Thursday, April 08, 2010

Demi Moore Pats Herself On The Back

Demi Moore gave an interview to Elle this month and ended up discussing her favorite subject which is Demi. As usual, Demi can do no wrong when it comes to talking about herself and the things she has done. When I think of the word brave, I think of police and fire people. I think of the military. I think of a woman who has four kids and is being abused at home but goes out on her own anyway. That to me is brave. Posing for a magazine cover isn't brave. It shouldn't even be in the same ballpark. Talking about her famous naked, pregnant, Vanity Fair cover, Demi told Elle, "I was brave. I was so brave! I had no sense of the impact it would have. I just wanted to push the boundaries." Wasn't it Annie's idea? It isn't like Demi had not shown off her body before. She makes it seem like it was this all important moment in time and that women should feel empowered by what she did for all of them by posing naked on the cover. I have yet to meet a woman who says she feel empowers by that cover. "I feel proud if I have been able to make a difference in how women view themselves."


  1. Her posing like that is pretty brave, just in a different way than rescuing people from burning buildings. In my opinion.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. f people and magazines didn't keep on re-enacting that cover, it would have soon been forgotten.
    Such is the lack of imagination, that now if a woman in the later stages of pregnancy is going to be on a cover, she has to pose touching her naked belly.

  4. Demi is becoming as insufferable as Goop, in my opinion. In another of her interviews recently, she went on and on about how she sacrificed her career to take her kids out of California to raise them right....then brought them right back to LA and helped them with their own Hollywood careers. Retch.

  5. Funny, but looking back on that photo, I didn't feel empowered.

    Years later, I do remember being pregnant and looking in the mirror and seeing something that looked more like a beached whale with really bad stretch marks than a vibrant sexual woman. In retrospect, her photo kind of pisses me off, because most of us don't look like that. What's she's promoting/selling isn't attainable for the average woman. That beauty comes with money, photography wizardry, airbrushing, and a good dollop of arrogance. She's kind of turning into Goop, but instead of the newsletter, she tweets (or is that twats?).

  6. @MommaBear: Thank you for a dose of reality. I personally find your realistic assessment of yourself braver than Demi's photo which, as you point out, is mostly fantasy. Gotta love that self-created mythology!


  8. I think it was brave. As brave as pulling people out of burning fires. Maybe braver. I would love to be air brushed, even if I was pregnant.

  9. In defence of this picture, I'm going to have to say that I doubt photoshop was used in this picture considering its from 1991. Also, look how dark it is. Mostly everyone looks good in dark lighting.

  10. Well, she was the first one to do it...I remember seeing the picture and thinking it was pretty cool that she would do that. But everyone poses naked nowadays, whether asked to or not. It's how you get famous.

  11. She set the trend for nude pregnant photos. Before her, I hadn't really seen it much, and now every mommy to be I know wants at least one. I think it was pretty brave. Like Sue Ellen said, not hero brave, but brave none the less.

  12. pffff - brave ! My she loves herself doesn't she ! Brave is reserved for military wives, policemens and firemens wives. That cover did nothing to empower me - just some vain celeb who wants to make waves !

  13. It is brave to get naked on a magazine cover with all your business out there for the world to see. If anyone did that, I'd say that they were brave. That takes guts, for serious.

    Also, like Harriet said, she was the first to do it, so its iconic. Like Farrah Fawcet's nip poster, and Bo Derek's coming-out-of-the-water scene-with-cornrows.

  14. Whatever, Demi. By the way, I know a 6 year old Asian girl who was named after her.

  15. Well, I'm just glad she cleared that up. Should we just forward our thank you notes to 140 characters or less on Twitter? Is she able to answer questions in more than 140 characters or does she just stop and wait for the next question? How does that work?

    I guess it's not important. What is important is that I finally know to whom I owe my gratitude for allowing me to be feminine. It's such a relief these walls are being broken down by Demi.

