Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Jesse James Has Sex Tapes - Dressed As Nazi During Sex

Each day the news about Jesse James gets more disturbing. What is also really starting to disturb me more each day is that Jesse James really did have a love it seems for all things Nazi. It doesn't look like he really tried to hide it and I am starting to wonder if Sandra Bullock needs to come out and say something to the effect that she had no idea about his Nazi love because the more of this that comes out, the more you would think she knew about it.

Anyway, in their Jesse story of the day, Radar Online says it has discovered there are 12 sex tapes of Jesse with women. The main theme in all of them seem to be women that are bound while he is wearing full on Nazi outfits. In one tape, a woman is on her knees and her hands are bound while she performs oral sex on Jesse while he is wearing Nazi gear and giving the salute and periodically drinking from a bottle of bourbon.


  1. Um. That's normal.


    I don't know, Enty. If I was Sandra Bullock, I probably would say nothing and just file for divorce. I think it's refreshing when celebrities have an element of mystery surrounding them. It seems he did these things when she was on location for work, so there is a chance she had no idea. She seems very normal, so I can't imagine she'd put up with that, unless the marriage was one big sham.

  2. I was going to say something to the effect of "I'll believe it when I see it", but the fact of the matter is, I really do not want to see it. Ever.

    As far as Sandra knowing...I don't know, it seems odd that she didn't know considering the extent of it, but I think it's possible to hide anything from someone if you really want to. For a while. Eventually, it'll come out. No slut sleeps with a married man because she DOESN'T want attention, y'know?

  3. When it comes to this type of allegations, I think one should wait until the tapes, if they do exist, are made public and they are proved to be true.

  4. Agreed...Sandra needs to put a statement out, if only because of her German heritage. People will jump to the wrong conclusions if she doesn't, I think.

    Why do I have the feeling there's gonna be worse stuff coming from this douchebag?

  5. The day the tapes come out is the day Sandra should file for divorce if she hasn't already done so.


  6. He sounds like he has an alcohol problem as well. He always came off as a pretty smart, soft-spoken guy who came from a rough background but overcame it. Unfortunately, something in his brain keeps telling him he doesn't deserve his success, and so he undermines it, probably when alcohol is involved.

  7. I bet JJ has a big Madonna-whore complex. He chose to marry someone who would be the perfect arm candy wife, but took his perverse side out with his affairs. At least I hope it's that. That's the only scenario I can imagine in which Sandra Bullock didn't know about his Nazi obsession.

    Ick, double ick nast.

  8. I can see him hiding this from her easily. Sandra is a busy woman, and probably doesn't spend enough time at home to be rummaging through his things. And what is it with these idiots who keep filming everything? Dude, if you don't want to get caught, DON'T RECORD IT. Geez.

  9. I'm not a big believer in sex addiction, I think it's usually tied to other psychological issues...and it sounds like he definitely has issues. One issue being stupidity. How on earth could he not think mistresses wouldn't talk and videos wouldn't surface? Pathetic.

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  11. Shouldn't he have been drinking schnapps instead or bourbon? Although if he truly wanted to emulate Hitler, a vegetarian and teetotaler, he should have been drinking herbal tea.

  12. So I'm wondering,and if someone could enlighten me on this, please do:

    All these mistresses are having really kinky sex with Tiger Woods and Jesse James...do they have that same kind of sex with their wives? Is Tiget having vanilla sex with Elin or do you think he's trying out his gangbang rape fantasies on her too?

    Like do you think Sandra could be in one of these videos? What is up with the sex when its within these marriages or are these married couples not doing it at all? Just curious on anyone's take on this.

  13. So what this tells me is that Jesse's alter ego was a bad ass whore loving Nazi.

  14. @palealebrew10, I think this is what he did away from Sandra. Seems like for both Jesse and Tiger, the wife was the normal, healthy relationship, while the side ho sex was the stuff that they did because of psychological issues and because their fame made it easy. In both cases, there is no one to say "no" - they only get encouragement from leeches and fame mongers.

  15. I'm gonna say the tapes will be floating around in a month or so. That is how long it took to get the Hitler hat picture.

    I don't think Sandy is a star in any of these. But i bet he hired a look a like to take out his fantasies on her.

    I really wish Sandra would file for divorce and put all of us out of our misery waiting already.

  16. Gross. This website is saying it was Sandra in the video and the details will turn your stomach. Read at your own risk.

  17. Celebitchy is reporting that Sandra has released a statement to People, saying "that there never was a sex tape and there never will be."

    That's it. No comment on anything else - divorce, Nazi crap, the other women. Just the (non) sex tape.

  18. Bullock's maternal grandfather was a rocket scientist from Nuremberg, Germany.... makes me wonder.. not saying she knew but makes me wonder what she really thinks...

  19. I wanted to barf at the report of the sex tape he did with sandra:

    PLEASE don't let it be true!

  20. I am sure that the sex tape report with SB is a load of crap. She's not that stupid. He, on the other hand, seemingly has less intelligence than a lug nut.

