Monday, April 05, 2010

Elvis Liked 14 & 15 Year Old Girls

There is a new book out called Baby, Let's Play House. Funny name for a title of a book about Elvis, but there is some great gossip in it. According to the author, Elvis preferred girls to adult women. "Elvis loved 14 and 15-year-old girls. He was insecure about his sexual prowess and wanted virgins so they wouldn't have anyone to compare him to as a lover. Adult women scared him. He wanted to mold them and mentor them and they adored him."

Not content to just have unnamed sources, the author actually tracked down one of the girls Elvis had a relationship with. The girl said she was 14 when she met Elvis and they dated for about six months. Either she or the author is very careful about the words they use to describe the relationship. It is tough to tell if Elvis had sex with her from what she says. "He didn't take advantage of me." Now, I don't know what that means exactly, but when a guy says he wants to take you with him on tour, I am guessing he doesn't want to just have a tea party. Her parents wouldn't let her go on tour with him but they didn't stop her from dating Elvis. Apparently Elvis didn't worry about things like laws which don't let you have sex with minors or bring them across state lines for having sex.


  1. Duh. Pricilla was a baby when he "adopted" her.


  3. Were we supposed to be Priscilla was his first young girl? To be bold enough to move her in to Graceland just means he knew he could get away with anything.

  4. Priscilla was 14 when they met and according to "The Intimate Sex Lives of Famous People" had sex when she was 15. He was done with her after she became pregnant with Lisa Marie. He liked 'em virginal and compliant.

  5. This is old news.

    Priscilla was about that age (14/15) when they got together.

    She was here on the Richard & Judy talk show some 5/6 years ago, and she talked about her relationship with Elvis.
    They asked her if she was having sex with him from the start, and she said "Oh yes, absolutely!"

    Her parents knew about it too, and weren't concerned at all. According to her father, it was the way things were, back then: "God forbid you got to 25 unmarried!"

  6. Priscilla was 14 when she met him and he came back for her the next year and moved her in to his home, yanno with no funny business. Interesting factoid, after she had Lisa Marie he never could sleep with Priscilla again as a women because now she was a "mother", issues much? So being young and healthy she started sleeping around and the rest is history and karate teachers. I find it fascinating that Lisa Marie's father had inappropriate relationships with underage children and so did at least one of her husbands. Sad weird life.

  7. The is gross and all but what really disturbs me is Elvis apparently having problems in the sack. Elvis fucking Pressly?! Really? Damn, I thought he would have had it going on

  8. I believe all men who are sexually insecure either settle for young/virginal girls or stripper/prostitutes and they never mature to having a relationship with normal, decent women in their age group.

  9. zandra,
    What's fascinating to me about Lisa Marie's marriage to MJ is her saying that after living at Graceland, she didn't find Neverland to be all that weird. She did say that she never saw him do anything inappropriate with boys. (but I don't think she brought her kids to live with them)

  10. This was normal for that time and culture (Jerry lee Lewis marrying his 13 yo cousin?). There was a thing among men for virgins, for the same reason Elvis wanted young girls. This was a sexually repressed time, and many people married in their teens as that was the only way to have sex. Not much sex ed, no advice or discussion - sex was a huge scary mystery.

  11. Elvis had mommy issues, too. I think he had a warped/adolescent sexuality.

    I don't agree, Ms Wonderland. He was popular in his early teens with the ladies, so I don't believe he was naive. Just "strange" to the degree that would put you on the sex crimes registry today.

  12. Seems like the most famous sex symbols often have the most problematic psychological issues.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous11:13 AM

    All the comments about "back then" are true. Girls were supposed to save themselves for marriage. I'm fairly sure I married the dweeb I married because I'd already had sex with him and thought no other man would want me, since I wasn't a virgin any more. Funny, nobody has cared since then.

    I'm surprised Elvis would be insecure about his prowess, although I had read somewhere several years ago that he was ashamed because he wasn't circumcised.

    And the Madonna/Whore thing is pretty common, my ex was like that, nice women weren't supposed to enjoy it. Hmph.

