Leave it to Courtney Love to find the most interesting tidbit of gossip from the weekend. Apparently Courtney hung out with Jessica Simpson on Friday night and then spent the rest of the night Tweeting John Mayer about how his sexual napalm is doing. Anyway, Courtney said she hung out with Jessica chewing Nicorette. Courtney says that Jessica has never smoked in her life but is addicted to Nicorette gum. How the hell do you even start chewing that stuff? One day you just say to yourself, you know what, I feel like chewing some nasty tasting gum so I can hopefully get addicted to nicotine?
I'm sick of Courtney. I can't read what she writes and I feel like she's always talking out of school.
ReplyDeleteI agree it's weird about Jessica, but it wasn't Courtney's place to tell the world.
This all happened in Courtney's head.
ReplyDeleteI don't care about either of them...
ReplyDeleteJessica is dumb enough to think it was a brand of gum like Dentyne or Trident, lol
ReplyDeleteI think it makes you poop. It's a laxative in gum-form (if you're Jessica Simpson).
ReplyDeleteGeez, she might as well just enjoy a good chaw...idiot child.
ReplyDeletepersonally i think the fruit flavored nicotine gum made by walgreens is delicious.
ReplyDeleteChew it all the time. Sometimes while smoking :)
This is very strange.
ReplyDeleteNicotine is an excellent drug and is used to treat a number of diseases (Parkinson's, for one). It's cigarettes that are bad for you.