Thursday, April 01, 2010

Jesse James Paid For Sex At Strip Club

This story just keeps on getting better if you are a gossip fan and a whole lot worse if you are Sandra Bullock. In that Life & Style cover I showed you yesterday and up above again, the issue contains a report that Jesse used to go see Mistress #1, Michelle McGee at the strip club where she worked. He would pay her $400 an hour for private dances which usually led to oral sex. One time when he visited he had Michelle perform oral sex and then grabbed another dancer who proceeded to use her hand on him.

Of course both of these acts would be illegal and the strip club says only that Jesse has visited the club but of course they do not condone that type of behavior.


  1. this guy's dick needs to go through a long cycle in an autoclave.

  2. This Michelle McGee skank is all class.

  3. Poor Sandra. I don't think it will ever end -- as long as there's money to be had and Gloria Allred and her ilk are there to represent these women. I continue to feel sorry for Sandra Bullock and the children involved.

  4. Is this guy going to keep doing his t.v. show after this?

  5. I will bet anyone a bacon cheeseburger that Sandra takes him back.

  6. I thought his show was ending.

  7. Gaah! What's the deal with the ad that starts playing with audio automatically. I'm at work for the love of blog!

  8. well whaddya expect from a girl that goes by the name evilc-nt on twitter?

  9. My sympathy for Sandra is limited. Sandra, YOU MARRIED A MAN WHOSE EX-WIFE WAS A PORN STAR!!!

    Of COURSE he has a taste for sleazy whores.

    All these women who think they can change a man are just tiresome.

  10. What a skeeze. LOL to Nancer.

  11. Agree with Nancer...too much sex already, his johnson is a Bio-hazard danger!

  12. I wish media outlets would stop paying these women to tell all. There are details I just don't want to know (like the Tiger Woods/tampon thing). TMI.

  13. always thought he was an idiot, based on his ex wife. tried to be a bigger, better person and like him cause i like sandra, but that didnt turn out too well.

    also, why on earth would he pay for sex he got at home/the office for free???

  14. You know this is becoming so standard that for a second I forgot who were talking about and thought this was about Tiger.

    So who'll be next? Kevin Bacon and Kyra? Meryl Streep? Oprah and Stedman?(That actually would be fun!)

  15. Sadness, all around.

  16. @Not on my dollar, if Stedman's no-no ever touched Oprah's ho-ho pigs would fly. $100 says they're mutually bearding for each other.

  17. No! A man paid for sex at a sex club???? What is this world coming to?

    Wait till they find out how Jesse financed West Coast Choppers. That's when the bons temps will really roulez. And the Long Beach police will throw a party.

  18. Not surprising to find out that Michelle McBoob is a prossie, but this is excellent news for her ex and his custody battle. What a piece of crap this woman is, but Jesse was right there down in the mud with this pig.

    I feel so bad for Sandra she should be on top of the world winning an Oscar and this inked up monster just won't go away. Jesse is a dope.

  19. OK Melody, spill. How did he finance West Coast Choppers??? I know those CNC machines in that shop don't come cheap for sure.

  20. They're s been rumors in Long Beach for years that WCC was financed by pharmaceuticals. And not over the counter ones, either. And, the LB police despise JJ.
