I know that everyday we sit here and discuss things such as whether Elin Woods knew Tiger was cheating on her all the time. It just seems strange when a celebrity joins in the bashing and wondering. Jim Carrey though did just that. Over the weekend, the newly single Jim Carrey was watching golf and was Tweeting about Tiger periodically. Then, after discussing Tiger he threw this out about Elin. No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle ;^)
What he doesn't say is the same thing about Sandra Bullock. I agree that Elin must have known something was going on. Maybe not to the extent it was, but don't you think she must have known something was happening? Maybe not. But, if you say this about Elin, then doesn't the same hold true for Jesse and Sandra? Was Sandra a willing participant in Jesse's cheating?
Consider the source... an a$$
ReplyDeleteSince when is he the expert on romantic relationships??
I think Jim got his doctorate the same time Jenny got hers.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, as someone who has been cheated on in the past (not my current marriage), you really do feel that something is different. Or at least I always did. However, I did the typical "I'll think about it tomorrow" thing and ignored my intuition until I was slapped in the face with the truth. You KNOW...you just don't want to think that something like that can happen to you. KWIM?
ReplyDeleteThat said, Elin and Sandra had completely different relationships with their husbands than most wives do. I see my husband every day, we sleep together in the same bed, and we care for our children together. Both of the former relationships had a lot of travel and being away from each other, so who knows what they knew. They might have suspected, but I can't honestly say. I wouldn't want a relationship where I was separated from my husband for long periods of time anyway.
I'm disappointed in Jim, though. He'd be pissed if someone did that to him.
Jim Carrey needs to mind his own beeswax.
ReplyDeleteB.S. I wanted to pop Carrey when I first read that. I was a cheated-on wife and had no clue. I trusted him, and believed him when he was working overtime or hanging out with the guys. My kids (teenagers then) even said they thought there was another woman, and I told them absolutely not, their Dad was not like that. With Wood's lifestyle I'm sure it was very easy for him to cover up- he was on the road a lot. If he had been that obvious it would have been in the gossip rags LONG before last November. A woman who is committed to her man often believes he is just as committed (then we turn into cynical bitches when we realize everyone else knew all along and we didn't)
ReplyDeleteITA with him.
ReplyDeleteMy theory stands.
She thought Tiger was fooling around with some chicks but they were just flings.
Then I believe he was going to leave her for Rachel U. (Figuring their prenup could protect him financially and that this would all remain quiet) - but she was enraged and never thought anything he had with someone else would get that far.
Negative publicity killed any idea he had of getting with Rachel U publicly.
That's my story and I am sticking to it!
Has this twitter account been authenticated? I don't see where it has been. Just sayin....
ReplyDeleteHe's newly single? what happened to him and Jenny?
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ReplyDeleteI'm more annoyed by the tweet just before the last one - that Tiger owes nothing to anyone but himself - um, what? I actually think he owes his WIFE and CHILDREN a LOT more respect than what he has shown them to date.
ReplyDeleteI like you, Jim, but STFU.
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ReplyDeleteIt's none of Jim Carrey's business especially since he has relationship problems of his own. I'm not a big fan of Twitter because I'm not interested in every thought that crosses the mind of every idiot.
ReplyDeleteTiger Woods was a major guess in some BI on a famous sportman cheating his wife in NY post or Blindgossip.com
ReplyDeletesandra bullock is the guess in Blindgossip.com BI on a classy/famous actress cheated by her husband who knew it and only wanted he is low-key about it!
Vikingwench, I agree with you wholeheartedly. My ex cheated on me with half the state and I never had a clue until after the divorce (for reasons other than cheating). Once I found out about one of them, the others became obvious (and I too became the cynical bitch who doesn't trust any man as far as I can throw him).
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with him. And yes, you could say the same holds true for Sandy and Nazi lovah but it is still different for me, I dunno.
ReplyDeleteMaybe because Sandy probably isnt gonna stay with Jesse and Elin has. And we all know the main reason for that is just like what Jim says. For the lifestyle. And to me thats just tacky.
Very insensitive of him. How does he know what Elin knew? It's too bad that clairvoyance didn't help him see how his last ten films or whatever would flop.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Tiger had enough "yes men/women" to help cover up his cheating and make Elin think SHE was the paranoid crazy one if she thought he was unfaithful.
ReplyDeleteNow, about Jim Carrey, that is his twitter account and he has since apologized per instruction of his people. I've never liked his humor, thought he was over the top and can't stand him. What he needs to tell us is why he and Jenny suddenly broke up. If he doesn't want to talk about HIS relationship than he might as well sit down and STFU!
please, they all knew what was going on. tiger was cheating on her BEFORE they were married. $ talks,bullshit walks.
ReplyDeleteIf Elin really knew everything that was going on and was a "knowing partner", then why did we hear Tiger leaving a voicemail to Jaime G. telling her to change her outgoing voicemail because his wife was getting suspicious?
ReplyDeleteI think cluelessness is highly underrated. I'm constantly amazed at what people don't know (myself included).
ReplyDeleteWe don't really know if Elin was aware of Tiger's cheating. I can IMAGINE both scenarios, one being she was clueless, and the second being that she knew but also thought is was under control.
ReplyDeleteWhat ticks me off about Jim is him making the decision (on Twitter) that she knew. Twitter is not the place to discuss your negative speculations when you are a celebrity.
Oops! that should be - thought it was under control.
