Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Jamie Foxx Will Eat A Pizza In A Male Shower

Umm, Jamie Foxx really needs to work on his quick quips. I know he is very funny as a stand up comedian, but I'm guessing he must really, really work at that material and it only comes after a very long struggle or through expensive writers. The reason I say this is because he and Howard Stern have been battling it out on their respective SIRIUS radio shows. It all started when Howard made some comments he should not have made about Gabourey Sidibe and then Jamie said something back to Howard and then Howard implied Jamie is gay.

Well, apparently Jamie decided to set the record straight about him being straight but with the strangest quote ever. "I'm not gay. A lot of people say that I'm gay and that doesn't bother me, because I could eat a pizza in a male shower and not feel anything because I'm secure with myself. And I'm not gonna take that, Coward Stern. I'm not gonna take that from a person who has chronic gonorrhea."

What exactly are you going to feel in a shower while eating pizza? I will feel like you just wasted a perfectly good pizza by getting it wet. Does this mean he is happy to sit there and watch the men shower while he eats pizza, or just that watching men shower makes him hungry or that pizza and showers go well together or that the best thing to do while watching people shower is eat pizza? He needs to explain. Also, what kind of toppings are you putting on this pizza because I have to say when pepperoni gets wet that grease is going to make the shower floor slippery and that isn't a good thing.


  1. I took it to mean that he would be relaxed enough in a male shower to hang out and eat a pizza, and not worry about anyone thinking he's gay or wondering where his eyes are at.

    Yeah, still doesn't make sense...

  2. I think Jamie Foxx would've been better leaving that comment alone or had a more creative answer to give. It's pretty well-known he's on the DL, not that there's anything wrong with that, but if he wants to keep that under wraps, this comment doesn't really help things.

  3. I took it to mean he could hang out, have a meal and not be fazed while well hung men soaped and lathered themselves up. (Okay I kind of improvised).

    Anyway it was not a very good comeback.

    I am a Jamie Foxx fan but right now every time he opens his mouth he's sticking his foot in it. I wish he'd just be quiet unless he's opening his mouth to sing or act.

  4. I think Jamie likes sausage on his pizza. Big juicy sausage.

  5. I kinda thought it was common knowledge that he's on the DL. *shrug* why does he even bother answering? Just fuels the fire.

  6. This is a good looking man, but every time he opens his mouth to say something of his own accord he makes himself utterly unattractive.

    And, at this rate, it would be easier and quicker to compile a list of who is NOT homosexual in the entertainment business. Seriously.

  7. I'm a huge Howard fan. I listen every day and hear every second at home and at work. Howard never said Jaimiee was gay. He alluded to rumors without ever saying what it was. The media picked up on it becuase there have been rumors for YEARS that Jaimee is gay.

    And what Howard said about Gabourey was not that she was ugly. But that a woman her size will have a hard time find leading roles and it isn't healthy. Which it isn't. If it hadn't been for Howard I doubt she would of gotten the SNL gig or role on the cable show. He kept her name alive in the press with this.

    Howard keeps trying to drop it but Jaimee is running with it for publicity.

  8. The Black gossip websites have been on Jamie for years about being on the down low. Apparently Jamie has many, many secrets and someone is always threatening to expose him.

    Maybe he is part of the gay pizza fetish DL community.

  9. Jaime Foxx's comment reminds me of an old SNL sketch with Ray Romano ans Tim Meadows as sportscasters, and Meadows increasingly angry at the nonsense Romano's spewing while commenting: "That's it! Get out the checkbook and pay Grandma for the rubdown!"

  10. Apple, I'm gonna have to agree with you for the most part. I think Howard can be cruel, but he was speaking the ugly truth. Could he have been more conservative with his wording..absolutely. No one is saying she's untalented, but her weight is unhealthy. Does that mean she should be 90 pounds soaking wet? Of course not. It means a healthy BMI and healthy eating and exercise.

    I don't know how to feel about Jamie Foxx, but what he said about Miley Cyrus, like her or hate her, was possibly more insensitive. She was only about 15 or 16 at the time. And he got off of it somewhat easily. If you're gonna dish it, you gotta be able to take it.

  11. What did Stern say about Miley/

  12. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Jamie is not DL, he's just into fat, white women.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. @Sunnyside1213: said she was ugly, made fun of her mouth, saying she was "the one with all the gums" and needed to get a gum transplant.
    Said she should "make a sex tape and grow up. Get like Britney Spears and do some heroin. Do like Lindsay Lohan … and get some crack in your pipe … That's what I want."

    Then went on Jay Leno and said he was just joking.

  15. Yep, gotta agree with Apple and paleale. Howard never said Baby Jamie was gay. STERN RULES.

    baba booey baba booey baba booey!


  16. My favorite part about this post is enty's obvious obsession with food is really seen here as he mentally debates which pizza topping would hold up in a shower. LOL I fucking love you dude

  17. I just hate when my pizza crust is soggy.

  18. Ugh - I can't stand either Stern or Foxx, so will be quite happy if they slander each other until they're completely spent.

  19. What Jamie should have said is something along the lines of:

    " Gabby might have a weight issue but you Mr. Stern are ugly. Gabby can get thinner but there ain't enough $$$ in the world to cure your kind of FUGLY-- inside and out."

    As for the quote he made, we know gay or not Jamie can't think on his feet.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Jamie was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond so he made sure what he said didn't make sense to make us think we're off base. NOT


  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Cheryl said...
    Maybe he is part of the gay pizza fetish DL community.

    Ah yes, the GPFDLC.....

    (seriously, thank you, that totally had me ROTFLMAO :D )

  24. Team None of the Above.

  25. So lets set the record straight, so to speak. Howard said Sitibay (sp) was the size of a planet and that Hollywood, as an industrial complex, does not hire obese women other than in specific parts. Jamie Foxx then refereed to Sitibay (sp) as the "Notorious Precious." Then honestly, Howard gave jamie accolades, saying how funny and respected he was as an actor, citing his Oscar and then saying he loved him as an actor. Jamie is a bitch. Howard never stated he was gay, but did put the wood down for the fire.

  26. So lets set the record straight, so to speak. Howard said Sitibay (sp) was the size of a planet and that Hollywood, as an industrial complex, does not hire obese women other than in specific parts. Jamie Foxx then refereed to Sitibay (sp) as the "Notorious Precious." Then honestly, Howard gave jamie accolades, saying how funny and respected he was as an actor, citing his Oscar and then saying he loved him as an actor. Jamie is a bitch. Howard never stated he was gay, but did put the wood down for the fire.

  27. Wasn't Jamie arrested years ago with either a gay prostitute or transgendered one? I know they hushed that up quickly back in the day.

    As for Howie, like Sarah Jessica Parker, he too suffers from horse head syndrome, a horrible disease.
