Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kelly Clarkson Tour Sponsored By Cigarette Company

Do I smoke? No, but I don't really care if people do smoke. I also understand that in many countries in the world, cigarettes don't have the same sense of taboo they do here now. In Indonesia, a cigarette company is sponsoring the tour of Kelly Clarkson. People in the US are all in a uproar that Kelly could take their money. Really? How many tours and events are sponsored by alcohol companies? Would we care? No, we wouldn't. Until a few years ago, Winston sponsored almost everything in sports. Go to your local symphony or opera and see who some of the biggest sponsors are. Tobacco companies. Alcohol companies too.

Do I think they are bad companies? Absolutely. But, I also don't blame symphonies or operas or ballets from taking the money. Do they support kids smoking by taking the money? So, how does Kelly by having them sponsor her tour?


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