  21. UPDATE: Sandra issued a statement saying the rumor that she had a sext tape with James is not true. YEA!!!!

  22. I do not believe Sandra was in a sex tape.

  23. http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20358399,00.html

    I love how she says, "And there never will be." Take that, Jesse!

    I for one would pay money to see her kick him in the nuts.

  24. @palealebrew - I have been wondering the exact same thing.

  25. That DISGUSTING! Bourbon! It should have been schnapps.

  26. Fortunately, Jesse James' career is not completely over. He can still move to Texas and run for governor. Actually at one time we had a State Treasurer (an elected official in Texas)named Jesse James.

  27. Who knew I would have something decent to say about Tiger, but now I do: He isn't a Nazi-loving whore monger, just a whore monger.

  28. @looserdude - he would still be an improvement over Governor Hair-Do. That guy makes me want to smack his face every time I see him.

  29. @Moonmaid - 'zactly what I was thinking. I even voted in the Republican primary just so i could vote against him twice.

  30. did you know sandra bullock speaks fulent german? it says that on her imdb page

  31. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Sandy knew.

  32. I have to laugh at her People quote...and I never will. Good for you SB.

  33. Although I'm not condoning Nazism by ANY means, I really don't see anything wrong with some role playing between consenting adults (disclaimer - I have not yet checked out the link describing the details). Also, if he is indeed a neo-Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer, he has a right to his options in this country (no matter how f*cked up they are).

    Of course cheating on one's wife with anybody no matter what kind of role play one gets into is not right.

  34. Like, OMGQ@!!@! She speaks German "fulently." and has German heritage! And her husband had Nazi side-sex with a bunch of whores! So she must be a Nazi, tooooo!

    STFU. Now.

  35. I made several sex tapes with my ex-wife (when we were still married, of course). What's the big deal? Doesn't everyone? I still look at them sometimes, too, 'cause she was HAWWWT!!

  36. Amartel Umm I don't think anyone was trying to imply that Sandra is a Nazi.

    And I don't think there is anything wrong with making a sex tape but I worry that if there was one with Sandra, especially with him dressing as a Nazi, he would try to use it against her.

  37. If all these rumors about Jesse James is true, then I hope it all comes to light.

    I can't believe Sandra would perform in a sex tape with this ape. Nope. Do not believe it for a minute.

  38. Assuming it isn't Sandra in the sex tape, I don't agree that she HAD to know. People can hide some really crazy things from the people who love them the most.

    My favorite example is my friend's friend who learned as an adult (after his father died) that dear ol' dad had multiple children with several different girlfriends. They ALL thought they were his only family, the girlfriends and their kids lived in different apartment buildings he owned. How he covered it up is too long to explain here, but he pulled it off until his death.

  39. I would argue it is short-sighted to assume/guess she knew or sympathized with any of this nonsense because she has German heritage, or speaks German. I'm German-American, speak German, and I could never EVER be/sympathyze with a Nazi. Actually, so what if she had a Nazi somewhere in her family tree? Has no one here ever disagreed with your family (even on very fundamental things)?

    And as for the Mr's roleplay: It's probably a safe bet that he went elsewhere because he wasn't getting that kink scratched at home. Isn't that how the psychology usually works?

    We know her public persona, which is something crafted to be sold. Celebrities sell their image. To assume we actually know the person is a little naive. We know too much about too many celebrities from A to Z lists! She shouldn't be forced in to a statement - at this point, her silence is taking the classy road (which seems to be her image anyway). A little Old Hollywood decorum is sadly needed these days.

  40. *are true. Sorry had a grammar lapse.

  41. @ Lindsey and Charlie: I think everyone's sympathies are with Sandra... when anyone posted about her German heritage it was to note that she would be particularly sensitive about the Nazi rumors. Everyone, to my knowledge, is Team Sandy.

  42. @ Mango, I would certainly hope so. I wasn't trying to come off as angry or attacking. I have seen some bile spewed at SB on other sites because of this, and I just don't get it. CDAN does have a significantly lower troll population, which is why I read it. I just think its a sad situation.

  43. It's common sense to me that she wouldn't ever let someone tape her having sex. I don't get why anybody does!! What are you going to do with it?? Show to the grandchildren some day?

  44. @ Mango--he isn't an ape, he is a vanilla gorilla--lol!

  45. Everyday I feel more sorry for SB. She really seemed to love this anal sphincter and this is how he treated her. I hope she divorces his post-haste.

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  47. When I saw that picture of that McGee shit, I didn't know he had cheated on SB with her, but I *did* think "is that Sandra Bullock with fake tats?" I haven't seen what his other mistresses look like, but maybe he was looking for a lookalike? With tats?

  48. After the stuff someone said in the comments on the last post about Jesse, I bet the Nazi thing for him is about sexual power/control rather than racism. I think it's a fetish, and I still don't think Sandra had any idea.

  49. @M that is what I was thinking too.
