Monday, April 05, 2010

Isabel Who?

Jake Gyllenhaal is a devious one isn't he? Jake was in San Francisco at WonderCon to promote Prince Of Persia. Well, actually the video game and not so much the movie. Anyway, at WonderCon there was a press conference and a reporter asked what seemed at the time to be a very good question. He asked Jake how things were between he and Isabel Lucas. Over the past few weeks Jake and Isabel have been spotted out and about. You know, because they really like each other and all that. In response to the question Jake said, "Who?" Yep. The person he has been seen on the streets with and holding hands with is a mystery to him. Being the funny guy he is, Jake kept going with it and in reply to a followup question about whether the pair were dating, Jake said, “It’s news to me, my friend. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I guess reporters had been warned to not ask any personal questions. So, Jake decided to be difficult. I'm sure Isabel is thrilled to be "Who?" Of course it is better than last year when she was the "I thought she was dating Adrien Grenier. Why was she with Shia in the middle of the night when he had his car accident?"


  1. I guess in order to be a successful actress in Hollywood you have to first play beard to its leading men.

  2. I guess Isabel will have to find a way to make a name for herself that's not by association with a famous man...

    How long until that Butler geezer is seen having "dinner" with her?

  3. Geezer!?! Butler is gorgeous.

  4. Geezer is brit for "dude".

    I don't see the gorgeousness myself, but to each their own.

  5. Anonymous12:04 PM


  6. this could be a fun game!

    "who will isabel beard for next?"

    My money is on... Clooney?

  7. idk who isabel is either. but eep, that was a poor save, jake.

  8. Jeremy Renner? Derek Hough? oh the possibilities!

  9. LOLOL OH I LOVE IT! @linnea

    Now you know we are going to keep an eye out for the next guy she "hooks" up with and wonder about dude's sexual orientation, lol

  10. Well, if she's hooking up with him for the fame, then that's on her and she has little right to be upset unless he is violating their agreement. If the reporters had been warned not to ask personal questions and they (or one) did, then what did they expect?

    In any case she seems to be something of a player, so she might not even care too much about this.

  11. Here in the US geezer = very old yucky dude.

  12. @sunnyside123: Interesting. I didn't even know the term was used in the US.

  13. I actually felt kind of sorry for Jake until I read the Drunken Stepfather incident. He isn't closeted out of fear, but out of greed for fame.

  14. mooshki, you gotta explain that whole thing to me. As I said, I tried to read it, but I couldnt get throught it. The guy who wrote it just appeared to be such a horrible person.

    The way I understood the post though, it was the AUTHOR being a jackass and telling Jake he murdered his best friend, and that made Jake pissed - please tell me what I missed, cause maybe I should have continued reading the post...

  15. i will never understand why Hollywood is so gaga over Isabel.

    She is just a lucky hipster who got into a big Transformers movie.

  16. Linnea, the blogger who wrote it IS a horrible person. You didn't miss a thing. I'm not sure how Mooshki came to her conclusion from that article.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. What Drunken Stepfather incident? Can someone explain please?
