Thursday, April 01, 2010

Is Jason Lee A Wife Beater?

Hmmm. Yesterday there were paps swarming all over the new Mrs. Jason Lee and today The Enquirer has a tell all from the former Mrs. Jason Lee. Carmen Llywellyn gave an interview to The Enquirer where she spills all about Scientology. Unfortunately their website doesn't give much information so later when I go out for some In-N-Out I will stop by a grocery store and read it. Anyway, she does say they were horrible, that she hates them and they caused her to become addicted to pain killers. Oh, and because of them she had to go to rehab three times before she got clean.

The part they tease, but don't actually talk about is that one night Jason Lee was drunk and beat her in a drunken rage. Well, maybe he went and detoxed at the Celebrity Center the next morning. Wow.Who knew Jason Lee was a wife beater?


  1. Just because I hate to believe this is true does not mean I don't. So shady and sad.

  2. Well, a lot of times, the people who are crazy wifebeaters do not seem that way by appearances. Sadly, I believe it. I used to have a crush on him(I know, I know).

  3. And....there it is.

    I thought Scientology didn't believe in drugs, though?

  4. "Squeakual"? WTF? How do you spell that?

  5. for medical use,no.

  6. Alvin, C0$ and now this...for sure over him.

  7. that's beth reisgraf not carmen llewellyn... she's his ex fiance not ex wife and they have a kid together...

  8. I have NEVER liked this guy, even before I knew he was CO$. Just sensed something really off about him.

  9. Sporky, did you know he named his kid Pilot Inspektor?? what a freak!
    he is way off!!!!

  10. oh, and my kid loves that Alvin movie, but I cannot even listen to it without cringing. WTF is up with those stupid facial expressions. It is like some imaginary finger goes up his anus every fifteen seconds and he gets this raised-eyebrow-confused-wide-eyed-smirk on his face. So annoying, but hey, at least it isn't Barney.

  11. in all honesty though- like him or not, my name is earl was definitely a VERY underrated show... very very funny...

  12. Jason Lee is not the good everyman he pretends to be. We were called for jury duty the same day a few summers ago. I watched him talk the court people into letting him out of service. Seriously. It didn't appear as if he had pressing business (he was too casual for it to be a crisis), just acted like he was above it. He slinked up to the desk a few times and chatted with the staff and after a break, never returned. People around the room looked at each other, incredulous and disgusted.

  13. So that was yesterday's hint :(
    I really like Jason Lee because his movies were goofy yet not stupid. Well there's nothing more to say, I think we can all agree that an organization that cares for being so secret it's just weird and suspicious.

  14. No no no!! Earl can't be like this! I loooooved him so much on that show.

  15. delilah -now answer me honestly, which one is more of a deal breaker?

  16. skeeball, no I didn't know that, but it sure makes sense. Ugh. Poor kid.

  17. Real is a bad guy?!

  18. linnea:

    doing the Alvin movies of course!

  19. Nope, he is a Scientolgy darling with Giovanni Ribissi. Sorry, not true. However, if she didn't agree to be audited, she was probably chained to the bed for 3 days.

  20. If you are not a sick puppy when you enter the Cult of Scientology, they will surely turn you into one. Physical abuse is rampant within the organization and among all followers of this lunacy. Watch Anderson Coopers AC360 all this week - Scientology: A History of Violence.

    L.Rob Hubbard, the koo-koo founder of this scam, was himself a wife beater so if it was good enough for LRH it is good enough for Jason Lee.