  15. I was never a fan of Elvis and I am not defending him, however he did come from a culture where teens of 14 and 15 routinely married and started families - it was now considered inappropriate - suitable companions might not have struck Elvis (who was not a sophisticated man nor a learned man) as wrong. He might very well have liked young girls, who idolized him without having much perspective or even expectations and demands, but it sure took a long time for this shit to hit the fan.

    As for Lisa Marie and her comment about Graceland - bullshit. She knew full well that MJ was a whack-job and theirs was NOT a love match. I do believe that she never *saw* him do anything appropriate with boys, but she must have known of his predilection for young boys (whether or not she was aware of his father's predilection for teen girls).

  16. elvis had SERIOUS issues with sex and i kinda wonder if he was abused by his own mother or deeply closeted. not that being gay leads to this,just a thought.

  17. Despite this preference, it should be noted that he also dated Cybill Shepherd, who was neither a teenager, nor virginal.

  18. Correction: It was NOT considered inappropriate...

    @ TONIc - Elvis may not have been naive but he certainly wasn't sophisticated.

  19. Wasn't he sleeping with many of his co-stars while married? Ann Margaret?!

  20. cybil also had some interesting stories about him but she refuses to tell all just yet and prefers to wait until she's senile lol.

  21. He was very much in love with Ann Margaret. She thought they would marry. Can't remember what happened to that.

  22. i am not sure sylvia... as long as they are passed puberty i think no?

  23. Anonymous12:09 PM

    thanks Linnea

    would think if he was having sex with minors he would be considered one.

  24. this is disturbing.

    and i believe it.

  25. i don't get why this is even a shock to anyone. shit, priscilla's parents were more than happy to send their minor, under-the-age-of-consent daughter to live with him.

    if you're jerry lee lewis, this creeps people out. elvis.....not so much.

  26. Enty, you must not have read 'Elvis and Me' or you would already know this. How could you have missed that classic?!

  27. Why is this a shock? Pricilla was 15 when they started their relationship. Elvis was a pig. The only people who are worse are the parents who allowed this to go on. I don't care if Elvis was the King of Rock and Roll. The boy had some serious issues.

  28. shmooey - I was just about to comment that no doubt Cybill Shephard will be all over this, since she seems to want to talk about her sexy time with the King. Not sure I would want to sit down and talk about my sexual partners to the media regardless of how famous they were/are. Some things should just stay private and after hearing her discuss this a few years ago, it made me go off her.

  29. John - Cybill seems obsessed with sex. Every interview of hers I have ever watched or read includes several stories of romantic liaisons/hook-ups.
    Every single one of them. And she goes into details, too.

    My favourite story is the one about Bruce Willis.
    She said that when they were doing Moonlighting, they got together one night and started making out. Then, when she was already stripped to the waist, he backed away and said he couldn't go through with it in case it would ruin their professional relationship.
    She said she was really angry at him because he got her all turned on and then denied her. - Shudder. Ick to the nast.

  30. it's not a news! it's also in a book about groupies by Pamela Debarres!

  31. As far as Cybil, Ann Margaret--and other co-stars, I think it was all publicity. They also may have been just as charmed by Elvis as most women are, but I really doubt they had any kind of normal sex relationship. I think its possible he was gay, but I don't think he would have admitted it even to himself. At the very least, he was conflicted.

  32. I think he and Ann Margaret were more then just publicity though. Didn't he buy her a pink heart shaped bed?

  33. Nothing written about Elvis surprises me anymore. However it is kind of sad that Lisa Marie & her children have to hear this stuff about him. Somethings are better off left unsaid.

  34. A pink, heart-shaped bed that we all know about. Great publicity ploy!

  35. abused by his mother?! that's a new one.

    I think it probably was just a sign of the times. I don't know about in big cities, but it was SOOO not uncommon for girls to marry young in the country.

  36. The King had issues, no question. He also had "missing twin" syndrome his entire life, his twin died in childbirth.

    BTW, "Baby Let's Play House" was the title of one of his songs.
