Monday, April 05, 2010

BuzzFoto Blind Item

This new dad is not getting a lot of sleep. The reason should be because he’s up all night with a new baby, but it isn’t. The reason why he’s tired all the time is because when the baby goes to bed, he goes out, leaving the mom to do all the work. While’s she’s feeding and burping, he’s stuffing bills down the g-string of his favorite strippers and drinking until dawn. The source claims he does this at least three times a week.


  1. Hank Baskett FTW

  2. I like the phrase "stuffing bills down the g-string of his favorite strippers" -- it makes the sheer quantity of bills sound astonishing. Dude, they make larger denominations! Seriously.

    The buzzphoto link leads straight to a photo of the meth-fueled threesome star Eric Dane, btw.

  3. Scott Disick
    The Kardashian baby daddy

  4. Barton- that's why I guessed him. Too obvious though?

    Just sounds like something he would do.

  5. Went to Buzzfoto for the first time and couldn't figure out why they love Kelly Bensimon so much (isn't she a reality TV nobody?). They went as far as to call her a Supermodel (really?) and an Actress (eh?).

    (Mental note: Forget minimum wage, to really make some money either make sex tape, have sex with celebrity/celebrity spouse or sell soul to reality show)

  6. I thought of Eric Dane but am leaning towards Renee's guess. We know Scott is a dog and this behavior is rite up his alley.

  7. "Dude, they make larger denominations! Seriously."

    Yes, but nothing shows appreciation like crumpled single dollar bills.

  8. I agree w/ Renee, Scott Disick.

  9. I have this terrible image of Michelle Bombshell McFection in granny panties stuffed with one-dollar bills. And it's not a pleasant image.

    As for it not being Eric Dane, I don't go to BuzzFoto enough to know if the photo and the blind are directly related or not -- I assumed they were, but you know the thing about assumptions: when you make an assumption, you make an ass out of u and umption.

    And yeah, Kelly? Biggest star ever? What are they on about?

  10. If it was a gay strip bar I'd say Scott Disick.

    But since it's girls, my guess is Eric Dane.

  11. john, I've been thinking of ways to get out of this job of mine ...

  12. Scott Disick came immediately to mind. He seems VERY likely to do this. He SO did not want this baby. Come to think of it, why did SHE??

    Are there seriously gay rumors about him though?

  13. Does anyone REALLY believe that Scott is Kourtneys baby daddy?

    He is just the keeper of the secret, thats why he gets away with murder. Otherwise Kris would have had his ass deported to Camroon for getting in the way of money.

    I doubt she knows who the father is.

    I think he is the jerk in this blind, so unaffected.

  14. I dunno, but I just back from my brother's house where he cheerfully got up early each morning for the last couple of days and fed and diapered his two youngest while letting his wife sleep in (and made/administered the last bottle to baby #2 each night), and I have to think... WHAT A PIG "new dad" is.

  15. Oh, BTW, my brother does this all the time; not just on holiday weekends.

  16. yeah, thank God that dude isn't my husband. Sheesh. Funnily enough, I though of what's-his-name, Nicole Ritchie's baby daddy.

  17. not eric dane...wouldn't rebecca be right there w/ him? so disick ftw.

  18. regardless of who it is, I think that Enty should declare this site a "no kardashian" zone. they are just a bunch of fame whores who have done nothing in their life except fame whoring.

  19. Patrick Bateman's Kardashian?

  20. I don't think Rebecca would stay home by herself with the baby. She would be out having some fun herself, running over small children and such. I am going with the Scott Disick guess.

  21. Well .. since they normally say it is NOT Freddie Prinze, Jr and SMG .. I will go FOR Freddie and SMG. Ha! Ha!! It's the old reverse psychology, kids!! ;)

    Seriously though .. Eric Dane wouldn't surprise me. Scuzzball .. then again .. his bride ain't no winner either!

  22. Ben Affleck, just for nostalgia's sake.

  23. My bet is Jan Michael Vincent.

  24. @Goodgrief-good point about Rebecca. She'd be right there.

    I always thought Scott Disick was just a cover for Kourtney, anyway. You all KNOW he did not come within 5 feet of that hosebeast anytime recently. It's a cover and that's why he gets away wit hfucking MURDER
