Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Is A Cleanse A Diet? If It Is Then Gwyneth Is Full Of It...As Usual

Yesterday the internet was all abuzz about how Gwyneth Paltrow has anger inside her and hates some people. Meh. To me that is just a rehash of crap she has said before. We know she hates people. We know she probably loves getting revenge. Nothing there. What no one talked about from the same interview in the UK edition of Vogue is this lovely quote from The Gooper. Her new name. Like it?

"I can eat what I want, as long as I exercise, which is just as well, because if I put the word 'diet' into my brain, I immediately gain a stone." OK, first of all, Gwyneth doesn't even weigh one stone so the odds of her gaining a stone are slim. What is a stone like 14 pounds? Yeah, like Gwyneth even gained 14 pounds when she was pregnant. She just likes to drop British words so she seems like she belongs. Anyway, what she is saying inside all that rigmarole is that she doesn't diet. That is such a crock. How many times have we all suffered through reading about her GOOP cleanses? A cleanse is a diet. If you are not eating any f**king food then it is a diet. If you want to use the word cleanse because that makes you feel spiritual or better than everyday people than use the word cleanse, but Gooper, let me tell you, it is a diet. To tell people you don't diet and all you do is exercise is a lie.

As soon as you gain a pound you are in that newsletter talking about you have to lose it. Yes, you exercise. I will give you that. But, when you gain pounds you immediately tell people in your newsletter you are going to cleanse. Call it what it really is. A fancy term for starving yourself by pretending that cayenne pepper and syrup and salt water somehow is not starving yourself. Unless all of that is on a steak and some waffles it is starving yourself.


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