ReplyDeleteYes, all us women are willing participants in men's cheating. That's why we MARRY and PROMISE to be faithful. Yes, that is why. Makes perfect sense.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rocket Queen and Jax. I think he was doing this before they got married and she just turned a blind eye. He gives her quite a nice lifestyle. And Tiger owes his CHILDREN, Jim.
ReplyDeleteEven if she suspected or knew, how does that automatically lead to "willing participant?!" What a crock.
ReplyDeletewomen know when they're ready to know. sometimes they just refuse to take it in because they'd then have to do something about it.
ReplyDeletei've seen that with my friends---finding gifts on a credit card (not in their size--not even close), unexplained phone calls, not being where they're supposed to be, changing appearance, dieting, working out, even STD's. all explained away.
you handle it when you CAN---not always when you should.
Sandra is different from Elin in that she has a demanding career that occupied much of her time during most of Jesse's infidelities. Elin, not so much. Still, I believe that Elin did not know or at least didn't believe it was as bad as it was.
ReplyDeleteShe was a "willing participant" if she knew and turned a blind eye to the situation. Tiger didn't just decided ONE DAY that he was going to run around on her, especially with all of the Hoes he had, he had to have been doing it for awhile. Now how long she knew is anyone's guess, but I, like a few others believe that she was fine with the arrangements until he caught feelings for one of the side pieces.
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ReplyDeleteI know everyone loves Sandra Bullock, you're practically a Communist if you don't. I think she is a good (if not great) actress too. But with regards to Sandra getting a pass on not knowing about Jesse and Elin doesn't well I don't buy that.
ReplyDeleteSandra can spot 15 years on Elin and has been around the block quite a few times. I would expect Sandra to be wiser about these things. But...not wishing to sound judgmental, lets just say that if Sandra can be "blindsided" why couldn't Elin?
In fact I am likely to excuse it more in Elin because she was fairly young when she got together with Tiger, what 23 or 24? She's a pretty young girl and every pretty young girl thinks they are going to be the ones that are different and will really make their man change. I am guessing some of the posters on this board may have fallen for that trap in their youth too.
I can't imaging in the most twisted "conspiracy theories" about Elin that anyone thinks she could possibly be enjoying this.
Even if she knew, I don't see how it makes her a "willing participant". Maybe she knew but couldn't figure out a way to confront him, or a way to get out of the situation without her children getting hurt. Maybe she didn't fully know the extent of it. Bash Tiger all you want, but I really think we should leave Elin alone.
ReplyDeleteSomewhat off-topic: Some of these comments above reminded me of Don and Betty's relationship on "Mad Men" when Betty *knew* that Don was cheating only to be told that she was crazy.
ReplyDeleteThe saddest part of this for me? Having someone in Hollywood I took for a genuinely nice person at one time say something like this. Nobody but Elin knows anything for certain, and hearing everyone's opinion just rubs salt on the wound.
ReplyDeleteSome people take the "for better for worse" part of the vows seriously, and Elin could have actually wanted to stick it out and make things work.
ReplyDeleteIf that's really Jim Carrey's tweet, he should be ashamed of himself. Freedom of speech is a right, not an obligation. That's why I hate all these social networking things.
The level of Elin's anger that Thanksgiving night (if that's really what happened) was probably the last straw -- the last broken promise, the last empty apology -- I don't think she'd snap like that if she just discovered he was cheating.
That said, Elin has the right to try and revive a marriage if it's possible. That doesn't make her a "willing participant", that makes her a woman who believes in her marriage vows.
Jim Carrey is projecting all of his own anger at being taken advantage of by women through the years. He's burned through a lot of relationships, and many of them were probably based on his fame, not on his charm. That tends to jade a man.
But he's painting Elin with that same wide brush and that's out of line.
The only time a celebrity needs to be gossiping is here, anonymously, and telling secrets we all want to hear.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say was RJ said - Elin is pretty much a stay-at-home mom and Sandra isnt. Not to mention the fact that Sandra has a lot more money than Jesse does and therefore has no lifestyle issues to consider other than the marriage.
ReplyDeleteWhile its totally none of his business, I actually agree with Jim on this point.
Jim Carrey is a funny guy and all, very talented, etc. But, considering he just broke up with Jenny McCarthy, and has been divorced twice, he really just needs to not talk about other peoples relationships.
ReplyDeleteI always got the feeling that he had issues in general, perhaps depression, who knows. He should concentrate on his own issues and leave others to take care of their own.
Forgot to mention that I am not sure why Sandra is being pitted against Elin on this message board. Seriously like Sandra was totally innocent of Jesse's behavior? Come on, we all knew what a dog Jesse was. Tiger was a bit of a surprise to all of us, if you are honest about it. I mean I suspected a couple of one night stands here and there but certainly not this.
ReplyDeleteBOTH of these women deserve sympathy or if you are hard hearted then neither do. It's not a contest...
I really do believe that elin could have been surprised by this - at the very least the extent.
ReplyDeletewith the amount he travels or would be away from the house and with the amount of people he has to cover his tracks i believe it would have been very easy for her to get bullshitted too.
even with doubts without proof they are just doubts.
only because it happened to me and there was no indication - i was seeing a chef - therefore not standard hours - and despite having a very healthy sex life (daily or more) he was still cheating. i thought there would be no way - and it wasn't just with one girl - we had tiger type quantities of women - and we were only together for a year and a half