Thursday, April 08, 2010

Ed Westwick & Jessica Szohr - Together Or Not?

Can you tell it is a slow day? Does anyone really care whether Ed Westwick and Jessica Szohr are still together? Did anyone know they were together? I actually did because I had a blind item about them and need to find it. Anyway, OK! has a report they broke up because Jessica was cheating on Ed and he broke up with her. Allegedly now she is desperate to get him back. The couple is making a big deal of trying to deny this happened and are trying to show they are still together. I don't know if this is because people care or Jessica just doesn't want to be known as a cheater. Let me tell you that she isn't the only one. Just saying.


  1. I'm more interested in Sebastian Stan & Leighton Meester then these two.

    I don't get what the hub bub is over Ed Westwick. He is a so so actor and is so so good looking.

    She is a glorified version of the missing link.

  2. Do you say her name "Jessica's a whore?"

  3. Lol Enty! I guess that means Ed has done some catting around? I always kind of wondered if this relationship was a set-up by the network, but I guess not.
    I love me some Ed/Chuck, but he is NOT looking his best in this pic.


  5. Eh, he probably leaked this story to show how straight!!! he is. Ed, your character is bi and no one cares, you can come out too!

    Apple, I didn't get the fuss over him until I heard him speak in his regular accent and then I swooned.

  6. I really like Chuck Bass, Ed not so much...he dresses a bit weird like trying to be high fashion and keeeping it simple. If Jessica doesn't want to be called a cheater then maybe she shouldn't have done it.

  7. HELLO PEOPLE: Who cares about them? Have you seen how cute that doggie is?!?! :)

  8. Jess, I'm with you. Every time I see a picture of Ed, I make a little face to myself. I don't find him attractive. However, Chuck Bass is a sexy beast. And there is a huge distinction.

  9. Jess called it. Chuck Bass...super fine. Ed Westwick....looks like Corey Feldman to me. How are they the same person??? hahahaha!

  10. I thought him and Chace Crawford were friends with benefits? I cant figure out if Ed Westwick is gay or bi? Just never really bought the whole relationship with Jessica Szohr. That dog he is walking sure makes the scales tilt in the gay direction for me though. Could you picture David B. walking a dog like that?!

  11. IDC but I want the puppy.

  12. @apple- I LOVE Leighton! Just love her. She seems like a cool ass chick (don't burst my bubble if you know otherwise, anyone in the know).

    Ed is totally batting for the same team-c'mon people we KNOW THIS. Look at him! You know your gaydar goes nuts. (yes even those of you who have none)

  13. WTF, is he wearing wingtip BOOTS?

  14. Agree that Chuck Bass is all kinds of hot sexiness, while Ed Westick not so much. Who cares at all about him and Jessica? But that dog needs a belly rub and all my kisses. Sooooo cute!!

  15. Gotta go with the peeps who think Chuck is all that and Ed, not so much.

  16. i don't get this guy. he's got squinty little eyes and always does that stupid puckered lip thing.

    the current crop of young hollywood men seem to spend way too much time looking in the mirror and working on their 'look.' but they're not real MEN to me. they're boys with very little talent who will be soon forgotten. he's definitely on that list.

  17. what's the blind item?

  18. Yeah, I got curious about the blind item. Anyone has any idea which one it was?

  19.'re all right, of course. Chuck Bass is just all sorts of hotness, while Ed Westwick is just a hot mess. But has anyone else noticed that while Vanessa Abrams is annoying and homely, Jessica Szohr is stunning?

  20. Lol, so agree with everyone. Chuck Bass is sexier than sexy. Ed Westwick so not.

    And I agree this story/relationship is just part of the whole "bearding" situation they're in.

  21. Oh yah, what is the blind? Anyone figure it out yet?

  22. "i don't get this guy. he's got squinty little eyes and always does that stupid puckered lip thing.

    the current crop of young hollywood men seem to spend way too much time looking in the mirror and working on their 'look.' but they're not real MEN to me. they're boys with very little talent who will be soon forgotten. he's definitely on that list."

    THIS x 1,000,000,000

  23. @Idiot Watcher - totally! I can't STAND the Vanessa character, but every time I see pictures of Jessica I think she's the gorge!

  24. Chase and Ed got busted macking on the set of GG over a year ago. Ever since then, he's been "dating" Jessica. Sounds like he needs a new beard.
