Monday, April 05, 2010

Derek Hough Hunts For Easter Eggs In Cheryl Cole's Hotel Room

So, how do you spend your Easter if you are a money grubbing, fame seeking dancer? Well, if you are Derek Hough you spend two hours of it holed up inside Cheryl Cole's hotel room. The Mirror, who seems to hold Derek in the same high esteem I do reported that Derek showed up about 10am yesterday and stayed for two hours. I suppose they could have been having an Easter egg hunt or room service or just watching part of a Real Housewives marathon. I honestly don't think they are doing anything else. Oh, sure I know Derek wants more. He is practically begging her to show up at Dancing With The Stars. I don't think he cares about having someone there to cheer him on, I think he cares about the publicity that her appearance will give him. Meanwhile, Cheryl doesn't know if she will have time to fit it in. I hope that means she is finally figuring out why this guy is interested in her.


  1. i get it he wants publicity...but does he not know no one really cares about cheryl here?

  2. well, talk about a picture being worth one thousand words. dude just come out. this is pathetic.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The person here that should not be held in "high esteem", IMO, is Cheryl Tweedy. I am dismayed by the attention this site pays to her.

    This is a woman that, as a teenager on who had just been granted a ticket to fame and wealth by being picked to be in girl band, celebrated by battering Sophie Amogbokpa, a bathroom attendant, and racially abusing her.

    Other than that, I find her absolutely uninteresting and untalented.

  5. ENTY, you failed to mention in your description of Derek " undercover gay, in the closet homo". I cant find the blind item you posted about Derek Hough being dumped by Shannon Elizabeth b.c she caught him in bed with a guy.

  6. Wow is that true Shmooey about her being racially abusive, especially in lite her soon-to-be ex is at least part black if not entirely. Of course dating a black person or even being friends with minorities does not prevent one from being racist.

  7. oh please this kid is gayer than Christmas, i'm sure they were just braiding each other's hair and eating Peeps.

    it's laughable anyone thinks he's 'dated' any of his co-stars.

  8. @Borg Queen:

    According to the victim, she grabbed a bunch of lollipops and wanted to take them without paying. When Sophie Amogbokpa told her she couldn't have them for free, she punched and called her a "black bitch".

    Amogbokpa was left with her eye so swollen she couldn't see and the brusing lasted 3 months.

    Cheryl was convicted of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, but because there was no evidence of what she had said, apart from the victim's statement, she was cleared of racially aggravated assault.

    The judge said she had shown "no remorse whatsoever".

    I find her despicable.

  9. No better then Mark Wahlberg blinding a korean deli owner.

    But people give him the gold carpet treatment every day becuase he makes money.

  10. @Apple:

    I've just looked him up on wikipedia, apparently there's a catalogue of racist incidents and violence from when he was just a teenager.

    That he could have BLINDED someone and end up serving only 45 days in prison is absolutely shocking.

    I had no idea about this history of his, I just knew him as the ex-Calvin Klein model. Never cared for his acting career, either.

  11. LOL @ Jax; I too was also thinking "Phtttttt, he was just brushing her hair."

    That said, I don't know who the hell she is though.

  12. Derek Hough comes on to all of his dance partners to get publicity for himself even though he is clearly gay. I read that he had a relationship with Shannon Elizabeth so that his band would have a place to stay until she booted him out. He seems like such a snake and a jerk. The dude can dance but I can't stand to watch him.

  13. I had forgotten about that Marky Mark incident. Thanks for the reminder!
    I wonder if Derek and his sister argue over their fame-whoring. Cheryl Cole's hotel room vs. Proactiv...

  14. I fear the devil on my left shoulder because I'm afraid if I was around Cheryl Cole for a few minutes too long I might be forced to turn her over my knee and spank her. Provided I could catch her as she'd be sprinting away from me.
