparing Kate Gosselin's media exposure to Lucille Ball's, not their respective talents, not that KG has any; for the life of me, I can't figure out why this woman is famous,or why she should be.

  19. @Mooshki

    I know, I know, but sometimes I feed a troll a carrot when I'm feeling a little cranky.


  21. Yeah, people compare me to Bette Midler all the time. It's a blessing AND a curse.

  22. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Great minds think alike, Nancer!

  23. Wow. That is quite a stretch, well, not for People, but for people reading that terrible analogy.

    If I were to compare Kate Gosselin to anything, I would say she reminds me of rug burn. Oh, no, I usually enjoy getting the rug burn.

    Okay, I will compare the sights and sounds of Kate to the joy of setting myself on fire. Much more accurate than those hacks at People.

  24. Lucille was one of the most successful women in Hollywood, she was one of the few women ever to co own a studio of her own, Desilu and was a pioneer in so many ways that still have an impact on what we watch on TV today.

    Kate has a clown car for a uterus.

    I haven't read People in years but if that is the standard of tripe they are perpetuating, they suck more than I thought.

  25. Bwah hah hah hah hah - in what alternate universe?
    The only thing and I *do* mean the *ONLY* thing that Lucille Ball and Kate Gosselin have in common is that they are both female. (I will not begin to dignify KG with the word "woman")
    Oh, and that they both had children.
    That's it. Period.

  26. I love Lucille Ball. If you want funny, my dad used to watch re-runs of Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows way back when and they were hilarious. And I am not over 50, either.

  27. Desilu was also the company that produced the original Star Trek series, and look how that worked out.

  28. KG is not to be compared to Lucille Ball, but, if you've seen her shiteous dancing, it really looks like something that Lucy would act out, only on purpose, for laughs. That's the only comparison. I mean the one number of her tap dancing in the red ice capades dress last week was HYSTERICAL...and really sad...other than that, zero comparison. KG has not one funny bone in her body.

  29. I'm never buying another People magazine again after reading that. Disgusting! I don't hate KG but she isn't talented. She's just a celebrity and barely that. Lucille was an actress, a true entertainer.