  16. I'm with those who think it was brave, if not running into a burning building to rescue someone kind of brave. You have to remember that, back when this cover came out, it was scandalous to think that a pregnant woman would bare her body like this. I remember a male co-worker of mine saying, "eeww, I didn't need to say that," and my response was that I thought she was beautiful, pregnant and all. So yes, it was brave, and yes, I think it is empowering for women to be reminded that pregnancy is a beautiful thing and does not have to be something kept under wraps.

  17. ^^ whoops, the co-worker said he "didn't need to SEE that."

  18. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Just think, that was Rumer in there.

    I think it would take a lot of nerve. I remember when she did it - also when she posed nude covered in body paints. It was a milestone. Back then, pregnant women did not wear clothes that conformed to the body, they wore huge tent-like tops and skirts with holes cut in the front for the belly to stick through, you hid your belly. Now we think nothing of seeing a pregnant belly, and I get a kick out of the ones who paint their bellies like jack-o-lanterns on Halloween.

    I agree, though, with those who think the photo is misleading. Not too many of us look that good. Where are the stretch marks, the brown stripe down the middle of the stomach, the protruding navel?

  19. she was brave because she was the first actress to show her pregnant body and how a pregnant woman is really beautiful and desirable!

  20. I'm not sure 'brave' is really the correct word. Daring, yes. Clever marketing, for sure. Bold, absolutely.

    When I think of 'brave', I think of my sister. She's been an epilectic all her life, has reading and learning disabilities, was always treated 'differently' because of her problems, was married to a man who physically and mentally abused her, and now has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Yet she continues to have a positive outlook and faith that things will work out for the best. She continues to overcome whatever adversity life hands her.

    THAT'S what I think of when I think of 'brave'. Not an airbrushed picture of a naked pregnant woman on the cover of a magazine.

  21. I don't know if "brave" is the right word. I don't think posing like that is brave. I DO think it was cool of Vanity Fair to put a pregnant woman on their cover and show the world that pregnancy can be beautiful.

    My mom was amazed at how when I was pregnant (4 years ago), I'd show my stomach. I even went to South Beach 7 months pregnant in a bikini. My sister and I both wore tight shirts during her pregnancy. My mom said all her maternity clothes from the '70s looked like tents. She said in those days, people really hid pregnant bellies.

  22. Babs, I agree, your sister is brave. Kudos to her for being a survivor.

  23. Agree with alp102000.

  24. Babs, I second that kudos.

  25. Too bad you're a liar, Demi.

  26. Thanks, sunny and john. And she's grateful she's got it so good!

  27. So many other truly brave women such as Babs Sister, but Demi no way!

    Love MamaBears twats comment, that is funnier than tweets or maybe we can use twats on the twats that twitter, ala Lohan, Kardashians, Demi, etc.

  28. i think this is nitpicking. the word 'brave' can be used many different ways. you don't have to go into combat to be brave.

    frankly, i DO think it was brave. and i have no problem with her using the word.

  29. I don't like Demi Moore very much at all BUT I do agree that posing for that cover was incredibly brave.
    Firstly, and woman, I don't care how beautiful she is, is going to be insecure about the changes her body goes through during pregnancy. Secondly, Moore's career was built on her sex appeal; posing nude with the body of a MOTHER not a sex object was a huge risk and one that not many people would necessarily have had the courage to do.
    Thirdly, Enty, let's see you post a naked picture of YOUR body and then try to claim it's not brave.

  30. Lol, that should read 'any', not 'and' in the first sentence. Whoops!

  31. I would like to thank Demi Moore for making every nasty looking pregnant woman think its ok to bear her engorged belly. No, and please don't tell me it's natural or that its not nasty, because a 350 pound man with a huge stomach cannot walk around wearing something extremely tight or exposed. It looks the same. COVER IT UP.

  32. Empowered?? How, by being so insecure that you spend obscene amounts of money to have yourself frozen in time? By not being able to hold onto a marriage and then marrying a man half your age? By having your "airbrused", altered, PREGNANT, body on the cover of a magazine? Give me a break...this idiot needs to learn about being brave...and a little humility wouldn't hurt either!
